tony 5 years ago

Fantastic. Starred.

Could the library that built this ( / be used to replace

Application ideas: Wikipedia could embed something like this in astronomy pages. Or other way around, wikipedia could be integrated into the app itself if something is clicked on, a wikipedia entry comes up. Or a sidebar with artifacts in the solar system with a search+autocomplete, and clicking it zooms to it+brings up info.

So many possibilities my man. It's also smooth at the fastest speed.

TypeScript is amazing by the way. If you started it, I think you're a potential candidate to feel the benefits of it with spacekit.

walrus01 5 years ago

the wikipedia pages for moons of jupiter and saturn are quite thorough:

Zooming out in this visualization and changing the view angle a bit really helps to understand how jupiter sort of functions like a solar system vacuum cleaner, grabbing up loose objects that on multi-million year time scales happen to cross its orbit.

happppy 5 years ago

How can I detect collision between different objects and is there any way to add custom sprites or svg elements?

ncmncm 5 years ago

Any explanation for the huge gap beyond Callisto?

proc0 5 years ago

79? Dammit Jupiter stop hogging all the moons.