drytinall 2 years ago

Hey guys, Outread is a startup bringing people closer to understanding the world around them. My dad once mentioned that “our body is an amazing machine and we barely know anything about it.” And I remember thinking to myself, that this holds true for most of the things around us. Plenty of myths exist that may be causing more harm than good. For example, contrary to the popular belief that everyone should drink 8 glasses of water, it has been proven on several occasions in research papers that you should only drink as much as your body needs. Your body lets you know when it's thirsty and drinking more water than required can be extra work for your liver. And this is just one example. Many such myths exist that are aggravated by newspapers with their bias and unreliableness. The only solution to this is awareness based on research articles. Good research articles are based on hard evidence and experimentation. A lot of people usually shy away from reading research papers because of their length and complicated jargon. At Outread, we pick key insights from top research articles and present them in a digestible summary with easy to understand language. We’re bringing you closer to understanding the world around you.

pacmanche 2 years ago


Congrats on putting this service together.

Was reading some of the free articles on my phone (iOS/Safari) and I noticed that I’m unable to select, this lookup, words.

Is there any reason why you’ve disabled text selection on the main body of the articles?

If it is to stop people from copying it won’t help.

Anyway, it seriously degrades the UX that one cannot use the native phone features such as lookup. Especially when reading articles of this type.

  • drytinall 2 years ago

    Great point! We'll work on allowing people to select text.