gumby 2 years ago

I've been following this debacle in the German press and I think there's a structural problem that they will struggle to dig their way out of. And by "they" I don't mean just VW, but much of European industry.

Software is simply not valued in Europe, and not because there aren't amazing developers there -- there are many. But software isn't considered important

Let's start with cars. Back before cars were just computers with wheels I was briefly involved in a software project at $SERIOUS_GERMAN_CAR_COMPANY. Mechanically their cars were outstanding -- I still drive this company's cars today. This project was some cool "by wire" stuff, all modeled in Matlab, just as the ECU code was. But it was clear that the mechanical guys were the top of the pyramid; the safety guys were all mechanical engineers with some programming experience. All the user-visible electronics (radio, controls, etc) was subbed out to a low-price bidder because "who cares about that stuff anyway?". This wasn't VW, but I have some family exposure to VW specifically and that mentality still comes through deeply: electronics are added to the vehicle, not integral. The mental and organizational rewiring will be very hard. These are not companies who believe you should "eat your own lunch before someone else comes and eats it for you". The long institutional problems seen in yesterday's post about Nokia and the "Burning Platform" memo are pervasive throughout Europe (and most places, including a lot of USA):

You see this in the salaries. Sure, take-home salaries in the EU are lower than US ones in across the board, but the delta in the high value professions is extreme and quite telling. My son's partner's parents in Europe are offended by what Amazon pays him in the US because "he just works in IT". Well, he's a developer in their highest revenue area, so Amazon think it's worth investing in. Tesla cars ship with all sorts of fit and finish bugs, and are above average in mechanical problems. But ("FSD" excepted) they spend more of their attention on what really matters: treating their vehicle as a modern electronic device. But the European car companies are still stuck in the mid 20th century and make the opposite branch cut. The rest of European industry is the same.

Andreeson wrote "Software is eating the world" 11 years ago. Apparently nobody on the continent of Europe has read it. Sure, software is considered important, but it's just another part of the BOM, not something strategic.

IMHO the only countries that really understand software at both a technical and business value add level are US, AUS, Canada, China, with India less so but in that group and Japan just barely getting in. Pretty damning.

FWIW I've worked in France and Germany (and non-European countries), including some car business, but most of my career has been in the Valley (starting 38 years ago). I am not from Europe or USA so in that sense I don't have a preference for either side. I prefer living in Europe but vastly prefer to work in the US.

  • lacker 2 years ago

    Software is simply not valued in Europe, and not because there aren't amazing developers there -- there are many. But software isn't considered important

    In many ways this is a self-fulfilling prophecy. An organization thinks software engineers aren't very important. And it doesn't pay the sort of salaries you need to get the top talent. So it doesn't have any top-tier software engineers, and their software team struggles to deliver valuable projects.

    Later management changes their mind and decides to pay better salaries. They go to hire software engineers, and how do they even tell who the great software engineers are? Often they end up just paying more to the same not-so-great team, and watching as what they thought was an investment in software quality does not pay off.

    I don't think this is specific to Europe, either - it can happen to any organization that hires a lot of inexpensive software engineers, in the US too. It's hard to get out of the "cheap software engineers" trap.

    • rad_gruchalski 2 years ago

      > In many ways this is a self-fulfilling prophecy. An organization thinks software engineers aren't very important. And it doesn't pay the sort of salaries you need to get the top talent. So it doesn't have any top-tier software engineers, and their software team struggles to deliver valuable projects.

      And you can see this in their hiring. All full of interns. I remember when VW was advertising a “software school”. They were bragging about teaching dozens of “software engineers”.

      The people who run these businesses think that writing software is like being a mechanic. That there’s some “end state” in software. These companies have no software culture. All that matters to them, and especially in Germany, is phds. They don’t care about software, they care that they employ a high number of phds.

      Funny story. I remember attending an event at Telekom some years back. People from Fraunhofer ISST were on the panel discussing how to bring quality to a major European software initiative that is currently often on the news. Another point was to come up with an idea how to run an org that can maintain said sovereign platform in a transparent manner.

      I asked them a question: why not to hand it over to the universities? Why not set up a number of working groups and use it as a platform to teach competent people on a real world, high profile system. You know: r&d, devops, monitoring, service, bug fixing, new features. Sounds like a great opportunity to teach future software generations, no?

      You know what was the reaction of the ceo of Fraunhofer, the said man who was running that panel? He laughed and replied: “do you know how bad German universities are?” He said that in public in front of dozens of attendees. I was left speechless.

      So if add 2 and 2, you understand what is happening. Everybody is happy with the status quo.

      • gumby 2 years ago

        This is the model for the tron/itron os in Japan. Most devices you buy from Japan run itron.

        • rad_gruchalski 2 years ago

          Yeah, I still cannot get over that answer.

          I mean, Fraunhofer is a major German research org and it should be in their business to promote such solutions. To fire something like this out, in front of the people who definitely attended those universities, that was shocking.

          To this day I don’t know if I was simply naive or if my question was stupid in any way.

          • Nathanba 2 years ago

            It sounds like you were in a meeting discussing how to set up a separate organization and your suggestion was to give the work to people who are doing a poor job already and then you are hoping that they'll suddenly stop failing if you give them access to private company details, work projects, even research. I think the mindset in these parts of Europe is that the companies are where you do real work and anyone who is actually good will find their way into a company anyway. Everyone who attends these universities knows that they are bad, it would not be a shock. They are there not because of the university but because of their own work ethic.

          • ahartmetz 2 years ago

            To be fair, German universities are really bad at software engineering. CS in Germany is highly theoretical.

          • Gravityloss 2 years ago

            if Fraunhofer also a competitor to universities?

            • arghnoname 2 years ago

              By and large, the 'best' research institutes in Germany are not the universities, but Max Planck and institutes like Fraunhofer. They may be loosely affiliated with the universities, but the University faculty and the research faculty are not one and the same. Students getting a doctorate may have that doctorate minted by the affiliated university, but all real work actually happens at the research institute.

              Students can get doctorates directly from German universities and research is done there, but it's just not organized like American universities. Prime prestige centers are research institutes and they're spread around the country.

      • brianwawok 2 years ago

        And the US will continue to eat their lunch. How many high impact software companies are coming out of Germany?

        • petre 2 years ago

          SAP. But you wouldn't want to work with SAP anyway. Death by a thousand cuts.

          • hef19898 2 years ago

            The alternative being? Another ERP system that does the same thing dressed up differently. Cobsidering how many comoanies world wide run SAP, it is fair to say that a true exonomic backbone software comes from Germany. If you take away SAP over night, we are all in a derp recession. If you you take away Facebook overbight, what would happen? Or Amazon, excluding AWS of course?

          • pjmlp 2 years ago

            Pay and benefits are good, 40 h/w + extra when overtime happens, 30 day vacation,....

            • rad_gruchalski 2 years ago

              In Germany it is: a) 24 days vacation for 6 day working week, and b) 20 days for 5 day working week. That’s a minimum but there are also 11 days statutory national holidays in Germany (some Bundesländern have 12). The end result is a minimum of 31 paid out of work days if your work week is 5 days.

            • martin8412 2 years ago

              That's the default for everyone working in Europe

              • rolisz 2 years ago

                Europe is composed of a lot of countries, which all have different laws. In Romania, minimum vacation days are 20 days and very few companies give more than that, except maybe for seniority.

              • ChuckNorris89 2 years ago

                It's not. Most jobs in most countries get less than 30 days vacation. Germany's German speaking neighbors it's 25 days.

              • PicassoCTs 2 years ago

                Is it really though? I ve been going around european companies and its all work till you drop 80h culture and no holiday, cause we need a guy on standbye. That stuff only ever exists on paper.

                • ahartmetz 2 years ago

                  Which companies in which countries? I'm in Germany and I have never ever seen or (from friends and acquaintances) heard of vacations not taken due to pressure from the employer. It's about as common as an employer arbitrarily deciding to transfer less than the agreed amount of salary at the end of the month - maybe some very dubious employers have done it at some point, but it's not something to worry about.

                  What is fairly common is employers reminding employees to take their vacation days before they expire. Vacation days from year n expire in April or so of year n+1. That is intended to prevent postponing vacations to never (maybe until switching jobs).

                  • PicassoCTs 2 years ago

                    Im in germany, and the pressure is there. Old employer at least gave vacations, but shifted them as needed. New employer basically denies vacations categorically, cause nobody else can take care of the system.

                    All this talk about labour laws etc. its like people hallucinating, cause in my world this just aint real.

                    • pjmlp 2 years ago


                      Complaining without asking for legal help, well don't complain.

                      And given we are talking about IT here, IG Metal is another place to get help.

                • pjmlp 2 years ago

                  Which countries, I have worked in several European countries, and none of them were that bad.

                  That looks like a case that needs to be reported to work inspection authorities.

              • pjmlp 2 years ago

                Nope, it is common in central and northern Europe, in other countries that would be part of extra package on top of what the local law requires.

      • zxienin 2 years ago

        > do you know how bad German universities are?

        I am surprised from this quoted comment. Are German unis really bad? Why is there such a perception?

        • foepys 2 years ago

          Fraunhofer Society is a conglomerate of various research institutions. A lot of research in Germany is being done not at universities but at dedicated institutions like the Fraunhofer Society, the Max Planck Society, and many more.

          The Fraunhofer CEO probably meant that the research part of German universities is bad, which is their main "competitor". This is still a ridiculous take and I attribute this to the general arrogance that was already mentioned by GP.

        • j-krieger 2 years ago

          Yea, I am German myself and I really do not get this comment. I‘ve studied abroad and US universities / colleges are laughably easy in comparison. Grade inflation is a real thing and the result of inflated college fees.

          Most US courses did not count as credit for my masters because they are too easy to get 100% in and they rarely cover even half of the average course load at TUM.

        • mellavora 2 years ago

          I have been involved in several comparisons of German to US universities. The good German ones are ahead of most/all US ones in terms of several academic measures.

          Though most of those measures are about research output (# papers published, # high-impact papers, # awards won by faculty weighted by award prestige, # post-docs placed to tenure-track positions, # conferences chaired, # journal editors...)

        • gumby 2 years ago

          German universities are mostly so-so but that is true everywhere. There are some very good professors all over Europe as well.

      • aksss 2 years ago

        but free, ammaright?

        • Yoric 2 years ago

          I don't know. I come from a European university. When I was faced with US or UK students (I've been both an academic and a professional dev), I was scared by how little many of them actually knew. They were much better than us at communicating, much more self-assured, but were lacking other key skills.


