breck 5 years ago

Interesting. Improving sleep is something I can't recommend enough.

I don't see step #1 as "wear a sleep tracker". IMO that should be #1. I've been wearing sleep trackers since 2014 (first the MS Band, then Band 2, then Charge 2 and now Ionic after MS discontinued the band). So I have 5 years of data (approaching 2 thousand night's worth of data!), which makes analysis and recommendations and experiments far easier.

Maybe you do incorporate that later on in the flow, but I was surprised I didn't see it on page 1.

  • ruthienachmany 5 years ago

    Hey! So cool that you have that much data :) Would love to hear more about your thoughts if you're open to chatting -

data4lyfe 5 years ago

You guys should have some more content. It's not believable at the moment that it's anything more than the typical stuff I read about on the internet.

Think podcasts, long-form testimonials, what it's about, etc...

  • ruthienachmany 5 years ago

    Hey! Thank you for sharing that. I'd love to hear more about what kind of content would be interesting if you're open to chatting -