wlkr 5 years ago

I've not used Coq for some time but previously toyed around with ProofWeb [0] which is a web interface to server side Coq. This seems like a much better approach and highly active.

[0]: http://proofweb.cs.ru.nl/

xvilka 5 years ago

Coq 8.11 is going to be interesting - they merged ltac2 into the main tree and working hard on better integration. Coq 8.10 will finally come with CoqIDE GTK 3 port.

  • ocfnash 5 years ago
    • jeremysalwen 5 years ago

      I am familiar with the basics of coq. What does the new SProp sort do? I couldn't understand the docs.

      • cvoss 5 years ago

        Were you able to find this doc [0]? As best I understand it, a Prop P has as many inhabitants as there are proofs of P, whereas an SProp S has at most one inhabitant, according to whether it is true or not. All proofs of S are declared to be "the same". (Convertible is the word they use.)

        [0] https://coq.github.io/doc/v8.10/refman/addendum/sprop.html

        • ocfnash 5 years ago

          Right; indeed they have _definitionally_ at most one inhabitant. Swiping the following spec from the page you link:

            Definition irrelevance (A:SProp) (P:A -> Prop) (x:A) (v:P x) (y:A) : P y := v.
          the point is that `irrelevance` consumes an inhabitant `v` of the Prop `P x` and is supposed to "return" an inhabitant of the Prop `P y`. A priori `P x` and `P y` are different types but since `x` and `y` are both inhabitants of a type whose sort is `SProp`, they are definitionally equal and so `v` is definitionally a valid inhabitant of `P y`. This justifies the implementation of `irrelevance` as `v`.

          I can imagine some other illustrative examples but I think I'll wait till I've played with SProp to confirm I'm not barking up the wrong end of the stick.

Gajurgensen 5 years ago

This is great! It's not going to replace proof general + (evil mode) emacs for me, but this would be a great way to introduce people to Coq without worrying about installation.

imranq 5 years ago

What’s the purpose of automated theorem provers? Seems to take the fun out of proofs

  • brohee 5 years ago
    • imranq 5 years ago

      Thanks, I'd imagine an extremely small number of proofs could be verified this way

  • pliftkl 5 years ago

    While coq is an automated theorem prover, I've had a tremendous amount of fun working my way through Software Foundations[1]. The vast majority of the proofs are assembled "by hand", but with coq verifying steps. For someone like me who has a "late in life" fascination with mathematics, doing proofs using coq has been fantastic.

    [1] https://softwarefoundations.cis.upenn.edu/

  • cvoss 5 years ago

    There's an important distinction (spectrum?) between automated theorem provers and proof assistants. Coq is a proof assistant, which means that any automation is there to try to help the programmer by clearing away the tedious parts and leaving only the creative, fun parts. At the end of the day, it's still a human writing a proof. Afterward, Coq ultimately verifies the proof's integrity, which is an easy mechanical operation.

mrcactu5 5 years ago

i've always wondered how web and functional programming interact. there's, for example TypeScript and Elm. These are not designed for mathematical proofs.

https://www.typescriptlang.org/ https://elm-lang.org/

7373737373 5 years ago

I'd love to see an explanation of the runtime state/evaluation process of a Coq proof.

chewxy 5 years ago

Is it supposed to take so long to load coq base (~ 5min)?

All I did was Require Import List Omega. and I am now stuck in package loading.

EDIT: From Coq Require Import List Omega. works. Database for hints not loaded? Can't seem to get eauto to work

  • jmgrosen 5 years ago

    It all seems very fast for me. I also see no problems with hint databases... maybe check the JS console for errors?

    • chewxy 5 years ago

      Side effect of living in Australia when every neighbour is netflixing. I discovered my network was dropping out very frequently.

NotAnEconomist 5 years ago

Does this mean we can have a TypeScript binding to Coq?

mmmonkey21 5 years ago

I can't load it, must be my Coq blocker...

spork12 5 years ago

We could all use some more Coq in our life.

jnordwick 5 years ago

Sorry to be the 15 year old, but could they have not chosen a better name?

Preemptively yes ive read the history of the name, but i doubt they didn't know the homophone.

