pipeline_peak 2 years ago

Okay? Crusty old phpBB forum for Linux fanatics.

  • izietto 2 years ago

    You can't imagine how much I long for phpBB forums, now that we are in the "golden" age of the FAANG web. Only users content, no ads masked by "smart AI suggests this content just for you", no 5 seconds long interactions...

    • bobsmith432 2 years ago

      No "shadowbanning", no bloated JS-powered websites that hog memory, when the web was decentralized and owners of webpages and leaders of communities decided what is and isn't right to be said or talked about.

    • KMnO4 2 years ago

      What part does Apple play in the web? Yes, they are a Fortune company shaping the consumer electronic world, but I wouldn’t go as far as including them in your list of golden-age-web curators.

      • entropicdrifter 2 years ago

        App Store? Limiting browser choices on mobile? iMessage? FaceTime?

        None of these are relevant to how people en masse interact with the modern web?

  • jefurii 2 years ago

    > Crusty old phpBB forum for Linux fanatics.

    You're saying that like it's a bad thing.