          That's one of the things that are really hard to compare, I guess.

        • rad_gruchalski 2 years ago

          I don’t understand your question. What do you mean by “but free”?

          • chihuahua 2 years ago

            I think the parent comment can be interpreted as "German universities are bad, but free" (the students don't pay tuition fees, or only a trivial amount)

          • TMWNN 2 years ago

            aksss is being sarcastic. When universities are compared across nations, a frequent retort to the preeminence of the top US universities is "But universities in [insert European country here] are free!". aksss's point is that, as MrBuddyCasino indicated, you tend to get what you pay for.

            • foepys 2 years ago

              US metrics based on research programs for how good a university is don't apply to Europe. Comparisons based on those are worthless and the fact it is still being done frequently can be attributed to either incompetence or malice.

              • arghnoname 2 years ago

                Yes, it's so obviously a completely ridiculous metric that it has to be willful at this point. It doesn't seem like anyone tries to measure how well educated the undergraduates are in terms of skills acquired, etc, by how many papers a totally different population occupying a similar space pump out instead.

                It shouldn't need to be said, but no amount of Nobel prizes in the world is going to make one whit of difference for introductory calculus instruction. When the prime research centers are decoupled from the universities and these silly little metrics, it's no wonder that European universities are "bad."

          • MrBuddyCasino 2 years ago

            Lack of market forces leading to mediocrity I suppose?

            • jfim 2 years ago

              Or lack of a profit motive leading to not trying to game metrics as much. If an entity is ranked by some metric, and the better they are that metric, the more profitable they are, then they have an incentive to game it as much as possible.

              • WalterBright 2 years ago

                Metrics are gamed in every organization.

                • jfim 2 years ago

                  Sure, but I would assume that the priorities for a private university are different than a public one. A private university might optimize for profitability and university ranking, while a public one might optimize for providing the most accessible and highest quality education while staying within budgetary guidelines.

                  It's like saying that American universities are the best on the "amount spent on American football facilities per student" ranking. It's true, but the other universities might not be competing on that particular metric and focusing on other ones.

                  • WalterBright 2 years ago

                    > while a public one might optimize for providing the most accessible and highest quality education while staying within budgetary guidelines.

                    That doesn't seem like what they're optimizing for. Public institutions tend to optimize for maximum budget, maximum head count, and maximum power.

    • Bombthecat 2 years ago

      Or they hire top notch developers, just for them to run away.

      Because the culture and processes didn't change.

      Seen it several times.

    • tsss 2 years ago

      The salaries at the big car companies are not bad actually (compared to other German companies... compared to the US they are pitiful, of course). The problem is the company culture. If you look at the recruitment material you will immediately notice this attitude of infantilization they have towards IT. They don't attract that kind of talent who's in it for the thrill of problem solving. They end up getting all the morons who like the brand and IT salary but have no passion for technology and it really shows in the product. Zalando is exactly the opposite: They sell extremely uncool shoes and are 1000 times as innovative as BMW with their sports cars. MOIA is also much better than their parent corporation Volkswagen.

    • Arcanum-XIII 2 years ago

      I’ve seen big telco not having any internal dev - only bad management. When their partner do not deliver, or very slowly because they’re cheap, they make “escalation”…

      So it’s even worse than not valuing the work. It’s destroying it.

      (By the way, it’s not only telco, but also food distribution, small business…)

  • amluto 2 years ago

    > But ("FSD" excepted) they spend more of their attention on what really matters: treating their vehicle as a modern electronic device.

    Yet even Tesla does a rather bad job at this — they consider it to be a modern electronic device and ignore the wheels. OTA updates regularly change the UI in a way that is difficult and dangerous to learn when the wheels are spinning. Even when familiar with it, the very basics are hidden in menus and cannot be used without looking away from the road for longer than is safe.

    Car companies: make your car software simple, reliable, and boring. You may well need to spend serious money doing this, but the goal should not be for it to be fancy or to feel extremely modern.

    (With the latest update, turning off the seat heater is buried in a menu. I still haven’t figured out how to efficiently dismiss overlay apps that are covering the map. It used to be fairly obvious.)

    • jws 2 years ago

      It is well worth any Tesla driver's time to spend two minutes reading the list of voice commands. Once you have a grip on the vocabulary and structure you can just tell the car to do what you want for dozens of common tasks. (Hint: It's a "seat warmer", not a "butt heater".)

      That's the good news, the bad news is that I still haven't figure out how to turn off the stupid cowbell when I accidentally bonk the right lever too many times. If I die in a car accident, 50-50 chance it will be because I was trying to stop the stupid cow bell. I wonder how often they run a query on post accident telemetry to see if the cowbell was on.

      • dmitriid 2 years ago

        > It is well worth any Tesla driver's time to spend two minutes reading the list of voice commands.

        It's not worth it. Not in any car. Voice commands are not a justification for shitty UX. Voice commands are not always applicable.

        > Once you have a grip on the vocabulary

        Why can't you see a problem with this? "Instead of using proper UX in the car, be a good trained monkey and learn these incantations that may or may not work"

      • zaroth 2 years ago

        “You need more cowbell. You gotta have more cowbell.”

        That’s hilarious. I’ve never accidentally triggered it. But my son seemingly never gets tired of getting into the car early and turning on “fart on turn signal”.

        Anything that gets him to finish getting ready and get happily settled in the car is a huge win in my book.

      • ClumsyPilot 2 years ago

        The idea that instead of turning a tactile dial I need to look away from the road to adjust temperature or volume if music, or I need to speak, is unacceptable to me. I consider ut terrible in terms of safety and UI.

        • rstupek 2 years ago

          My Tesla has two dials, one on each side of the steering wheel which allows for control of volume and temperature. There is never a need to look at the center console

        • kortilla 2 years ago

          > or I need to speak, is unacceptable to me. I consider ut terrible in terms of safety and UI

          Speaking is terrible for safety now?

          • noisy_boy 2 years ago

            Noisy kids in the back.

            People with speech problems.

            Accent issues.

            Driver gets annoyed, curses and looks at the dashboard touchscreen at the wrong moment....

          • dmitriid 2 years ago

            In addition to the sibling coment, I also spend much more time distracted and listening to the response from the car to make sure it understood me that I would spend just turning a dial/pressing the button.

            And I still have to glance at the screen to see that it did what I told it to do. Especially in the case of quite frequent failures to understand me.

      • gumby 2 years ago

        > (Hint: It's a "seat warmer", not a "butt heater".)

        File a bug report. Clearly there is insufficient personalization.

      • eightysixfour 2 years ago

        > It's a "seat warmer", not a "butt heater".

        “Heat my ass” works fine for me.

        • Corrado 2 years ago

          "Open the butt hole" works as well. Well, it doesn't turn on the seat heater, but it does open the charging port.

    • worik 2 years ago

      > simple, reliable, and boring

      Please. Not just car makers, but all important software functions

    • valine 2 years ago

      You can put the seat heater back on the main screen in the latest update. Drag and drop it onto to the app bar.

    • petre 2 years ago

      > regularly change the UI in a way that is difficult and dangerous to learn when the wheels are spinning

      This is also a reason why knobs are better. I can feel for knobs and operate them w/o looking.

      • noisy_boy 2 years ago

        They indeed are. One of the main reasons I paid good money for a Keychron Q6 keyboard was that it has a volume knob. So much better/faster than dealing with moving the mouse to volume icon and scrolling.

  • astrange 2 years ago

    > IMHO the only countries that really understand software at both a technical and business value add level are US, AUS, Canada, China, with India less so but in that group and Japan just barely getting in.

    What are Australia and Canada doing in there? Australia has… Atlassian? Besides that, I’ve only heard of developers in Aus/Canada/Japan being well paid if they work for US companies like Google or are parked there because of US visa issues.

    Australians are well paid in general though, even if they don’t value software like FAANG does, because Australia is a petrostate pretending to be a service economy. Japan values software but doesn't pay anyone well because of the system where you earn salaryman virtue by suffering for the first 30 years of your career. (Hot takes.)

    • pedalpete 2 years ago

      I'm a Canadian living in Australia.

      Australia has much more than just Atlassian. Canva is the 9th most valuable private company according to crunchbase [1].

      But you need to look deeper than just "who has the biggest most successful companies. Note, the comment says "countries that understand software".

      From what I've seen, and one of the reasons I moved here, Australia values quality production. They understand where software drives business and invest in that.

      I'm former NICTA/CSIRO, and those organizations used to be drivers of technology and research.

      Canada is a major technology hub. Microsoft and Facebook both have major development centres in Canada. Of course, being so close to the US, most of the brain drain goes directly out of the country, but that is part of the country and the people understanding the value of software. The education is good, and so people go to where the dollars are.

      Canada and Australia are not going to be able to compete with the US from a dollar perspective. So many of the best Canadians, Australians, Chinese and Indian are going to end up in the US.


      • kareemsabri 2 years ago

        Canada has started to be competitive, mostly because of US companies coming in and bidding up wages, but when I left (~10 years ago) a top salary for a SWE was about $80k. I'm not sure it's because of some cultural appreciation of software as a value driver versus a cost center. The (self-proclaimed) branding as "Silicon Valley North" seems a bit excessive.

        • xyzzy_plugh 2 years ago

          I also left roughly the same time as you, so I agree with what they were, but the range is truly wild now. You'll still find $80k positions but the ceiling is now easily 3-4x as much.

          It's not the SV of the north yet -- local VCs are still a joke (expect one to two orders of magnitude worse terms) but it's getting better. The angel scene has actually been pretty incredible over the past few years.

      • lokar 2 years ago

        Atlassian certainly does not value software quality.

        • WanderPanda 2 years ago

          To a point where Microsoft should consider acquiring Atlassian because they are so similar in this regard

          • hef19898 2 years ago

            Nice, then how comes everyone and their grandparents are running Jira and MS Office? The latter across FAANG as well (maybe not the G with an in house competitor).

            • gumby 2 years ago

              This is because both companies sell to the enterprise, not to the end users.

              This is how Microsoft drove their phone business off the cliff: they built a product that their customers (corporate IT) loved but the users detested. When the iphone showed up Microsoft famously knew it was dumb because it addressed nothing that their customers cared about. But the workforce demanded change.

            • jq-r 2 years ago

              That's really not an indicator of quality. They lack competition. There is some correlation there but that's a different story.

      • gumby 2 years ago

        As an Australian I appreciate you understanding my root comment!

