wyldfire 5 years ago

Relevant articles: Liskov substitution principle [1], Liskov [2].

Transcripts of the video for folks who want to learn more about Dr Liskov but don't want to sit through the video [3].

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liskov_substitution_principle

[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barbara_Liskov

[3] https://pastebin.com/ccP5wpAq

  • mattferderer 5 years ago

    I found the video enjoyable. She is unfortunately left off the list of female computer scientists worth mentioning far to often it seems in graphics, t-shirts, stickers, etc..

lolc 5 years ago

Just this morning on the train I read "On the Criteria To Be Used in Decomposing Systems into Modules" by D.L. Parnas (1972). And then on the same day I get Barbara Liskov telling me how it was back in those days figuring all of this out!

I much enjoyed the tour of how these foundations came together. The funniest part was where she classifies the Liskov-Principle as just that intuitive rule meant to help the OO people which were confused about type hierarchy. The hard things don't seem so hard once you've understood them.