phillc73 5 years ago

After initial transportation failures, sealed terrariums were used by Robert Fortune to send stolen tea seedlings from China to India,[1] thus helping the British to break the nineteenth Century Chinese monopoly on tea production.


  • AKifer 5 years ago

    That same old war, even today.

  • jimktrains2 5 years ago

    Why were sealed terrariums needed?

  • _Codemonkeyism 5 years ago

    Funny wording to use "break" for IP theft, it looks different when the British do it compared to when the Chinese do it, doesn't it?

    • lagadu 5 years ago

      The concept of IP didn't exist back then plus he did say the seeds were stolen.

      • inflatableDodo 5 years ago

        In 1848? It most certainly did. First modern patent is probably the system in Florence in the 1400's, but versions of the concept date back to 500BC. First US patent was 1790.

    • unityByFreedom 5 years ago

      Even patents/copyright are eventually broken.

      IP rights are an exchange of temporary protection for ideas and implementation, in order to encourage both innovation and disclosure.

    • julienreszka 5 years ago

      There's a difference between ressources and IP.

      • sudhirj 5 years ago

        Not for cultured saplings. A plant growing in the forest is a resource, a carefully bred strain cultured over hundreds or thousands of years is nationalized IP.

        • markdown 5 years ago

          > a carefully bred strain cultured over hundreds or thousands of years is nationalized IP

          Is that just your opinion, or is there an internationally accepted legal framework around that? Could you perhaps post a link where I might learn more?

          • sudhirj 5 years ago

            Just opinion... this kind of theft predates current law, though. Think of the silkworm smugglers [1] as well. Some crops an agri/zoo cultures were considered strategic resources and tightly controlled by the state. No idea what current international law says about stuff like this.


          • whenchamenia 5 years ago

            It was the prevailing opinion at the time, and many compnies, some state-owned, have and do own patents on plants and their derivitive compounds. While its possible laws and treaties existed then, I am unaware of, I understand it was a literal trade secret, that had been stolen. It would not be hard to interpret that as theft (literal; of seedlings, or monetary; by damages) regardless of precedent. I know contries are still very protective.

      • nitrogen 5 years ago

        Is there? We patent plants on one hand and on the other use raw ideas as a resource to build virtual and financial empires.

      • dirktheman 5 years ago

        I'm pretty certain Monsanto disagrees with that statement.

      • Kaiyou 5 years ago

        The lines get real blurry with GMO.

      • _Codemonkeyism 5 years ago

        Is there? If I steal a prototype from a company or tea saplings and ruin the companies business? If there is any it looks very superficial to me.

        • sampo 5 years ago

          People don't generally know much about plant breeding, so they have no appreciation for it. They think almost production-ready lineages just grow out there, god-given to the humankind. They don't realize there can be 10s or 100s of years R&D work behind a cultivar.

    • ibeckermayer 5 years ago

      You can’t steal something that’s not legitimately your property. IP isn’t a justified legal concept, it’s a form of illegitimate regulation used by corporations to cement monopolies and threaten the competition with legistlation

      • function_seven 5 years ago

        How do tangible property rights differ?

        • p1necone 5 years ago

          If you take someones intellectual property, they still have it too. If you take someones tangible property they don't have it anymore.

          • shawnz 5 years ago

            If you take somebody else's opportunity to monitize their ideas, then they don't have it anymore

        • ibeckermayer 5 years ago

          Property is physically defined, and is justified as an extension of actions (I have a right to think for myself, therefore act on my own thoughts, therefore shouldn't be interfered with. I am taking the action of "storing this object I made" (for example), so to steal it is to infringe on my action is to infringe on my right to think for myself is to infringe on my rights).

          "Intellectual property" is a bad analogy to physical property, isn't justified by such a chain of reasoning, and in fact the IP enforcers are infringing on the rights of the second inventor (or in our mess of a legal system, the person who failed to file papers with the government first).

bjackman 5 years ago

I wonder if part of what makes it work is luck of the draw wrt. the microbial life that was present at the start. You need stuff that will break down the dead plants at a good enough rate but nothing that competes for resources or produces anything toxic to the plant. Or maybe that's a typical microbial makeup for sample of gardener's compost?

