aexol 5 years ago

First real autocomplete for GraphQL queries in both JS in browser and NodeJS and TS.

Generate library using zeus command:

$ zeus ./generated

And use it like this

let DionysusCard = await Api(



    card: {

      name: 'Dionysus',


        'Dionysus is the Greek god of wine, has the power to bring the dead back to life.',

      Attack: 1,

      Defense: 15,

      Children: 9



    id: true,

    name: true

workcat 5 years ago

Wow! Great job! This would be awesome to use together with apollo-client.

  • chrischen 5 years ago

    Is this not a client library that competes with apollo-client?

    • aexol 5 years ago

      You can use it with any stack you want. Apollo is not only a client tool but also many other cool tools for GraphQL. I created this tool for simpler situations. Also here you have query safely typed so you don't have to remember the whole schema.

      • chrischen 5 years ago

        But I mean you would use this as your client to make queries, in place of apollo client right?

        • aexol 5 years ago

          If all I need is communication with GraphQL server then yes. If I need the cache and all the other stuff then I use apollo.

          • gcoda 5 years ago

            Can babel plugin transpile this to whatever ApolloClient.query consumes?

            • aexol 5 years ago

              This is generated code to use in your project before transpilation - that's why it generates declaration files also. However that points me to a conclusion I need to export query generator in generated file so you can use it together with Apollo query

        • workcat 5 years ago

          So I was thinking of using the additional features of Apollo client such as caching, network status etc, while leveraging the auto-complete and typesafety of GraphQL Zeus. Auto-complete is what I really miss from Apollo and I feel like the type-generation from gql-tags is a more cumbersome way than what Zeus is doing.

          • aexol 5 years ago

            EDIT: I've just found it. I saw this before, this is a totally different approach with many dependencies underneath. Having to install many packages, using specific editor, etc.. This setup might be the best of course, but I am 99% sure it's hard to maintain so many packages to have GraphQL syntax up-to-date. I used it before but was angry they didn't support the new documentation format.

            GraphQL Zeus is only one functionality package so it is easier to maintain.

          • aexol 5 years ago

            Whats gql-tags? Can you show me?