    • barry-cotter 2 years ago

      > Australia is a petrostate pretending to be a service economy

      Come now, it’s more of an iron ore or coal state than an oil one. Beef is more of their exports.

      • hulahoof 2 years ago

        As an Australian I agreed with your comment, but the link you shared indicate that petroleum actually is a larger export for us

        > The top exports of Australia are Iron Ore ($79.6B), Coal Briquettes ($36.4B), Petroleum Gas ($26.8B), Gold ($17.7B), and Frozen Bovine Meat ($4B)

        • barry-cotter 2 years ago

          That’s natural gas, not petroleum as in the liquid. A fine pedantic distinction I know but if natural gas is petroleum so is coal.

    • dagmx 2 years ago

      I think you mean homegrown companies and Canada had Flickr, Slack, Autodesk, SideFX, Hootsuite, Shopify and Corel just to name a few off the top of my head.

    • gumby 2 years ago

      pedalpete responded about Australia and Canada.

      Japan considers programming a blue collar task so pays accordingly (though there are exceptions, like Sony Computer Entertainment). But culturally the companies tend to understand the role of software better and have for a while. Remember how great the Keitei were in the late 90s/early 2000s compared to anywhere else in the world?

      • astrange 2 years ago

        The kind of software in keitai (feature phones), car ECUs, and video games is different from the rest of the software industry. They’re good at making gadgets with embedded software and nothing else. In particular, nothing ever gets reused and nothing is ever made more abstract or flexible - that’s why most of the products can’t be exported and the iPhone killed all the Galapagos phones.

        There are a lot of interesting lessons in video games though; it’s the only kind of software people love using enough to write emulators for, and game developers seem to exist in a lot more countries than other software businesses do.

      • fomine3 2 years ago

        There's a famous story in 2000s that Japanese feature phone engineer did hard work for low quality code. Phone manufacturers and telcos just wanted to make a great featured phone, but didn't focus on high quality software.

        Finally, they made very crappy Android phone and local industry shrunk. So Japanese consumers now love iPhone because Android phone is a trauma for some of them.

      • fastball 2 years ago

        Japan sees software as "blue collar" because they put software in everything. e.g. toilets, which basically nobody else on earth does.

    • zizee 2 years ago

      > What are Australia and Canada doing in there? Australia has… Atlassian?

      There are plenty of wellknown tech/software companies originating in Australia. Xero, Freelancer, Canva, REA Group, MYOB, Airtasker, BigCommerce, Afterpay...

      Many foreign software companies have development teams in Aus as well. Google, Zendesk, Square, Squarespace spring to mind.

      • astrange 2 years ago

        I’m a US-UK dual citizen but my partner is Australian. I’m collecting the whole Anglosphere.

        But when looking at living there, the wages/housing prices seemed like a poor trade off even compared to California. Although of course it’s a great place to live in many other ways.

        I’ve heard of some of those but haven’t looked up their pay bands, not sure Afterpay has a moat though…

        • xyzzy_plugh 2 years ago

          Having recently looked at wages/housing in the same anglosphere, Canada was way ahead of Australia. I know several folks who have left Australia for Canada in the last five years because of exactly this.

      • worik 2 years ago

        Xero is from New Zealand

        • zizee 2 years ago

          Like Crowded House and pavlova, Australians will claim anything good originating in New Zealand as our own :-p

      • ungamed 2 years ago

        Red Hat and (Maybe apple still) have engineering teams in Australia.

      • gumby 2 years ago

        Google maps is from Australia

        • astrange 2 years ago

          Google Photos is from Australia. I thought Maps was US and Japan but am not up to date on that.

          • zizee 2 years ago

            Maps originated in Australia, originally developed by an Australian company Where 2 Technologies employing two Danish brothers in Sydney.

            > Google Maps first started as a C++ program designed by two Danish brothers, Lars and Jens Eilstrup Rasmussen, and Noel Gordon and Stephen Ma, at the Sydney-based company Where 2 Technologies. It was first designed to be separately downloaded by users, but the company later pitched the idea for a purely Web-based product to Google management, changing the method of distribution.[9] In October 2004, the company was acquired by Google Inc.[10] where it transformed into the web application Google Maps.


  • gernb 2 years ago

    This is good insight. I does make me wonder if Tesla actually has a chance. Their software doesn't seem all that great. The UX in a Tesla got objectively worse on Christmas day, 2021 when they released a big change and gave us fart noises instead of a good UX. It now takes several more touches to do common tasks than it did December 24th, 2021.

    For some inexplicable reason they have a web browser in the car. Every time I've tried it it crashes the Tesla's computer. Even viewing the Tesla manual reliably crashes the Tesla's computer.

    If Apple really is working on a car, and if cars really are now just computers with wheels, then it's not at all clear that Tesla has the software skills to keep up with Apple (or whatever company actually has the skills).

    • WanderPanda 2 years ago

      CarPlay > Tesla UI >> traditional manufacturer UI

      • Bombthecat 2 years ago

        Android Auto got a long way. Pretty good too now

  • travisgriggs 2 years ago

    I don’t think this phenomena is unique to Europe. I completed my degree in Mechanical Engineering, even though I was pretty sure near the end I was going to remain a programmer. The ability to bridge the two domains was appealing. So my plan was to exist in that place where software meets real world things. There have I worked for most of my career, the exception being a 6 year stint in tools/IDEs. The sentiment you describe has existed to some degree or another in all of my work. Software is always the “newcomer” to the game. Older electrical and mechanical hierarchies have usually come to pass. And so software ends up being managed as a “necessary evil”, by individuals who believe that their experience in other technical disciplines empowers them to manage and lead technical disciplines that are actually different.

  • est31 2 years ago

    > But ("FSD" excepted) they spend more of their attention on what really matters: treating their vehicle as a modern electronic device. But the European car companies are still stuck in the mid 20th century and make the opposite branch cut. The rest of European industry is the same.

    You can probably say the same about GM or Ford, and I'd extend this to companies that sell hardware products in general. In the US too, the hardware department of many hardware companies runs the show, even though the hardware sold still runs a lot of custom software.

    Tesla was shaped by a guy who got rich thanks to having founded a software company, and he brought those practices to hardware. It's the exception rather than the norm.

    So the question should be, with Tesla and Rivian both being pretty young, where are the european startups? There is so much expertise in Germany for building cars, you would think that it is the best place to found a car startup. But where are they? DHL couldn't find a single German buyer for their car company.

    • MBCook 2 years ago

      I can’t speak to GM but from my experience with a Ford Mach E they’re starting to get it.

      The interface, while not perfect, is not the kind of OEM junk I’ve seen from others. They’ve got working OTAs, although it’s going slow and they’re learning.

      They may end up outsourcing a lot of that to Google’s Android based car platform (also called Android Auto?).

      But they seemed to have learned from Tesla it’s an integral part of the car these days and not something you tack on at the end. It will take time but they are genuinely moving in the right direction at a reasonable (but not fast) pace.

    • dmitriid 2 years ago

      > There is so much expertise in Germany for building cars, you would think that it is the best place to found a car startup. But where are they?

      Precisely because they have the expertise they don't found startups. After founding an air company it's the second quickest way to become a millionaire if you are a billionaire. Tesla only became profitable in 2020 on the back of some government credits. 17 years after founding.

      Remember Tesla's screens breaking because they used regular LCDs that couldn't withstand the vibrations and temperatures in a car? Yeah, that comes from expertise.

  • neilv 2 years ago

    For a long time, there was a meme about "hardware" people not understanding software, and there was enough anecdotal evidence, to make the jokes about it funny. Example: "Never trust a hardware engineer with a keyboard, and never trust a programmer with a screwdriver."

    I once mentioned this meme (referring to a specific anecdote) in a small group of CS people, and the big-name CS professor in the group immediately agreed with it, saying "They are our worst enemy!" (I think he was referring, seriously, to everything that has been learned, in his fields of CS and Software Engineering, beyond what needs to be exercised to get a program to compile and initially seem to work.)

    My theory about that meme: all EEs (for example) will have done some programming (in some cases, like someone who can write numerous paragraphs of English, but isn't even aware of the gap between that and a great novel). And EEs might also reasonably have the impression that "coding" is easier than the hard real engineering classes that the EE had to pass. Of course, it's clear to everyone that CS people couldn't do the jobs of EE people, but it's less clear in the other direction.

    To the extent that the meme is sometimes true, I think current market realities don't break it. A company driven by people with hard engineering/science backgrounds might realize it has to pay some market rate for software people. (And if the product obviously needed some kind of clown college skills, like face-painting, they'd pay for it, even if they thought those clowns had it easy.) But that doesn't mean they understand what's involved in the craft of effective software engineering, nor respect what goes into software staff's processes and judgment.

    This isn't only about hardware and software people. I think it might be a more general human problem, across disciplines. It makes sense that software people will most notice the version in which they're on a receiving end, which I'd guess is usually on the other end of hardware people or (like most everyone else) business people.

    (Additional theory: if an organization doesn't understand and respect some skillset, they might not be able to discern strong candidates when hiring for roles needing that skillset, and random results could be self-reinforcing.)

    Of course a meme isn't truth, and it can be unfair to individuals. And some of the best software work I've seen was by people with EE/CE/math/no degrees, and I was also blessed early in career by working with great hardware engineers who did respect software.

    • Gravityloss 2 years ago

      The most complicated projects that humanity has built are software.

      The tooling and the culture in the software world is decades ahead of fields like engineering or business management.

      Take ideas like version control - a way to do change management. Open source. Test driven development. Continuous integration. These have existed in a nascent way in other fields, but software engineering has really taken the ideas to the next level.

      I know some new hardware companies that have taken these approaches to their whole integrated hardware-software development methodology, with extreme success.

      So it seems we need new car companies in Europe, and at least one founder probably needs to have used git.

      • gumby 2 years ago

        > Take ideas like version control - a way to do change management. Test driven development. Continuous integration. These have existed in a nascent way in other fields, but software engineering has really taken the ideas to the next level.

        TBF version control started (SCCS, RCS etc) by modeling how version control was done in mechanical engineering and architecture. Just look at the manual version control in old blueprints. Nowadays CAD systems like solidworks have a VCS for your models too. Absolute shit based on proprietary MS file formats, but it is there and it works.

        OTOH there are reasons why you can't do TDD in the physical engineering, much less CI. When you're building a bridge you have to do FEA on your design, but the cost committment of construction doesn't allow much incremental change as you go -- almost all is in response to problems found once you've started building.

