wrp 5 years ago

Interactive C environments were popular for a while. I have collected information on several at the Computer History Museum. I actually have even more stuff that I never got around to uploading.

You unfortunately need to make an account to see the pages. It was heavily attacked at one time and that was the admin's solution.

Interactive C Environments http://www.softwarepreservation.org/projects/interactive_c

sshb 5 years ago

Reminds me of CERN’s ROOT which has C/C++ interpreter https://root.cern.ch/

  • amirmasoudabdol 5 years ago

    One of the biggest problem with these repl for complied languages is that they panic as soon as you rerun a command. `cling` integrates with Jupyter notebook too but as soon as you rerun a declaration of a variable, everything collapse and you have to reset the kernel. Maybe I didn’t dig deep enough and there is a way around this but if not, this is quite painful to deal with and a deal breaker.

    • sigjuice 5 years ago

      So repeating something like 'int i = 42;' causes problems?

  • hexagonal-sun 5 years ago

    Huh, I didn't know about that tool. Looking through the docs this looks impressive, especially since it can do C++ too.

smhenderson 5 years ago

This is really cool, nice work. I especially like the bit about putting a REPL statement in a source file to have it drop into bic. Seems like a quick and dirty way to debug without having to fire up gdb and such. Somewhere in between print statements and full on debugging.

Thanks for sharing.

scandox 5 years ago

I often looked for this and failed to find something that I could easily use. So I'm delighted to see this as a on/off C amateur and learner.

  • hexagonal-sun 5 years ago

    Thanks! It's still a work in progress but should hopefully help people to get to grips with C.

xvilka 5 years ago

It lacks the syntax highlight. They could have used tree-sitter[1] for parsing, then the online highlight would be easier to implement.

[1] https://github.com/tree-sitter/tree-sitter

  • hexagonal-sun 5 years ago

    Agreed, syntax highlighting would be great. I was thinking about something akin to fish's syntax highlighting and completion with the REPL.

    I'll take a look at tree-sitter. If I get syntax highlighting for free then I'll take that!

  • johnisgood 5 years ago

    > Dependency-free so that the runtime library (which is written in pure C) can be embedded in any application

    What does dependency-free mean? I mean, it does depend on 128 crates. Do we typically not count those?

    By the way, I did `cargo build` and it failed at `#include "utf8proc.c"`. I have `libutf8proc` installed. Changing `.c` to `.h` solved it. It went past that part, only to get:

    - error: couldn't read cli/src/../../lib/binding_web/tree-sitter.js: No such file or directory (os error 2)

    - error: couldn't read cli/src/../../lib/binding_web/tree-sitter.wasm: No such file or directory (os error 2)

    • TkTech 5 years ago

      The generator isn't dependency free, the parser it generates is.

agumonkey 5 years ago

I love that you have to #include how to exit :)

  • huhtenberg 5 years ago

    Technically, you should be able to just call exit(1) because of the C's support for "implicit function declarations".

    With no prior exit() declaration, the C compiler would assume that "exit" is "int exit()", spit out the code to push whatever arguments are passed to it down the stack and then just call the damn thing. So, magically, it will all just work. Requires an older compiler though, C89 the latest.

    • jart 5 years ago

      Modern GCC and Clang still support implicit functions. They just complain about it by default. (Mostly for reasons that shouldn't be entirely relevant to modern x86.)

  • airstrike 5 years ago

    And people think exiting vim is hard!

    I suppose you could always quit abruptly, though...

emilfihlman 5 years ago

Why is fputs returning 1?

  • fit2rule 5 years ago

    1 is a non-negative number. fputs() return nonnegative numbers on success...

    • emilfihlman 5 years ago

      Ah yeah true, looked at the wrong part of a man page.

israrkhan 5 years ago

an integration with jupyter would be nice.

forpace 5 years ago

One of the biggest problem with these repl for complied languages is that they panic as soon as you rerun a command. `cling` integrates with Jupyter notebook too but as soon as you rerun a declaration of a variable, everything collapse and you have to reset the kernel. Maybe I didn’t dig deep enough and there is a way around this but if not, this is quite painful to deal with and a deal breaker.