karmakaze 5 years ago

I quite like the landing page. Very no nonsense with just well laid out text. Could maybe have hand-written the HTML.

The only concern I had that wasn't clear on the landing page was some assurance that the form endpoint wouldn't stop working. I noticed that you have other business products and that FormSubmit could be offered and supported this way indefinitely out of kindness, marketing, or lead generation.

  • kesara9 5 years ago

    I appreciate your concern and don't worry we never stop this service because this is the best product of Devro LABS so far. And also we had several acquisition requests as well. However, we decided to keep this service with us. With FormSubmit 2.0 we introduced the sponsorship program. So you can help us with this valuable service.

NoB4Mouth 5 years ago

Hi buddies! I like your concept and quickly tried it when i saw it on PH. My website is still in development and when i included your link n my form i haven't got any email from you in my box. that's it mean my website has to be in production or online before it work?

  • kesara9 5 years ago

    first thing: your form should open through a web server, FormSubmit will not work in pages browsed as HTML files.

    second thing: please don't forget to check your spam folder as well. Sometimes FormSubmit emails get in there.

sharma_pradeep 5 years ago

What are the disadvantage of this approach?

  • kesara9 5 years ago

    I can only see some advantages!

c1yd3i 5 years ago

How do you make money?

kaishin 5 years ago

Any plans to open source this?