        Code review is inherited from practices of other engineering disciplines.

        • Gravityloss 2 years ago

          And that's what I wrote, they were indeed taken from other disciplines. Thanks for expanding it.

  • firecall 2 years ago

    It's interesting you mention electronics...

    Just this week I called out a mobile mechanic from our state automobile club here in Australia, to replace the battery in my old 911.

    He was really nice bloke, older guy, and we got chatting about cars.

    Now he reckoned that he has the most problems with European cars, most of which are considered premium or mid level brands in Australia.

    Always putting Euro cars on the back of trucks he said, because of problems with the electronics.

    Japanese cars were still the best, and never once had a problem with the Hybrid System from Toyota!

    • ungamed 2 years ago

      Never buy Euro cars in Australia, they spend more time in the shop, the parts cost more and you'll spend a month at least waiting for the part.

      They are simply not made for the conditions here.

      • firecall 2 years ago

        At least in the dry conditions of South Australia there isn't a problem with rust ;-)

        My old '99 model Porsche 911 996 is an exception to the rule. It's free motoring at this point; price rise since I purchased it 4 years ago has covered the cost of all and any expenses, including fuel and insurance.

        Of course, the 996 was conceived in Porsche around the same time the Japanese came over and helped them out! They were in big trouble before they modernised.

        Maybe this is a wake up call to the Germans to get in gear and sort themselves out before they run into (even bigger) trouble again!

    • TMWNN 2 years ago

      >Now he reckoned that he has the most problems with European cars, most of which are considered premium or mid level brands in Australia.

      Was this a surprise to you? Here in the US it's well known that European cars (including the expensive brands) are across the board worst in reliability, Japanese cars are the most reliable, and the US brands are in between.

      • firecall 2 years ago

        No, not really a huge surprise! :-)

        But interesting that a professional expressed the opinion so readily.

        TBH I don’t really tend to hear much about mainstream modern cars in my day to day life!

        I do recall the hosts of the Accidental Tech Podcast (Marco Armant and Friends) complain about BMW reliability.

  • marssaxman 2 years ago

    I think you have just convinced me to buy German cars exclusively from now on; I very much do not want a car which is "just a computer with wheels" - the less software in the car, the better!

    • mardifoufs 2 years ago

      Oh you will still get a car with plenty of software, and the car will depend on it just as much as a Tesla. It's just that it's going to be badly made, buggy and not well integrated.

      • marssaxman 2 years ago

        Perhaps then older German cars.

        • chihuahua 2 years ago

          Those are going to suffer from electronics that flake out after a few years (flickering LED displays etc.) Long-term reliability is simply not a concern for German car manufacturers. You're supposed to buy a new car after a few years.

    • TomVDB 2 years ago

      If you don’t want a computer on wheels, you don’t want a German car, you want a second hand Toyota Corolla.

      We had an Audi Q5 first and a Tesla second. My wife and I fight over who gets to drive the Tesla.

      With a modern German car, you still get some the fancy features, but they don’t work very well (lane control comes to mind), and the electronic UI is much worse than Tesla. CarPlay is the only way out.

      And let’s not even talk about the difference in driving fun.

    • petre 2 years ago

      They're unreliable and some of them are quite offensive as well (BMW X6 types). If you don't want too much software, buy an Italian car. It's unreliable as well but it still limps with a shot sensor. And some of them are quite beautiful too. Otherwise I'd go for Japanese cars.

    • userbinator 2 years ago

      On the other hand, "German overengineering" (the mechanical side) is also a thing. Not as in built with huge margins and robustness, but intricate and overly complex.

      • hef19898 2 years ago

        Fun fact: There is no direct German translation for over-engineering.

        EDIT: And now imagine what happens when the German drive to over engineer stuff, we do it with everything, not just hardware, meets software development for a complex system like a car... Then you get, well, VW.

      • chubs 2 years ago

        The insane rigmarole involved in replacing the battery in any BMW springs to mind… I agree! ‘Overly complex’ indeed.

    • gumby 2 years ago

      I want to buy a Mercedes EQS but I’m going to wait until it’s been on the market for a few years.

  • the_duke 2 years ago

    You are spot on.

    I see this attitude in many domains, even among younger generations in startups where the majority of co-founders aren't developers, or after the original co-founders are sidelined by business people.

    Software is just considered a necessary chore needed to do business, almost never a core part of the business with inherent value.

    It's one of the reasons why Europe has almost no significant players in the IT space.

    • hef19898 2 years ago

      Not in the web / ad space you mean.

      • TacticalCoder 2 years ago

        Nope. The biggest european software company is, what, the german SAP. And SAP is tiny compared to US software companies.

        Europe has something like six companies in the top 100 software companies when ranked by market cap and only one in the top 10 (the german SAP).

        That's hardly being a "significant player in the non web / non ad space".

        • hef19898 2 years ago

          Out of curiosity, I just checked a rabdom Top 100 list. It seems to be market cap based, which in itself is a problem. What struck me is the absence of Dassault Systems for example while AutoDesk is in the top 50.

          I do agree so that in Germany software as a stand alone thing has close to zero perceived value. If it is embedded in hardware, sure, it is important. Not as important as it could be, and it will always be seen as one part of many.

          When it comes to stuff like MS Office, software is a tool, nothing else. As long as its working people a re happy using it.

          The big devide, and I think it is a HN thing mostly, is how much importance software is given by people. Obviously, HN is giving it a lot.

        • worik 2 years ago

          A lot of IT infrastructure comes from Europe

          • lokar 2 years ago

            Hardware, not software

  • haukem 2 years ago

    Is this really a problem with European companies or more a problem with older companies which didn't need much software 30 years ago?

    Are Ford and General Motors better at this than the European car manufacturers?

    Maybe it is also caused by people staying very long at their employer in Europe. It is not uncommon to stay till retirement after you got into a big cooperation.

    • gumby 2 years ago

      Well I followed the Berlin startup scene until I couldn’t bear it any more. Most of the “startups” were actually just small businesses that did business on the web. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that, but a startup and a small business are different animals.

      Ford and GM seem to have had a “Come to $DIETY” moment but yes, it remains to be seen if they will get their act together.

      Ironically it was Mercedes who was the first to open an office in Palo Alto back in the mid 90s. It was considered absurd at the time, but all the other car companies now have offices in the Valley. But none of them are integral to their parent companies. Mercedes squandered their lead.

  • gibspaulding 2 years ago

    >what really matters: treating their vehicle as a modern electronic device.

    I'd take clunky old software over "all sorts of fit and finish bugs, and ... above average in mechanical problems" any day.

    • TheJoeMan 2 years ago

      I find it interesting how the marketing depts. have woven together EV powertrains and “lots of electronic gizmos”. Nothing’s stopping an ICE car from having pop-out doorhandles, nor an EV with crank windows.

      • v0idzer0 2 years ago

        I don’t think marketing departments have anything to do with it. I just think Tesla built the first commercially successful EVs and they happened to let software control as much as possible. Now everyone building EVs is mimicking their preference for software, because its simply better. Anything that can be done by software, instead of hardware, should be. Hardware is difficult to change. Software can be updated and upgraded without a mechanic or a visit to a service station.

        • petre 2 years ago

          One shouldn't change how the door handle or the steering wheel operates. Just get it right and let me get out of the car in case of a battery fire.

  • halotrope 2 years ago

    Great post! I would like to add, that Diess seemingly understood at least the strategic importance of this and invested heavily. The execution is (until now) just very bad. The German brands don’t “get” software the way e.g Tesla does. Funny enough, Musk said that Tesla is not even all that great in Software (exclude FSD). It’s just everybody else is so much worse. There is a great divide between them who feel software on a visceral level and those who don’t

    • hef19898 2 years ago

      I don't want software in my car being treated the same way andorid is on my phone. If everything is running, I want it as an embedded system that just runs. No OTA updates, air gapped to everything else, entertainment not connected in anyway to the running of the car.

  • barbazoo 2 years ago

    Pay aside, I wonder if the German automotive industry is just a particularly bad example. I've worked in Germany, Switzerland, Canada and now for an American company and I found that software companies aren't not that much different. I've also worked for an automotive supplier in Germany and can understand where parent is coming from.

    • kevin_thibedeau 2 years ago

      Software companies have vastly lower overhead. Their staffing and cost structure is completely different from a manufacturer. SV tech bros getting $200K+RSU starting salaries can't be replicated by other businesses.

    • lokar 2 years ago

      Have you worked at a company run by people with a background in software engineering? Imo that is the key, and a rule I try to follow.

  • softwaredoug 2 years ago

    I had this experience in the US early in my software career. Supposed hardware companies didn’t see the value in software. As engineering leadership came up through hardware, they didn’t manage it well. Management pursued what they knew, and often the focus on hardware was at the expense of the user experience.

    Now even in the US I think you see this with data. You see companies with managers brought up through software ranks that don’t understand how to measure and optimze systems and orgs with data (machine learning, but not only machine learning). They want to build complex software, often at the expense of the user experience, that just wants the thing that makes them think less…

  • thwoeiru3423fa 2 years ago

    The trouble is that everyone is clubbed together in "IT". Roboticists, distributed-systems experts, ML folks everyone is linguistically the same as someone who does IT support.

    This being the case, it's not surprising that people don't understand the value of things: while they use Apple/Android etc. their immediate association with "IT" is that lowly dork who fixes their computer.

    You see this in India too. From a industry full of low-level "IT-coolies" a few decades back, the aspirational places to work now are the "product" companies, where you don't just do grunt work.

  • polishdude20 2 years ago

    The part about the mechanical guy being the top dogs seems more to do with the fact that a car must mechanically be safe above all else right? Like, I should be able to drive a car if the software fails. But the mechanical parts and components are the things that cannot fail or have a much lower tolerance to fail. It stems from a culture of not relying on software too much no?

    • AlotOfReading 2 years ago

      There are few (no?) modern consumer vehicles that don't have safety-critical software somewhere and you couldn't legally drive any modern vehicles that don't have working software besides.

      It's literally just a cultural issue that they think of themselves as car companies first, and good software culture isn't in their corporate DNA. 5-10 years ago literally no one understood that, but most executives are starting to get onboard with the need for changes and flail their way through them.

  • bambax 2 years ago

    This is all completely true. EU salaries for programmers are a joke. In most of the EU, people still think programming consists in punching cards, following a pattern designed by somebody else (who is that person, nobody quite knows).