  • psadri 5 years ago

    I tried this myself and can attest that it worked for at least one year. I basically grabbed some dirt + a ground cover type plant + some water and sealed it in a large glass bottle (1 gallon glass milk jugs work too). So I don’t think you have to be that lucky.

  • comboy 5 years ago

    Negative feedback loops?

  • vvdcect 5 years ago

    Yeah I don't know if you noticed the white patch on the lower part of the terrarium, that to me looks like a mix of the plants root system and mycorrhizal fungi, so there should have been microbes present within the soil when it was first planted.

    • jandrese 5 years ago

      There would have to be microbes in the soil breaking it down and releasing CO2 so the plant could get its carbon.

oarfish 5 years ago

> In fact, more than a century has passed and David’s sealed bottle garden is still thriving and robust as can be.

I'm not sure the author knows what a century is.

  • noonespecial 5 years ago

    53 Years. Almost certainly meant to include the word "half".

    • 14 5 years ago

      That is a much better theory then mine that AI wrote the article and just messed up a couple details.

  • fxleach 5 years ago

    Came here to say that as well.

chadcmulligan 5 years ago

Any one know what sort of jar that is? and/or where to buy one?

Edit: its called a demijohn if anyone else was curious, used for making wine

  • pbhjpbhj 5 years ago

    They're also called, or very similar to, "carboys". Google says they're called "jimmy johns" in USA, but I've no knowledge of that.

    • mohaine 5 years ago

      demijohn are a bottle in a wicker wrapping. Once you get to large glass bottles like this breakage is real issue so it makes sense to wrap them so they can be moved with less chance of breakage. Note that if you do build one of these, be VERY careful moving them as they can break with a small slip and the large pieces of glass can easily cut tendons, leading to lots of long term issues.

    • kaikai 5 years ago

      They're also called carboys in the US. Nice brewing shops will have a variety of sizes and shapes to choose from.

  • Insanity 5 years ago

    Thanks! I was curious about that myself. They seem quite pretty and a nice size for an 'experiment' like this.

audiometry 5 years ago

Are there any canonical guides to building a jar-rarium? Lots of crappy YouTube videos but nothing very thorough and complete.

AKifer 5 years ago

Did anyone try introduce an animal in such a closed system, insects for instance. Does it self sustain ?

  • m-i-l 5 years ago

    I saw a shop selling these once: . They contain small marine shrimp, and "The only care the sphere requires is a source of indirect natural or artificial light" and they "have an average life expectancy of 2-3 years however it is not uncommon for them to survive for 7 to 10 years"[0].


    • munificent 5 years ago

      If you read up on this, you'll find a lot of not-very-nice things said about ecospheres.

      The shrimp inside are ʻōpaeʻula [0] which evolved to live in volcanic tide pools filled by rainwater. Sort of a feast or famine environment where the salinity and nutrients available are very volatile. Because of that, the shrimp have evolved to handle a wide range of temperatures, salinity, and scarcity of food.

      The latter means they can go surprisingly long without sufficient food without realizing it. In other words, there's a good chance (according to some) that the shrimp in your ecosphere are actually slowly starving to death and aren't in anything approaching a stable ecosystem.

      (Also, they aren't brine shrimp, which are an entirely different class of animal.)


      • m-i-l 5 years ago

        Thanks for this. I wasn't too keen on them to be honest because they reminded me of little fleas jumping around. But it is sad to read "These shrimp are social creatures, but the Ecosphere starts with only four (often less, with one or more dead on arrival), and eventually only a single one is left to swim around alone, perhaps for years"[0]. I had assumed that they would reproduce within the ecosystem, but apparently not.


    • QuercusMax 5 years ago

      I have one of these sitting on the table right in front of me. We've had it for a couple months, and the brine shrimp are swimming around happily still. I figure it has a 50-50 chance of being broken by my kids before the shrimp die.

  • grey413 5 years ago

    It's pretty normal to introduce springtails (small arthropods) to sealed terrariums. Their main purpose is to to eat mold, but they presumably also help with the carbon cycle.

