Ask HN: Mind Game

3 points by wvlia5 2 years ago

Help me.

I want to invent a game that I can play in my mind. A real game.

Would be helpful for staying away from screens.

ksaj 2 years ago

Here's something. To learn a particular playing card memorization technique, for a time I was turning every number I saw into a mnemonic based on the Major System. Needless to say I'm pretty good at it now. It actually takes a long time to get proficient at it. The challenge is fun to take on, and there are benefits when you get good at it.

I use a slightly different set of mnemonics than the original Major System, but it doesn't matter as long as you're consistent enough to make it a habit. The objective for memorization is to make what you come up with humourous or otherwise unforgetable. Eg: for example, the first word that comes to mind upon seeing the number 270 is the word "nuts" because 2 is n, 7 is t, and 0 is s or z. But depending on what's around it, to help me remember, it could just as well be knots, or nits, nights, newts or notes. Once you develop a mental picture connected to the number and its usage, you won't forget it very easily.

I can't forget my padlock codes for the gym, my bike, safe, etc. I have a terrible memory, except for the things I purposely memorize this way.

The longer the number, the harder it is to make a good mnemonic. The challenge is to come up with good mnemonics.

This is only half the card memorizing technique you'd need if you want to remember card and positions automatically, but beyond that, you'll remember every number you set your mind to if you use it, and make it permanent by re-reading or thinking about your mnemonic for it every once in a while to refresh it.

It's a useful brain entertainment device, if anything.

t-3 2 years ago

Memorizing (quotes, numbers, names, etc) can be fun.

Word association/shiritori-type games.


Math/logic puzzles.


2143 2 years ago

I don't know if this counts, but how about a Rubik's cube?

Or just, read books.