  • somerandomqaguy 2 years ago

    >IMHO the only countries that really understand software at both a technical and business value add level are US, AUS, Canada, China, with India less so but in that group and Japan just barely getting in. Pretty damning.

    We're paid pretty low in Canada as well. The two devs that started at the same time I started my career had a salary of $11/hr ($7.62/hr USD), both of whom are quite talented. My salary when I stopped being doing testing directly was $52,000 at 9 years of experience. Toronto and Vancouver pay better but the cost of living there is quite high unless you already own the house you live in.

  • geodel 2 years ago

    People should try to reconcile the facts that those outrageously high FAANG salaries occurs because of

    1) Near monopoly in that sector 2) Excessive surveillance and tracking users 3) Increasing inequality between haves and have nots.

    And non-FAANG type IT worker are also paid relatively high at the cost of other workers living perilous lives.

    So unless Europeans really start cherishing these "values". They are not gonna get US level salaries. The way I see quite a lot non-US / European people just like high salaries but never want to think where it really come from.

    All this talk about Europe does not respect/appreciate / values Software engineers sounds more and more like coded way to say We, software people, deserve much higher salaries at the cost of everyone else.

    • gumby 2 years ago

      > those outrageously high FAANG salaries occurs because of ... 2) Excessive surveillance...

      This is an absurd and lazy take.

      There are plenty of high paying software jobs in the US that have nothing to do with surveillance (e.g. the AWS part of Amazon, Apple, SpaceX, all sorts of robotics companies, etc).

      Europe's concerns in this area are a strength that they should be taking advantage of.

      FWIW I think the surveillance itself is lazy. People just collect stuff because it's cheap to do, but the evidence that it is that useful in most cases is scant. If the FTC took a reasonable position that just having that info is a liability to be managed, most companies would stop and their businesses would do fine.

      • worik 2 years ago

        The point was, if I read it correctly, that comparing salaries is only part of the picture.

        There is a yawning cultural divide between the USA and the rest of the world. Especially the non-English speaking world.

        I am in an English speaking country that slips under the shadow of the cloud cast by the cultural hegemony of the USA (Aotearoa) and when I look around at my lifestyle, my friends, community, and the problems we have as a country and society - salary would not be enough to move me.

        I am grossly underpaid by any standard (working on it) but the compensations of lifestyle and culture are well worth it

        • TMWNN 2 years ago

          >I am in an English speaking country that slips under the shadow of the cloud cast by the cultural hegemony of the USA (Aotearoa) and when I look around at my lifestyle, my friends, community, and the problems we have as a country and society - salary would not be enough to move me.

          There's nothing wrong with making such a decision. Many others make such a decision, whether in an English-speaking country or not. In the US itself, many make such a decision to stay in their home cities and states as opposed to moving to Silicon Valley.

          But you also must recognize that you are in the minority. It is a fact that FAANG and comparable companies' Canadian offices are almost entirely staffed by non-Canadians that are parked there because they are either waiting for, or cannot receive, a US visa. Yes, there are some Canadians who want to stay close to home in Toronto or Vancouver, but they are very, very, very few.

          Canadians have, thanks to treaties, a pretty simple path to working in the US. I think Australians also have a unique treaty in this regard. All other nationals have, to greater or lesser degree, various hurdles to clear before moving to the US. If tomorrow New Zealand signed a treaty with the US that made moving to the US for work as easy as it is for Canadians, how many of your coworkers and peers would stay?

    • chrisseaton 2 years ago

      Five separate companies cannot be described as having a meaningful monopoly between them.

      And there are hundreds of companies that pay at that level in the US, not just FAANG.

      Reality is European workers are under-paid, not US workers over-paid.

      Also curious what you think is different in Australia? Are software salaries there like in the US and above somewhere like London?

      • gumby 2 years ago

        > Reality is European workers are under-paid, not US workers over-paid.

        My point was that European workers are paid in proportion to how they are valued by their employer. If they wrote transformational software their employer wouldn't understand its value and it would either just be shipped without a lot of thought, or ignored. Come to think of it this may be why so much great open source software comes out of Europe.

        If European companies threatened by the digital transition realized their looming doom and actually decided to do something about it, the salaries would rise as a consequence.

        • lokar 2 years ago

          In fact, faang and hf finance (us based) pay quite well in parts of Europe, same as in sf/NYC.

      • geodel 2 years ago

        The question is why and how. There is no point is arguing "low" European salaries unless someone shows European companies are more profitable and they save a nice chunk of money by paying less to S/w engineers.

        Not very familiar with Australia. But thinking that high paying company like Atlassian which produces a very crappy software which I unfortunately deal daily. To me it shows high pay does not guarantee good quality software which many(not you) seems to be arguing here.

        • sgjohnson 2 years ago

          > Not very familiar with Australia. But thinking that high paying company like Atlassian which produces a very crappy software which I unfortunately deal daily. To me it shows high pay does not guarantee good quality software which many(not you) seems to be arguing here.

          That's a different problem. That's because you, the user, are not a customer of Atlassian. Companies and their micromanagers, however, love JIRA.

          Microsoft is in the same boat. Virtually no users of their products are actually their customers.

          That's how you get away with producing very crappy software, even if you hire the top talent.

          • andsoitis 2 years ago

            > Microsoft is in the same boat. Virtually no users of their products are actually their customers. That's how you get away with producing very crappy software, even if you hire the top talent.

            Such a weird logic. You’re saying that Microsoft produces crappy software even though they hire too talent. And they get away with it because the people who buy it don’t use it (i.e. by extension don’t care if they’re spending their money wisely)?

            • sgjohnson 2 years ago

              > by extension don’t care if they’re spending their money wisely

              What's wise for the management isn't necessarily wise for end-users.

              You can buy a product that's great for your business needs, that the users will absolutely hate. Both of those things can be true at the same time.

            • chrisseaton 2 years ago

              Microsoft isn’t a top-payer like Google et al.

          • kareemsabri 2 years ago

            > Microsoft is in the same boat. Virtually no users of their products are actually their customers.

            Apple has less than 10% of the PC market. What do you think the rest of them are running?

            • sgjohnson 2 years ago

              > Apple has less than 10% of the PC market. What do you think the rest of them are running?

              If you didn't pay for your copy of Windows (which you most likely didn't, far more likely it was provided to you in another way, such as OEM or your employer), you are not Microsoft's customer.

              Likewise, if you got the free license from upgrading, you're also not their customer.

              Pirated Windows? Not their customer.

              Bought one of those $20 license keys? Still not their customer.

              Actually bought a Windows key directly from them? Okay, you're their customer. You're in the minority.

              • kareemsabri 2 years ago

                I think it's a very Valley-centric opinion to think Microsoft doesn't have any consumer customers. Even putting aside all their other end user products consumers buy (XBox, the utterly dominant Office).

                I certainly don't agree with your definition of a customer. People who buy a PC with a Windows OS on it know it's a Windows OS, and make that choice willingly. It's like pretending nobody is an Android customer because they buy their phones from Samsung not Google.

                • sgjohnson 2 years ago

                  With Google it’s even simpler. You’re generally not their customer because you are their product.

              • worik 2 years ago

                That makes no sense.

                If you use Microsoft products you are their customer.

                Splitting hairs is a bit silly

                • lordnacho 2 years ago

                  Perhaps GP means to highlight the distinction between the person deciding whether the money gets spent and the operation who uses the product. That can man a lot, eg if a boss just buys whatever he thinks it's good without asking the team what they want to use.

            • gumby 2 years ago

              The point is that the majority of their revenue comes from corporate enterprise. This is one reason Ballmer didn’t understand the iPhone: his customers (corporate IT) wanted the windows phone but no actual users did.

              Microsoft was taken by surprise by the “BYO movement”

              • maven29 2 years ago

                >Microsoft was taken by surprise by the “BYO movement”

                They did still eventually address the root cause with WSL/WSL2.

              • kareemsabri 2 years ago

                I agree with all that. I still think Microsoft has lots of consumer customers though.

          • lokar 2 years ago

            More then that. I've worked places where everyone in eng (up to the top) hates Jira.

            IT chose it, eng can't seem to object.

        • dmitriid 2 years ago

          > unless someone shows European companies are more profitable

          They are. Most US "innovative competitive startups" are losing hundreds of millions, and often billions of dollars a year, for decades.

          Europe (thankfully) doesn't want to do that. And "grossly underpaid software developers" enjoy a high quality of life on par with the rest of the population (universal healthcare, extended parental leave, vacations etc.)

          • gumby 2 years ago

            > Most US "innovative competitive startups" are losing hundreds of millions, and often billions of dollars a year, for decades.

            That isn’t actually true. A few certainly are, and they make great press fodder. But most don’t have that luxury. Actually it’s a burden: you suffer much more dilution.

            • dmitriid 2 years ago

              > That isn’t actually true. A few certainly are, and they make great press fodder

              The ones HN like to point at usually are. E.g. basically all of YCombinator companies.

              > But most don’t have that luxury.

              Thise that don't have the luxury are likely to have salaries more in line with European counterparts.

    • fdsfdsafdsafd 2 years ago

      Your post has a misunderstanding of basic economics. The high salaries of FAANG are not at "the cost of everyone else"

      • himinlomax 2 years ago

        Indeed, it's just typical zero sum bias.

    • kareemsabri 2 years ago

      Can you explain how paying software engineers higher salaries means other people need to live "perilous lives". You could just lower your EBIDTA a bit. Software engineers in the US aren't rich because of janitors being underpaid or something.

      • worik 2 years ago

        But computer programmers are over paid and janitors under paid.

        It is because if all the computer programmers went away the world would limp on. If all the janitors went away we would be swimming in shit.

        • lotsofpulp 2 years ago

          No, it is because if all the janitors “went away”, everyone else can pick up the cleaning supplies and continue cleaning.

          Supply and demand.

        • kortilla 2 years ago

          If all of the people who could be janitors went away, there would just be nearly no people. Being a janitor isn’t really a special skill.

        • himinlomax 2 years ago

          Surgeons are over paid, garbage men are under paid.

          Except that should you need surgery, you'd care who the surgeon would be, but not who would be handling the bags of medical waste.

      • ClumsyPilot 2 years ago

        indeed, if you are gonna be mad at someone having too much of the pie, at least be mad a people who actually do have most of the pie

    • ceeplusplus 2 years ago

      > And non-FAANG type IT worker are also paid relatively high at the cost of other workers living perilous lives.

      Those workers live perilous lives because cities refuse to build enough housing, not because a few workers have it good.