  • jedberg 5 years ago

    Yeah, my brother did this. He made a self sustaining garden with some bugs in it. The bugs eventually stopped reproducing, possibly because of inbreeding? The plants lasted quite a while until my parents moved and couldn't take it with them.

julienreszka 5 years ago

I just don't think there is enough evidence to believe his story.

  • nkrisc 5 years ago

    Based on my layman knowledge of the relevant scientific fields here, it certainly seems plausible. He's not claiming anything that extraordinary. The stakes are also incredibly low, it's not like he's lying about his achievement to get some kind of grant.

  • reaperducer 5 years ago

    People have been building terraria for centuries. You can buy all shapes and sizes in stores, some with fish. Though the fish ones probably don't last after the fish dies.

    Gardening is one of the many areas of life where the best information and the bulk of information is offline.

    • munificent 5 years ago

      Terminology pedantry since I recently got in "jarrariums" and have been reading a bunch...

      Most terraria are not sealed, so while we've been making them forever, that doesn't say much about the viability of sealed ones. As far as I know, research into closed ecosystems didn't start until the 20th century.

      If it has fish in it, it's not a terrarium. Terraria are land-based (hence the name). Think garden in a box. The main thing a terrarium gives you over simply potting some plants is that it can increase the local humidity. Also, you can have animals in it (usually invertebrates that eat detritus), which helps it be lower-maintainance.

      If it's full of water, it's an aquarium (again hence the name). Most aquaria today don't have living plants and only have animals. That requires mechanical filtration and oxygenation to replicate the side of the ecosystem that plants normally occupy. A "planted tank" is an aquarium with live plants in it. When balanced well, they can be lower maintainance because the plants and animals provide things the other need.

      If the box is half-submerged with both aquatic and land-based life, it's a "paludarium".

    • TremendousJudge 5 years ago

      >Gardening is one of the many areas of life where the best information and the bulk of information is offline.

      I've come to realize this is true, but why?

      • freeflight 5 years ago

        Gardening/farming is pretty much as far removed from the urban, heavily tech-influenced lifestyle most netizens live in as it can be.

        But imho this is about to change, lots of people burning out on the rapid cycles and inherent unsustainability of living the "always online city lifestyle" and thus looking for ways to escape to something more natural in the form of gardening or even farming.

  • jedimastert 5 years ago

    I mean, sealed terrariums are and have been a known thing for a long time. If you look more into it, 50 years doesn't seem all that implausible. To me, the most amazing part is keeping something around for that long.

  • whenchamenia 5 years ago

    You are correct, but there is very little incentive to lie. Maybe a helpful family member watered it a few times and never mentioned it. The concept does at least work for a few years as many sources can confirm, and the story is firmly in the plausible range imho. But in typical fashion, the data is scant and maybe contradictory.

    The point on HN seems to be; the takeaway, arguing grammar/numbers/journalistic standard, and cooler-topics recently, and this has all 3. (Hyperbolic comments too, in case the /s is not autodetected by the content-bot mentality)

    • onemoresoop 5 years ago

      Why would anyone need to water it? Am I missing something? This is sealed like other terrariums, the water recycles, it has nowhere to escape (unless the plug is poorly sealed). Probably the first time it was opened in 1972 to be watered was because the water level wasn't high enough from the beginning.

      • jandrese 5 years ago

        I was wondering if the seal failed in the 70s and allowed it to dry out. So he added water and improved the seal so it wouldn't happen again.

      • nkrisc 5 years ago

        Because someone who doesn't know better might think it needs to be opened and watered.

        • pvaldes 5 years ago

          Because biological growth increases the number of cells, and more cells need more water to survive than less cells.

          • onemoresoop 5 years ago

            Interesting thought, but in this case, simplistically put, the water, a limited resource, is the food for the cells. The population will grow until no more food is present and will reach balance in the eco-system. And the cells that die recycle back into the system

            • pvaldes 5 years ago

              And then the sealed garden would have a lot of dry tissue that for some reason can't be seen in the photo, or traces of fungus decay. The other option is that somebody is cleaning it even if does not water it, and in the process is inadvertently watering it

              If the garden is opened sometimes or the cork is loose, new water will enter by gass difussion until reaching an equilibrium. So a garden is either fully sealed, or watered.