The puns write themselves: More. Coq in Your Browser

  • leoc 5 years ago

    > Preemptively yes ive read the history of the name, but i doubt they didn't know the homophone.

    Oh, from what I've heard, on pretty good authority, it was far from an accident. Apparently the French meaning of 'bit' is part of the backstory.

    • valw 5 years ago

      As a Frenchman, can confirm that the French homonym to 'bit' is the english homonym to 'Coq' ;)

      • umanwizard 5 years ago

        English “bit” is not pronounced like French “bite”.

        The vowels in “bit” and “beat” (or “shit” and “sheet”, or “bitch” and “beach”, etc.), sound completely different to native English speakers. The latter is closer to French “bite”. The former does not exist in standard European French.

  • Tade0 5 years ago

    The French have, in my opinion, overall a much healthier approach to sexuality than say, the British or Americans and I think there's much we can learn from them.

    • jdonaldson 5 years ago

      I don't really think it matters what the origin of the name is any more. The NIPS ML conference changed its name to NeurIPS, Mozilla spent $15K getting rid of the word "slave" in its repos. I personally don't believe this phenomenon is about sexuality per se. It's more of a never ending battle to remove all (real or perceived) traumatizing words from professional use, in the interest of inclusivity.

      • Rapzid 5 years ago

        In the name of inclusivity.

        There was a huge outrage epidemic over the past decade. Video games journalism was in a very dark place for a while as one example. The drive by "code of conduct" assaults on Github projects as another. Mainstream news orgs cashing in on, and a whole new generation of blogger/vloggers riding a tide of outrage porn. Interesting times.

        • Causality1 5 years ago

          Was? In my opinion it's still going on; they've just gotten better at dogpiling anyone who calls attention to it.

          • Rapzid 5 years ago

            Fair. I feel like some of the communities finally found their voice and their patience for extremism peaked a couple/few years back but.. I also went from consuming most games journalism to barely reading any, so perhaps I'm just not exposed to the drama anymore. Seem to be a lot less drama in the OSS/software world though.

            John Cleese vs Extremism seems relevant: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLNhPMQnWu4

            • Causality1 5 years ago

              Yeah, but the thing about drama is that for it to be drama there has to be someone saying "No, this behavior is not ok." Those voices have largely been silenced and the behavior proceeds apace.

  • oh_sigh 5 years ago

    Do you blush when ordering coq au vin in a restaurant?

  • AgentME 5 years ago

    I'm surprised to have seen this flagged and dead when it's generally one of the top comments on anything to do with CockroachDB (which I think is a very normal name in comparison).

    I'd feel weird about suggesting a tool at work called "vaj" or "tits" too. Feels a little much like encouraging a "boy's club" clique-y kind of atmosphere.

    • umanwizard 5 years ago

      Coq is not pronounced like the English word “cock”. It also has no sexual or vulgar connotation whatsoever, and is just the standard French word for “rooster”.

      • AgentME 5 years ago

        >Coq is not pronounced like the English word “cock”.

        Maybe they should mimic Facebook's name pronunciation bio line design feature and mention that obviously because that's news to me and people I've known that used the tool.

    • jnordwick 5 years ago

      The boys club aspect I think is very important, and I think this aspect of tech culture might get some attention, but for thet most part is dismissed.

  • umanwizard 5 years ago

    Coq in French is pronounced more like “coke” than “cock”.

  • ducktypegoose 5 years ago

    Flesh-toned and harkening the imagry of many a 7th-grader's favorite bathroom doodle... A bold choice of icon for a software named Coq.

  • vultour 5 years ago

    Completely agree, this piece from another comment reads like it was taken straight out of Twitch chat: "From Coq Require Import List Omega"

  • mensetmanusman 5 years ago

    Came here for this comment. I thought the Internet was for productivity, not Coq!

    • tomc1985 5 years ago

      What a shame that this is being downvoted. More puns!

      If we pun them to death maybe they won't pick such silly names again

  • seanmcdirmid 5 years ago

    At least we don’t have to worry about what we would call It for touch-based devices. No easy way to do those kind of jokes in good taste.