      > those outrageously high FAANG salaries occurs because of

      4) Much more generous VC funding leading to more competition between firms for SWEs, as a result of a more risk seeking / risk tolerant culture with stronger work ethic

      Also you're ignoring that even SWEs at companies like Walmart Labs make much more than SWEs in Europe.

      • geodel 2 years ago

        > SWEs at companies like Walmart Labs make much more than SWEs in Europe.

        Good. Find out how Walmart retail workers are doing. And Housing in US is lot cheaper for majority of people.

        > ... risk tolerant culture with stronger work ethic

        Yup, from Uber to Wework and dozen more food delivery service did awesome job with generous money in creating enduring businesses with strong work ethics.

        • ceeplusplus 2 years ago

          > Good. Find out how Walmart retail workers are doing.

          Plenty of other examples of well paid workers and US SWEs paid more than EU SWEs. UPS teamsters are unionized. AT&T technicians are unionized. Both pay their SWEs more than EU companies by a substantial margin.

          > did awesome job with generous money in creating enduring businesses with strong work ethics.

          You could name companies which are actually changing how (European) companies operate. Zoom, Slack, SpaceX, Figma, the list goes on and on. None of which were started in Europe.

          32 hours a week and 60k EUR/year doesn't cut it in a competitive market, and any founder will tell you that.

          > And Housing in US is lot cheaper for majority of people.

          Not in any major city. Clearly you don't live in the US.

          • geodel 2 years ago

            > Not in any major city. Clearly you don't live in the US.

            Huh, lived in upscale DC suburb for many years, now moved to different city. Housing seems lot cheaper here when I checked with some friends based in some London suburbs. Another one with house in Amsterdam almost sounded same price for half size house than I bought. But yeah, no public transport for me and I am like 10 miles from downtown :(.

            • ceeplusplus 2 years ago

              You're not serious? DC looks pretty expensive for an average worker, from a quick look at Housing is cheap in the South and in rural areas for sure, but any West Coast/northern East Coast city is very expensive. Suburbs used to be cheap but now are not so cheap after COVID+inflation.

              Perhaps your expectations are calibrated based on European cities which also have housing shortages, like Berlin and London.

    • kortilla 2 years ago

      Sad “zero sum” based view that people in low paying areas force themselves to adopt to pretend they aren’t missing out.

      “Oh, all of those people making way more must be immoral.”

  • jmoak3 2 years ago

    I’ve also done software in automotive at one of the classic European car co’s.

    You’re spot on.

  • bennysomething 2 years ago

    How on earth can someone be offended by their son in laws good salary!?

    • jq-r 2 years ago

      I think its very spread out at least in Europe in my experience. Hell even my own brother is envious on my salary because he got a engineering degree (vs my IT degree), so "by right" he should have a higher salary than me. Aside from the fact that he's employed by the local government to move paper from a desk to desk or rubber stamp documents. My parents also think the same as being civil engineers themselves. Paraphrasing: doctors, lawyers and engineers should have the highest salaries whatever job they do, everyone else should just fight over leftovers.

      • bennysomething 2 years ago

        Good grief! I'm in the UK, I haven't come across this sort of thinking before but "working in IT" isn't high status I guess.

tsunamifury 2 years ago

I had a Porsche Taycan almost kill me and my entire family due to the absolutely negligent engineering team at porsche. An update was applied which killed the motor due to a stack overflow error — while driving! Porsche set up the error handling to kill the engine immediately with even the slightest error.

I testified along with fellow owners to the NHTSA and got all Taycans recalled. The arrogance and denial that Porsche put owners through was shocking through the process. They displayed a complete lack of understanding of the basics of control systems and software safety.

Needless to say I sold the Taycan and would never buy a VW electric product. I wrote them a letter and spoke to the safety team saying people will die from this sloppiness and lack of professionalism. Someone will pay. Turned out I was right

  • gregsadetsky 2 years ago

    Is this the recall you’re referring to? [0]

    Is there a report somewhere / investigative details on the recall? Thanks!




    I found

    “Due to a software issue that has since been corrected, the software designed to continuously monitor end-to-end communication between the safety-related ECUs in the vehicle can, in certain instances, incorrectly and sporadically detect a potentially faulty communication, set an error memory entry, and trigger a shutdown of the power train, resulting in loss of motive power.”

    • tsunamifury 2 years ago

      Yes, but what they didn’t say in that statement is they were attempting to correct the issue post-incident to cover their tracks before the owners got together and gave testimony. They kept telling drivers it was a one off issue that no one had experienced, while in reality many had been affected. They even offered significant payoffs to some. It was well past negligence and into active harm.

      When advised cars were bricking on the highway, the report states “Porsche did not consider this a safety concern”

      • leobg 2 years ago

        Somebody else here in another thread said that the Germans seem to be a gullible people, and that if he was German, he would be running all kinds of scams. Well, this is exactly what seems to be happening in many places that, from the outside, look like German success stories. They scam, manipulate and take shortcuts. That’s the shadow of gullibility. On the one hand, you do what you are told and look up to authority. And on the other hand, when you make a mistake, you cover up. And you tell yourself the story that you are the victim, after all. And that, if you didn’t do it, somebody else would. There is an old book from the 1930s about how to raise a child. It is called “Mommy, tell me about Adolf Hitler“. Parents in Germany today obviously don’t read that anymore. But many of them still raise their kids in the same way they themselves were raised. And with just two or three generations distance, that mindset that made Nazi Germany possible is still very much alive.

  • doctor_eval 2 years ago

    VW like to paint electrification as a way to atone for the sins of dieselgate. Seems like nothing really has changed.

    (I had an affected diesel engine, in Australia the process to be compensated was an absolute disgrace).

  • jliptzin 2 years ago

    Wow, good for you and thanks for the warning

  • blub 2 years ago

    How did turning off the engine almost cause an accident, were you overtaking?

    • tsunamifury 2 years ago

      Single lane No look curve around highway 1 on the cliffside with no turnout area. Coming home from Stinson beach. Steering and braking also blipped. Sent me nearly off the cliff.

      My other owner friend was in the fast lane in front of a semi, almost was roadkill.

  • davidro80 2 years ago

    Thank you for speaking up. That is horrifying. I am glad you and your family are okay.

dependsontheq 2 years ago

I wouldn't call it "woes".

I have been driving an VW ID 3 since last year, it runs their custom Android OS System and should have all of the latest features. It has been quite an experience.

The car is fine, basic driving functions are fine, even the driver assist features are generally fine if they are running.

The software running all the displays and the "augmented" heads up display is ridiculous.

The car one did shut down all displays (including speed) while driving on the Autobahn (error message: no input), I stopped in the next town, charging the car was no longer possible. I tried to find out how to do hard reboot, my wife found a thread in a forum, "leave the car with all smart keys, go at least 50 meters from the car, wait for 15 minutes". That did the trick.

Sometimes the voice recognition comes on and does something weird, I have no idea why or what it tries to do, sometimes it starts a specific radio station, it has not once recognized anything I said.

Some Update added a blue light glowing in front of the driver in the small LED strip, it just ominously glows for a second. It looks a bit like a warning, I have no idea what it is warning about, it just happens sometimes.

Sometimes in the night the alarm starts and wakes the neighborhood, but I was able to solve that by disabling the proximity features in the smart key system.

The navigation forgets that I can charge the car at home after every update. 20 kilometers before I am home it recommends I should charge for 2 hours.

The UI/UX is unintuitive and ugly. It shows a lot of useless information in weird places and a lot of stuff is hard to find.

The list of weird experiences I had with this car is endless, and a lot of is just just bad software development, like the issue on the Autobahn.

  • Gordonjcp 2 years ago

    I've been driving a 27-year-old Range Rover for a year. Sometimes I need to hold the ignition key close to the receiver in the rear window for it to lock. Sometimes I need to jiggle the steering lock a little for the flappy door to close and tell it the key is out, before it will lock. Sometimes I need to poke the "petrol flap" button a couple of times before the flap will open.

    Sometimes the radio doesn't really get a good signal on Radio 4 and I need to press the SEEK button on the steering wheel.

    The dashboard displays were fuzzy and hard-to-read, but I wiped the dust off and they were fine. They did go totally dark once when I was fiddling with the brightness control, but I turned them back on.

    It has never need rebooted. It has never forgotten how to be fuelled up. It has never just turned off all its electronics at speed on the motorway. The UI doesn't show any information beyond speed, engine RPM, coolant temperature and fuel level, unless there's some sort of fault indication up.

    I am really not convinced about buying a modern car.

    (My last car was also a 27-year-old Range Rover, which I still have)

    • callalex 2 years ago

      The crash safety of a modern car is just not even in the same world as older cars. That’s why I put up with all the jankiness. You can drive perfectly and still end up in a bad collision that was someone else’s fault.

      • Gordonjcp 2 years ago

        This is sufficiently new that it meets modern crash safety standards, but is much safer than modern cars because it doesn't have all the distracting crap in it.

    • doctor_eval 2 years ago

      Any ICE vehicle can blow a belt, take out the power steering and brakes, and leave you struggling to maintain control, at any time.

      Let’s not get overly nostalgic for the incredible mechanical complexity of ICEs.

      • Gordonjcp 2 years ago

        There are no cars where the brakes are powered by the drive belt. Not even the very old hydropneumatic Citroëns, with a belt-driven hydraulic pump - because they could go for 20 or 30 miles on the stored pressure in the brake accumulator.

        If you can't control a car with dead power steering, you can't control a car. Power steering only makes a difference at parking speeds.

        • doctor_eval 2 years ago

          If you blow a belt or one of another thousand things go wrong, and the engine quits, then there’s no power to drive the steering.

          In a relatively large vehicle - say, a VW Amarok - power steering provides significant moment on the steering that is immediately and unexpectedly removed when motive power is lost. While the car is arguably controllable, I was shocked at how difficult it was for me to maintain directional control when it happened to me, and I’m a pretty big guy.

          In fact, in my case I just stalled it. The twin turbo 4cyl engine had a very steep power curve and it was easy to pull the clutch at just the wrong RPM, before the turbo kicked in. Especially if I had been driving something else. So - there’s a failure mode triggered by simple ergonomics. The combination of an unexpected stall during acceleration also presents a heavy driver workload, as I discovered more than once.

          The brakes are also powered by the engine and it requires very significant additional force to stop a large car whose engine has just quit unexpectedly. I’m not sure that everyone who drives such a vehicle could recover if the failure happened, say, at a busy intersection.