              Many plants are able to drink 'mist'. Some even only drink mist in their entire life.

          • nkrisc 5 years ago

            Yes, and then what happens when they don't get more water?

            • pvaldes 5 years ago

              In this species in particular, first the leaves die, then stems shrink until a fraction of their former diameter, then split in segments and collapse. Each segment emits roots and leaves later.

hairytrog 5 years ago

I'm thinking we each make our own little ecosystem, maybe a half an acre would be enough. Maybe make it double walled, just in case, and then say screw it to everyone else as climate change and various other big things occur on the outside.

  • wongarsu 5 years ago

    You might be interested in Biosphere 2 [1], a 3 acre hermetically sealed dome stucture designed to house about 8 people with an ecosystem to provide them with everything they need to survive.

    They didn't quite get oxygen and food production to the required level, but if you add another acre or so it should work. With renewed interest in moon and mars colonies somebody is bound to revive that line of research.


    • zeristor 5 years ago

      The first experiment was hampered by them not realising the cement needed CO2 to cure, to be honest I would have halted the experiment to find out what the issue was then restarted it. Although they might not have realised this at the time, but then they weren't really testing a proper closed system.

      It would have been useful if they were able to test a closed system without the cement sucking up the CO2.

      • PorterDuff 5 years ago

        On the restarting, I completely agree. You'd need to restart the whole thing multiple times as your knowledge increased. Maybe somebody else is doing large scale closed system human habitats, but I haven't heard of any.

        edit: A bit of googling led me to the Russian one and some books on the problem generally. It sounds like a great speciality but probably hard to get a gig in.

        If I had a multi-decade old terrarium, I'd be darn tempted to think of sensors you could stick in there and see if there's some sort of cycle going on.

      • tgb 5 years ago

        Isn't cement a major CO2 emitter?

        • ch4s3 5 years ago

          The production of cement is, but curing cement fixes CO2. It just doesn't fix enough to offset the production.

    • adrianN 5 years ago

      If you want similar projects that weren't influenced by Hippy culture to try and emulate a complex system that nobody really understands you should look into the stuff the Soviet Union did. For example is much more interesting imho. Looking into the minimum number of species you need for sustainability and not being afraid of using technology to augment the system is the better way for reaching truly closed systems.

    • jldugger 5 years ago

      TIL Steve Bannon was a director of that Biosphere, if only briefly.

  • m-i-l 5 years ago

    I've a vague fantasy about returning to the remote Scottish island where I was born, which is pretty windswept with almost no trees, and building a house and garden inside a large Solar Dome, growing trees and plants that otherwise wouldn't survive in such a hostile environment. Apparently it has been done to some extent[0]. Side note - they discovered in the Biosphere 2 that trees need some wind, because the stress helps form reaction wood to strengthen the tree[1].



  • p1necone 5 years ago

    The gun turrets on the roof that keep away the roaming marauders need to be self sustaining too.

    • saagarjha 5 years ago

      Take a leaf from the book of Plants vs. Zombies and grow your own defense system!

    • ralphstodomingo 5 years ago

      We can make a supply chain that runs through these double walls underground, passing ammunition and other stuff.

    • sasaf5 5 years ago

      Maybe lasers then?

      • TeMPOraL 5 years ago

        What if the optics get damaged? What lasing medium are you using and what if it leaks?

        For long-term defense systems, I'd try to go as low-tech as possible. Every bit of technology of the past 300 years is tied to a rather large manufacturing & supply chain. If your turret has μC in it, where will you get a new one if the marauders happen to score a lucky shot?

        • colechristensen 5 years ago

          You can reshape the question into how small could you make a microcontroller fabricator which can produce all of the electronics within itself? One square mile to one square foot - it seems likely that the best possible is within that range. How well could it be optimized?

