EddieDante 2 years ago

This is what Netflix employees get for not unionizing. Netflix can fire pretty much anybody at their discretion, since claims of discrimination will have to be processed after the fact and they can afford to settle claims out of court as long as the stock price doesn't completely tank.

the_only_law 2 years ago

Still won’t save the quality of their shitty originals. They should go back to acquiring licensing to actually good shows, which ofc I image they can’t because everyone else decided to make their own platform to host their shows on exclusively.

metadat 2 years ago

> 'The company framed the firings as “layoffs”—but 150 people doesn’t really make a dent for a company of 11,000 people. Those 150 happen to include, just by chance, some of the most Twitter-active social justice workers in the place.'

Is this just media manipulation or might there be something to this claim? I hope it's bulllshit because if true, this is really sad.

  • WalterGR 2 years ago

    You omitted that Bari Weiss is the source of that quote. Also, The Daily Mail is a tabloid. Seeking balance from either is a folly. Another thing that should invite skepticism is that the article uses "woke" as a dog whistle from title to tail.

    Are other sources reporting on this?

    • metadat 2 years ago

      I'm not familiar with Barry Weiss, thanks for the tip.

    • rvz 2 years ago

      The tweets from the employees in the article says it all?

      • WalterGR 2 years ago

        Which ones do you mean specifically?

        • rvz 2 years ago

          Assuming you have read the article, there are tweets screenshotted inside of the article that tell you that they were part of the layoffs?

          • WalterGR 2 years ago

            I did read the article and it quoted a lot of tweets in the text. I didn't know if you meant those.

            Well, first-person accounts are notoriously accurate, so you're probably right.