          All I’m saying is that we shouldn’t be nostalgic about ICEs. There are far more failure modes for them, all of which can lead to engine failure and subsequent controllability issues.

          • Gordonjcp 2 years ago

            My car is a second-generation Range Rover that weighs around 2.5 tonnes. Without power steering it's very hard to steer at parking speeds, and absolutely no different at all above about 20mph.

            No vehicle has brakes "powered by the engine". I'm not sure if you're maybe not quite explaining what you mean clearly there.

            • doctor_eval 2 years ago

              I don’t know what to tell you. Even a cursory search makes it clear that power assisted braking is a thing.

              When the engine stops, no vacuum. No vacuum, no assist. The brakes in most of the cars I’ve driven become substantially more difficult to use when the engine is off.




              • Gordonjcp 2 years ago

                Okay, so in a car with vacuum assist, you have full braking power for several applications of the brake. Once the vacuum in the servo is exhausted, the brakes still work but will need a much harder press on the pedal. If the brakes become hard to use the second the engine is off, your brakes are fucked and you need to get the servo and master cylinder replaced.

                Many really modern cars have gone back to the old WABCO-style electric pump that will pressurise the braking system as long as there's power in the battery, because that whole thing plays more nicely with hybrid drivetrains.

                • doctor_eval 2 years ago

                  Until now you said that no car has power brakes, now you’re saying well they do have power brakes but they keep working when the power’s gone. I really don’t understand why you’re arguing with me.

                  But it is all beside the point. It’s easy to point out problems with BEVs because they’re new, but ICEs are far more mechanically complex and are therefore also subject to many kinds of failures. Simply because they have fewer moving parts, complete loss of power in a BEV is far less likely than in an ICE. This is why I said that we shouldn’t be overly nostalgic for ICEs.

                  Perhaps you’re just overly focussed on my throwaway line about “blowing a belt” - ICEs can also fail from a damaged cam, valve, pushrod, crankshaft, distributor, piston, timing chain, injector, air intake, turbo, fuel pump… I’m not really sure what your point is other than to nitpick at my example of one of the literally dozens of complete power failure modes of an ICE.

    • txdv 2 years ago

      I drive a basic 2014 jetta with an old analog media center, I really never faced an issue where the car got into a faulty state.

  • temac 2 years ago

    Some of the bugs and ergonomics problem you describe seem dangerous. The regulators should come in and ban those cars until they are fixed.

  • tibbydudeza 2 years ago

    "leave the car with all smart keys, go at least 50 meters from the car, wait for 15 minutes"

    Some engineer actually coded for this - LOL.

    • dependsontheq 2 years ago

      I think somebody coded for “no contact with the smart key in the last 15 minutes“ … which is even more ridiculous because the car could easily be standing at home and never leave the smart key range.

    • hulitu 2 years ago

      The ECUs in the car wait some time after you close the car before going in sleep mode. It's called "parking mode".

    • lajosbacs 2 years ago

      Tesla does the same. Mine stopped working on the highway (it let me get off it though) and on the gas station, this was its v suggested way to reset. But as this was in the dead of night in the freezing winter, I had a lot of doubts before doing this. When a guy with a crane arrived, I finally left the car and was not able to open it again.

      • dotancohen 2 years ago

        This is not true. The Tesla infotainment system can be restarted - even during - by holding both steering wheel buttons for 5 seconds. I've never had a problem with it (I've never had a problem with the infortainment system, I have had other problems with the vehicle) but I've tested this while driving and it does not affect the drivability of the vehicle.

        • lajosbacs 2 years ago

          That is true, it was the suggested way by the Tesla hotline after the method that you mention failed. The solution that worked ultimately was the flatbed truck...

  • leobg 2 years ago

    Ze Germans and their blue lights. Seems like that is the first thing they discuss when they design a new electric vehicle. “Where do we put the blue lights?”

  • JumpCrisscross 2 years ago

    I just bought a Subaru after a week renting a Porsche Macan through Turo. It’s wild how unintuitive the Porsche interface was. It was ugly, it felt cheap and it was distracting to boot.

mkl95 2 years ago

The state of European software is not good. The strategy at the average European company is to spend most of the money on a sales people army and have a few engineers build the product.

This strategy often fires back as the customer base grows, because customers want software that actually works. Paying your tech debt is not feasible when your engineering department is small and they are also expected to build new features nonstop.

Unfortunately, most of these companies react by partially or completely outsourcing their bad software to bodyshops at developing countries. Those companies maintain the initial quality at best -which was already poor- and at worst they keep making it worse until it becomes unmaintainable and it collapses on itself.

The biggest problem of them all is Europe's failure to learn from its own mistakes. This pattern has existed for decades now but it keeps getting worse.

  • jillesvangurp 2 years ago

    That seems a popular sentiment in this thread. But there are of course quite a few unicorns that emerged out of Europe and there is of course the notion that a lot of the mobile networks in the world are running on software that came out of Ericsson or Nokia, which are the dominant options if you don't want to go with Huawei instead.

    There is of course the notion that Silicon Valley has produced a lot of amazing companies. But it should be noted that a lot of these companies are staffed, and lead by people from all over the world. E.g. Amazon CTO Werner Vogels is from my home country the Netherlands. Both MS and Google have Indian CEOs. etc. And of course US companies have long been outsourcing just about anything complicated to India, Eastern Europe, China, etc. That's not just European companies doing that. That game was pretty much invented in the US.

    A lot of silicon valley based companies have most of their development departments in different continents. Mot surprising, the local market is very expensive and you can get a full team for the same money that a single developer costs there elsewhere. And you'd be wrong to assume the local developers are better/smarter. There are of course a lot of talented developers there. But I've worked with and been impressed with teams all over Europe. And I've dealt with some US companies where I wasn't so impressed with their engineering.

    The state of software development in legacy car manufacturers is not good. That's simply because they are historically not software companies and they are all struggling to adjust. What little remains of the US car industry after the Japanese and the Koreans took over is basically being disrupted by Tesla just as badly as the European manufacturers.

    • ChuckNorris89 2 years ago

      >a lot of the mobile networks in the world are running on software that came out of Ericsson or Nokia

      Ericsson's and Nokia's software divisions are offshoring bodyshops at this point. They do the complex RF R&D in Finland, Sweden and Germany and the software/firmware is offshored to Eastern Europe and India.

      • ptsneves 2 years ago

        Discarding Eastern European countries like Poland is a mistake. Says a person who sees the country consistently growing their foothold on the global IT market, often with customer satisfaction. Also says a person who is an immigrant to Poland and saw the sector boom in both size as well as international impact.

        • ChuckNorris89 2 years ago

          I never discarded Poland and would never do that. Sincerely, an Eastern European.

          The thing with Eastern Europe is, it's still a hub for body shops mostly. Sure, there are also big names there working on cool products thanks to remote jobs and offshoring from the tech scenes of other major tech hubs like SV/London, etc. but most of the jobs are still body-shop style.

      • mkl95 2 years ago

        Ericsson do some R&D in Southern Europe as well. A friend of mine works there for a below market average salary.

        • ChuckNorris89 2 years ago

          >works there for a below market average salary

          Traditional European tech companies in a nutshell.

  • gumby 2 years ago

    > The strategy at the average European company is to spend most of the money on a sales people army and have a few engineers build the product.

    Did you mean "average European software company"? A lot of the German Mittelstand companies are the opposite. Instead they sell into a niche through trade shows (another thing probably going away).

    • mkl95 2 years ago

      > Did you mean "average European software company"? A lot of the German Mittelstand companies are the opposite. Instead they sell into a niche through trade shows (another thing probably going away).

      I do. My area has Mitteltstands as well, mostly in biochemistry. I had a bizarre experience interviewing for one of those where they posted a Python job offer but they actually wanted me to write Java and a dozen other things on top of it.

derfabianpeter 2 years ago

I've been working in the field - and for VW specifically - for the past couple of years and am constantly amazed by how far they are actually behind in terms of software and overall technical infrastructure.

Especially germans are too stuck in their industrial past - we don't really understand the value and leverage of software for business cases.

The car industry is built upon great designers and engineers, outsourcing the actual production of parts to other entities - they're not really used to building anything on their own, they just assemble things. I've written about this here [1].

While this way of thinking isn't limited to automakers, they're the ones that will suffer the most from it in the future. True innovation has been lost to the industry decades ago and is additionally blocked by holding on to the status quo instead of experimenting with and developing new things.

I believe this stems from the fact that most of our big businesses are run by MBAs with no real understanding for trends and even less for the speed at which the world moves forward in terms of technology.

Diess himself at least tried to push something forward others have neglected since the 90s. Not sure how Blume will approach this, but since he's grown inside the VW bubble for almost 30 years I would not assume that he can drive any kind of real innovation forward.


xyzzy_plugh 2 years ago

This is funny to me, in a perhaps sad way. I've interviewed quite a few Tesla software engineers and worked with several ex-Tesla software engineers in various capacities.

The impression I have is that Tesla software is fucking terrible, generally. I'm sure there are some smart folks there and I don't mean to disparage anyone working there but, the stuff I've seen or heard is enough that I would never purchase one of their vehicles for those reasons alone.

That being said I've worked with even fewer folks from other automotive companies, and the impression I get from them is that for the incumbents it's nearly as bad as one could imagine, so the article doesn't surprise me.

All of which makes me pretty sad. My most recent vehicle purchase was largely driven by the desire for the least "smart" features possible. But why is this?

In software, the closer to metal you are, the harder the problems are (mostly due to constraints) but the worse the job is -- pay, culture... it's all bad. Why?

  • notimetorelax 2 years ago

    > the closer to metal you are, the harder the problems are (mostly due to constraints) but the worse the job is -- pay, culture... it's all bad. Why?

    Not saying it’s universal, but I’ve seen this being related to lacking economics of scale. You write software for a limited fleet of widgets and have to constrain your expenses.

  • redox99 2 years ago

    I don't know what software you are referring to. But with the IVI, which is what users interact with, the difference is night and day.

    Most cars have shitty, laggy IVI that will get no meaningful updates. You are on many cases almost forced to use Apple/Android Car.

    Teslas give you more of an Apple treatment. You will receive meaningful updates for years. It is mostly fluid and good looking. It is exciting for the people looking for the latest gimmick, the same way people look forward to iOS 15 or whatever.

    • TMWNN 2 years ago

      >Teslas give you more of an Apple treatment. You will receive meaningful updates for years.

