viebel 5 years ago

This book is my attempt to make Clojure more accessible for newcomers.

The book teaches at a digestible pace the syntax and the main concepts of the language.

This is part of a "Get Programming" series by Manning, which means that the reader is guided from concrete to abstract until the ideas are fully integrated.

The book is organised in Units where each Unit is made of 2 to 4 Lessons. Another aspect of the pragmatic approach:

- Lots of code snippets in each Lesson

- Several exercises at the end of each Lesson

- A Capstone Project at the end of each Unit

The book is in MEAP (Manning Early Access Program) stage which means that for now only the digital version is available and 5 out of 16 Units are published. (When a new Unit is published, the reader gets notified.)

Hopefully you'd find interest in this book whether you are a Clojure beginner and want to learn the basics of Clojure in a structured way or a Clojure experienced developer and want to help your friends or teammates in their Clojure journey.

I am very interested in hearing comments (in particular improvement suggestions) both about the approach and the realisation.