  • stephen_g 5 years ago

    It would get too hot in most places, I think. Glass, especially if double walled, stops the heat getting out, but most of the heat from the sun will be able to get in (as infra-red). So you'd need supporting systems (i.e. air conditioning) outside.

    • p1necone 5 years ago

      Local warming is a myth, the dome is just going through a natural cycle of warming and cooling!

    • klingonopera 5 years ago

      AFAIK, at a certain depth below ground-level, the temperature is constant all-year-round. Something like that in two meters the ground is constantly around 14°C or something like that. basically all you'd need to do is just dig a hole, put a bunch of metal pipes inside, seal it all up and run cooling water through and couple it to a closed-loop temperature control and you're done.

      The idea is from an article from from the mid-2000s, about a dude who built his own water-cooling system and wanted a more efficient radiator. Not sure if I can find it again...

      • nitrogen 5 years ago

        Or just use a commercially available heat pump.

  • pugworthy 5 years ago

    Have you ever watched Silent Running?

    • koolba 5 years ago

      Have you ever watched Biodome?

      • pugworthy 5 years ago

        Movies from 1972 vs 1996? I'll take the ecological classic that is a bit more in line with the OC's post.

        Silent Running was very much an ecological and social statement about humanity and the Earth. I cried when Lewie was gone, and felt bad for Dewey.

        • boomlinde 5 years ago

          I was impressed with their movement and long after seeing the film for the first time learned that they were played by double amputee actors

        • Angostura 5 years ago

          I remember blubbing as a kid when I first watched silent running - for the same reasons.

          • kwhitefoot 5 years ago

            Was probably in my early twenties when I saw it first, saw it again twenty years later, still had the same impact.

            Let's hope it won't be needed.

Doubl 5 years ago

I wonder what other life forms are inside that jar apart from the plant. Is the tiny sealed world a paradise or a hell for them?

  • Doubl 5 years ago

    They should call it the Sentinelese jar in honour of that equally green, sealed island

  • jandrese 5 years ago

    It's just dirt to the microbes in there.

pvaldes 5 years ago

I'm sceptical about the sealed part.

Anybody having Tradescantia fluminensis knows that is a very easy plant to grow. It stores water in its stems so is relatively dry resistant, but it grows unlimited unless you clip it. So either there is some kind of autoprune system in the bottle, or somebody is opening the seal and clipping it. In that case there is a external source of water in the air in form of vapor.

> Did anyone try introduce an animal in such a closed system, insects for instance. Does it self sustain?

Unlikely with this species. Most animals are unable to eat it. In any case this is closer to a monoculture than to a real ecosystem between one plant and some fungus (needed to remove the dry parts and stems if we assume that there is not human intervention to clean the surplus).

  • kaikai 5 years ago

    I have several terrariums and the plants self-limit when they hit the glass. I have never needed to prune or trim them. When they get too dense they start dying back from moisture issues, and it self-regulates into a pretty stable loop.

  • goda90 5 years ago

    Does someone need to clip it if it runs into glass?

tombozi 5 years ago

It's not a miracle, it's self-sustaining. Mine has been going strong for 1+ year now. I got it here:

  • weberc2 5 years ago

    Would be interesting to study the evolution of the organisms contained therein over very long timescales.

oftenwrong 5 years ago

Can plants be used to clean pollutants from the atmosphere in a space station?

Maybe not:

  • nitrogen 5 years ago

    It seems like as a rough approximation your plants would need to grow at least as much biomass as you eat every day.

    • jacobush 5 years ago

      "Space in space" is cramped only because we put up too small living quarters. But an inflatable balloon only for growing things in it need not be especially rigid or robust. It wouldn't even have to be rigidly fixed to the living quarters, it could float a bit to the side connected only by flexible tubing.

      • fox8091 5 years ago

        That's not really true thanks to micrometeors. They'd have it ripped to shreds, and if it was connected to the main habitation units, would remove the air from there too.

        • logfromblammo 5 years ago

          I think I'd take inspiration from the sandstone fortifications I saw in Florida as a kid, that stopped cannonballs by basically eating them whole with a super-thick barrier of soft sandstone.

