justboxing 4 years ago

Nice work! Looks like HN / Reddit in terms of functionality and layout.

Really impressed that you've built all the features like RSS crawler, taxonomy, user and role management etc.

NicoJuicy 4 years ago

Side note:

I have been low-level dogfeeding this for a couple of years for personal use ( it was a MVP for a company). It's actually quite usefull.

Things i have included:

- RSS crawler ( depending on the user that submitted it. Eg. TaglyBot is mostly the one i used for adding RSS-Feeds)

- Tag Synonyms/Hierarchy/Administration ( that's why i used the A.I. tag)

- Comments

- User Management / Role Management

- Popular /Upvoted tags

- You can drag tags to the top, to bookmark them for personal use ( if loggedin)

- Url modifiers through prefixes or affixes on the url ( Reason: circomventing paywalls by using the facebook sharer as a prefix, ... - Companies mostly use this kind of trick for Social Media)

- Custom js elements depending on a certain tag ( eg. you can add HTML through using the HTML tag) - yeah, enjoy screwing me :p

- Those custom JS elements are generated server using the V8 engine ( for SEO purpose)

- generic button / link behaviour ( eg. there's a button to "Post to HN" ). I posted too much on HN for a while as i found it easier to "Bookmark it to HandlR", add the tags and then press "Post To HN"

- There's a private mode that only lists your own votes and submitted items ( not sql optimized though, very slow for now)

- There's a bookmarklet, so you can drag a URL to the bookmarklet. It will redirect you to the handler site so you can submit it.

- If you only add a link, it will fetch the <Title> of the remote site ( easy for fast submitting)

- Create alternative url's ( eg. http://brugge.sapico.me for crawling the local news/ activities related to where i live)

- ...

It's just a side project, but i just improved the sql index for the many-to-many relationship for Tags/Items and planned to do a Show HN for fun.

Tech related:

- Plain old Asp.Net MVC with some jquery and mustache ( for the custom html elements), a V8 engine as custom javascript view engine and a DDD-layered application.

I mostly use IQueryable instead of Lists though, for ease of programming.

I ( before i submitted it here) also added a cache for 60 seconds ( hug of death is expected) and a new post doesn't go to the Newest url now ( since it would be confusing because of the caching).

PS. HN is amazingly simple though

PS 2. The company went for sharepoint a couple of years ago and very recently they contacted me again :p