          Cook up aerogel panels 1m thick, and layer them over your inflatable shell. The panels would still be translucent to sunlight, although it would scatter significantly. Micrometeorites would plow into the aerogel, making micro-tunnels in it until the kinetic energy dissipates. The micrometeorites would then remain embedded in the panels. Larger impacts could still plow through the panels completely, to breach the inflatable envelope, but those are more easily tracked and avoided. Panels that get too shredded can be replaced, and the micrometeorites harvested from them for study.

ehnto 5 years ago

Cody's Lab recently put together a sealed terrarium meant to emulate the conditions of the Carboniferous period, and although it's going to be slow going I am still excited to see how it progresses.

stcredzero 5 years ago

There should be more funding and research on self contained, or nearly self contained ecosystems. The cost is modest on the larger scheme of things, but the potential benefits in the next half century could well be tremendous. Also, doing such research here on Earth may well save the lives of many pioneers in the coming decades.

yitchelle 5 years ago

If there was a plant that is not green, would it have last as long? Just wondering if the photosynthesis is only exclusive to green plants.

  • rolleiflex 5 years ago

    There is nothing specific about green. Chlorophyll A and Chlorophyll B have different absorption spectrums. Depending on the specific combination of those two, the plants can appear in a different colours.

    There are other pigments that cannot photosynthesise on their own, but can pass the energy to chlorophyll to react, as well. So while green usually means photosynthesis, absence of green does not mean absence thereof.

  • YayamiOmate 5 years ago

    What other plants are there? Photosynthesis is performed in/by chlorophyll which is green, so it's hard to not be green.

    There is a puprle earth hypothesis and Haloarchaea, which is based on witamin A related molecule for photosythesis, but those are not classified as plants.

    The current theory for inception of plants is that one cell captured another chlorophyllic one and created symbiotic organism, which later evolved into multicelluar plants. So by definition plants should be green for phototrophy ("feeding on light"), until it would somehow evolved chlorophyllic cells, but ot seems they are older than plantae themselves.

    Btw. similar theory exists for mitochondria and eukaryota, that's why we speak of my mitochondrial DNA.

  • ainiriand 5 years ago

    It is not exclusive to green plants. You can see the cercis canadensis for example, not sure how it is done though.

tempodox 5 years ago

I have to try this. Maybe I'll finally get a plant to survive longer than a year in my burrow.

  • pvaldes 5 years ago

    Everything can be learned, and everybody can culture a plant but only a few can culture any plant. Maybe you need just some orientation.

Nanocurrency 5 years ago

Definitely adding this to my DIY list. I need to build myself a terrarium now!

  • pvaldes 5 years ago

    Is not so easy and stable as you could think. The trick there is in the species, that is a survivor, clonates itself from tiny fragments and is invasive.

chrismeller 5 years ago

So then I’m the only one who did this in elementary school, then?

Soil from the yard, a couple of plant clippings, water... and seal it. I find it kind of surprising how excited the comments here are when 7 year olds around the world have done this same experiment.

  • sophacles 5 years ago

    I think the point isn't "look new terrarium tech was just invented". I think it's "this terrarium lasted 47 year sealed".

    Given that the terrarium guides I could find with a quick google suggest opening the vessel for gas exchange and fresh water every 4-8 weeks (depending on guide and plant type), the 2444 weeks reported here seems to be a long time.

    • chrismeller 5 years ago

      Admittedly I’ve never done any research into it, but I’ve never heard anything of the sort. Close it up and see how long it lasts. I know that mine lasted for well over a year before my mom finally demanded we toss it because she was tired of it taking up space.

      Honestly, it’s just a small Biosphere. I don’t really understand why you would expect one to work and the other not to.

      • toss1 5 years ago

        Because as the time is extended, the possibility for things to get critically out of balance increases, possibly exponentially.

        This is not merely sitting a coated steel bar on your shelf and expecting it to not rust. It is a highly dynamic cycle of multiple feedback loops and organizims, especially the soil microbiota. Any of it goes off, and the whole thing could collapse, and it could take a long time for that to go critical.

        In this very example, he presumably determined tha tit needed water after several years, but added enough to balance to system so it lasted in a sealed condition for 47 more years.

lqet 5 years ago

Very cool! However, I found this remark strange:

> some like Bob Flowerdew (organic gardener) thinks that “It’s wonderful but not for me, thanks. I can’t see the point. I can’t smell it, I can’t eat it,”.

What kind of an argument is that?

  • iainmerrick 5 years ago

    Not an argument at all, but a discussion of taste?

    I think it’s quite clear. As a gardener, who values close contact and interaction with plants, he doesn’t see the point of plants that are permanently behind glass.

drinane 5 years ago

It would be cool if that was for an apartment

wallace_f 5 years ago

>more than a century has passed and David’s sealed bottle garden is still thriving and robust as can be. With thriving plant life, despite not watering it since 1972.

>David planted the terrarium back in 1960

I'm so annoyed by the above. Is this article written in 2060?

  • V-2 5 years ago

    Pretty sure they meant "more than half a century".

  • chrismbarr 5 years ago

    I also re-read this several times trying to make sense of it. I kept looking for a early 1900's date somewhere I must have missed...

  • logfromblammo 5 years ago

    > "The Sealed Garden That Was Only Watered Once in 53 Years"

    > "In 1960 David Latimer got curious and decided to plant a glass bottle with seed."

    > "Posted on March 22, 2017 by Davin"

    1960 + 53 = 2013

    They have apparently had 4 years to find and catch the "century" error prior to posting, and another 2 years since.

    I can't tell if there was any cheating, because the article does not specify how much compost was placed in the bottle initially, or its composition. So I can't estimate whether there's actually enough carbon or water in the bottle to support the visible amount of living plant mass. He should have measured the mass of the whole thing in 1960, and at least once per year thereafter, so he could show that the total mass remained the same.

  • stcredzero 5 years ago

    He has the right look. Perhaps he's a Time Lord?

bloudermilk 5 years ago

> In fact, more than a century has passed and David’s sealed bottle garden is still thriving and robust as can be. With thriving plant life, despite not watering it since 1972.

"more than half a century" ?

  • ghayes 5 years ago

    The original terrarium was constructed and sealed in 1960, according to the article, and only watered since then once, in 1972.

    • nemasu 5 years ago

      I'm still confused, a century is 100 years right? 1960 + 100 = 2060. Am I missing something?

      • rangibaby 5 years ago

        What's half of 100?

        /EDIT nvm, I got confused. I guess whoever wrote the article did too

        • nemasu 5 years ago

          50, is that relevant? The article doesn't say half.

    • bryanrasmussen 5 years ago

      right, which is what the parent comment was pointing out. The article says more than a century has passed, the parent comment says more than half a century with half emphasized to show that is what the article should obviously say.

Jennie478 5 years ago

Even you can't believe there is a hen in world's biggest animals See the video how they looks and what they do

Very funny dog using toilet Try to control your laugh

Cute dog doing exercise like humans

Funny gorilla acting like humans see his video on link below

Best way to get rid from dark spots on face just follow this

Funny panda is playing with friends they are sho cute

libria 5 years ago


  • dang 5 years ago

    Thanks! Added.

Doubl 5 years ago

I wonder if they're are any plastics in there

JoeAltmaier 5 years ago

Seen this before. Simplest answer: don't believe it. That cork in the top looks new. And very, very removable.

And if you still want to believe it, without evidence, then I have some property in Florida to sell you.

  • reaperducer 5 years ago

    There's several hundred years of evidence in the real world. Millions of similar terraria have been built around the world for centuries.

    The real reason this one is newsworthy is because nobody knocked it off the table and shattered it in 50 years.

    • JoeAltmaier 5 years ago

      ooooorrrrr...they've all been opened. None of them lasted as long as they say. Because none of them are secure.

  • pvaldes 5 years ago

    Agree with the cork part. Looks pretty new and loose.

    Tradescantia is not growth from seeds, so I assume also that the first seeds had died or survived for some years and Tradescantia was added later, maybe in 1972.