      What is the cutoff for Tesla cars receiving software updates? Are the early models no longer supported?

      • busk07 2 years ago

        At the moment even the earliest 2012/2013 Model S still receive updates. Those updates don’t contain all the fanciest features anymore, because they’re limited by the specs of the system (1), but you still get map updates, small improvements and gimmicks. The last update for the old cars introduced Tidal as a music streaming service (2), for example.

        (1) Cars that old come with what’s called MCU0 or MCU1. They’re both running on a Nvidia Tegra chip. MCU2 uses Intel Atom and MCU3 uses AMD Ryzen. For 1500 euro you can update on any car from MCU0 and MCU1 to MCU2. Even the old 2012 models.

        (2) Tidal was already available for newer cars with MCU2 since end of ‘21.

adventured 2 years ago

Producing really good software is really hard.

Here's a tip for all the backwards big companies in Europe: pay your software engineers a lot more. Whatever you're paying now, increase it by 2x-3x. If you want the best, you're going to have to pay for it, or you're going to suffer the predictably mediocre results indefinitely (to the benefit of Tesla & Co.; Tesla's sales are now up to $67 billion; that's closing in on the size of BMW's consumer auto division).

  • hnthrow29475792 2 years ago

    Just paying 3x isn’t the complete story however. It means you might attract better applicants and you’ll have a better chance of closing them, but in the middle is your interview process, staffed by incumbents, who likely have no idea how to evaluate this talent for you. Additionally, an overnight change of this magnitude to your compensation practices in these teams creates substantial pay equity issues versus existing employees which will, at best, result in manageable increases in attrition, and at worst will cause your software department to implode and likely a 9-18 month period where very little gets delivered as you rebuild (from scratch).

  • gumby 2 years ago

    The salaries are a symptom of the problem, not the cause. Most companies in the world (though Europe in particular has no excuse) don't understand that software is a strategic (and existential) issue, so pay for it like any other thing in their BOM.

    cf my long comment on this subject.

    • whb07 2 years ago

      Exactly! Most people view things simplistically and even backwards!

      Why is Shake Shack better tasting than McDonalds? All they have to do is pay them better!

      Why did Nokia fail when the iPhone launched? All they needed to do was pay devs better, duh!

  • melony 2 years ago

    Not just the software, so many cars don't even have a functional touchscreen while requiring use of it for many core features. Hyundai for example like to use really low quality touch screens that are even slower than my old Nokia's resistive display. What is the point of pan-and-zoom in a GPS maps app if the screen can barely keep up in real-time?

    • rapsey 2 years ago

      Cars have very high temperature requirements for screens. Cars and their screens must survive very hot and very cold temperatures and last decades. Keep in mind the screen is right there under the sun on a hot day. A fancy beautiful tablet screen would last a very short time under car conditions.

      • redox99 2 years ago

        Many cars have decent touch screens so it's clearly something doable.

etempleton 2 years ago

I don’t think much of the world realizes yet just how important silicon and software is and will be moving forward. People think we are reaching peak silicon are wrong, demand is going to continue to grow for the long term. Software developers are going to be even more in demand. Europe, to wildly generalize, doesn’t seem to grasp this. Whether it be German automotive companies or Russian military contractors, the slow response is killing them—in Russia’s case—quite literally.

Chips and software, software and chips. Access to chips and good software make all the difference.

NonNefarious 2 years ago

Have you worked on a German car?

If so, you're likely tired of the "German engineering" myth. Most often, you'll find overly complicated, failure-prone designs that are worse than their simpler domestic counterparts. This isn't just in such things as emission control, but even in what you thought were solved mechanical problems generations ago: hood releases and power windows.

I'm not shocked that their software sucks as well. Then again, other cars aren't exactly paragons of software engineering either. Nothing exemplifies that better than the shitshow that is built-in Bluetooth and "infotainment" systems.

bamboozled 2 years ago

Put less software in cars, build a nice car that's fully electric. It's simple.

I'd much prefer a nice, solidly built low tech car, rather than an iPhone with wheels.

softwaredoug 2 years ago

There’s other successful hardware+software companies (Apple, Tesla) but they have had strong guidance (micromanagement even) from very strong minded leaders. Whereas a company like VW will get a new CEO every few years.

How can you really create deep organizational change without a strong top down leader that understands what needs to get done?

prng2021 2 years ago

I hate that auto companies are trying to copy Tesla’s awful product design philosophy of controlling everything via a screen and software. It’s the worst thing to happen to the industry since its inception in my opinion.

1. We’re now introducing so many brand new problems to automobiles or tremendously exacerbating existing ones. I’m referring to problems inherent to all complex software. Bugs, updates causing various regressions, fragility, a whole new set of attack vectors for hackers, [insert 1000 other problems here].

2. Consumers are unable to appreciate craftsmanship and engineering prowess of creating physical interfaces (dials, buttons, materials, textures, precise stitching and assembly). People love and definitely pay for craftsmanship in things like mechanical keyboards and mechanical watches. We used to be able to enjoy this in cars too, but that’s rapidly fading.

3. It’s just so distracting and time consuming (and therefore dangerous) using a touch screen. Touch screens only make sense on devices that you’re expected to focus your eyes on. That’s why they work on phones but not to replace physical keys of a keyboard, for example.

  • im_down_w_otp 2 years ago

    This is basically what had us choose the Polestar 2 over a Model 3.

    The Polestar 2 felt like someone with a lot of intent and diligence sat down in the cockpit of the vehicle and asked some flavor of, "Should this feels like a traditional car or should this feel like new technology?" about every single little thing.

    The UX of the car is Swedish "functionalism" at its finest. We drove a VW, a Tesla, a BMW, a Hyundai, a Kia, a Porsche, a Ford, and a Chevrolet too. For both my spouse and I it wasn't even a close race. We ordered the Polestar. We took delivery of it a couple weeks ago, and even though the $7,500 tax credit expired after the recent legislation passed in the US, I would gladly pay $7,500 more for it than its competitors.

    The drive feel and the cabin UX are the parts of any car that you're constantly interacting with. To me those two factors outweighed pretty much everything else.

  • jillesvangurp 2 years ago

    What people say they value and what they spend their money on are usually very different things. The reality is that Tesla is selling well and companies that are investing in similar products are doing extremely well currently. For all their flaws, these cars are way better than ICE cars.

    VW is getting a lot of criticism. Yet, if you try to order one now, you might be waiting until well into next year. They are selling pretty well despite the software issues. They have invested a lot in production capacity and they are on track to match Tesla in production volume in a few years. Few other manufacturers can say that. And most of those are based in China.

    • prng2021 2 years ago

      I’m not criticizing EVs in any way. I’m criticizing the industry trend to use a touch screen to control everything. That trend applies to both EVs and ICE cars if you look at interior car designs over the last few years. I view it as a huge regression.

      I don’t see EV sales as relevant here. It doesn’t prove that people are lining up to buy them because of touch screens. There’s a wide variety of reasons to account for sales numbers and for wait lists: great EV cash rebates, high gas prices, the awesome feeling of instant acceleration, supply chain problems with batteries and chips causing multi year wait lists, etc.

      People can also get used to lots of surprising changes, even if they’re for the worse, as I’m arguing. If TV manufacturers all started replacing tv remote buttons for touch screens, I’m sure we would eventually get used to it despite it being annoying at first. Likewise, I’ve been forced to get used to the touch screen in my car.

      • dnissley 2 years ago

        The Nissan leaf had a pretty traditional dashboard w/physical knobs IIRC. Last I heard it's being discontinued.

    • panick21_ 2 years ago

      > They have invested a lot in production capacity and they are on track to match Tesla in production volume in a few years.

      Are they? Because that's not what the actual numbers tell me. But that is what they are claiming. And its what GM claims as well (with far less credibility of course). Its just the trendy thing to say.

      The underlying assumption is that Tesla will slow down, but that hasn't been happening.

      VW thanks to Diselgate is in a good position with EV, to be sure.

  • _nhynes 2 years ago

    I also vastly prefer to use physical controls than a touchscreen, but I’ve found voice control to be even more convenient (when it works, which should only improve over time). I don’t get all of the hate for cars with screens and voice when the latter is a very natural interface when driving.

    • prng2021 2 years ago

      I agree good voice recognition has huge potential, but I still feel the existence of a touch screen that controls most functions brings tons of problems with it.

      My points 1 and 2 above still stand. A screen that can control everything means you have complex underlying software and all the problems that come with that. There’s another commenter here talking about a stack overflow bug from a software update in Porsche Taycans that caused the whole engine to shut down. I keep reading about serious bugs like this. I believe there was a Tesla bug that caused the entire screen to go black and become nonfunctional. I just can’t believe it’s 2022 and we’ve regressed to having to reboot our cars.

mixmastamyk 2 years ago

I don't want any of this in a car. I want analog/tactile nobs, zero connectivity, and at most a power cable and holder to plug in a smart phone. Anyone left that provides this?

  • 762236 2 years ago

    I wish that car reviewers would do their job and be critical. They rarely mention how bad the modern cars are becoming.

    • alephxyz 2 years ago

      The simultaneous trends of bigger SUV/trucks with higher hoods and poorly designed "infotainment" systems is terrifying, especially for pedestrians and cyclists.

    • geodel 2 years ago

      Well, reviewers busy fiddling with ten thousand settings in 14 INCH TOUCHSCREEN. While 2021 model has only 12.4 inch screen. So new one is best thing that happened.

      • gumby 2 years ago

        > Well, reviewers busy fiddling with ten thousand settings in 14 INCH TOUCHSCREEN.

        Instead of looking at the road.

    • rad_gruchalski 2 years ago

      > I wish that car reviewers would do their job and be critical.

      Well, it’s all about Youtube clicks now. Who shows more new cars faster. Being honest and critical does not help those individuals because that will cause that they’ll stop receiving cars for reviews.

      You see. Today to review a car, you have to get s special press car. Can’t pick up a random rental and do a review for it.

  • ricardbejarano 2 years ago

    I believe new Mazdas come with no direct connectivity and have no touchscreens. You can still connect your Android Auto or CarPlay device though, and control it with a knob.

    It is the balance I like. I don't own one (yet).

    • jcdavis 2 years ago

      Got a Mazda3 this year and the "no bullshit" infotainment stack was a huge selling point for me. Airplay integration using a knob is a little wonky in places (primarily interacting with maps), but I consider it a feature not a bug because I basically don't do any interaction I can't do via voice commands. Physical buttons for all climate etc, not a capacitive "button" to be found in the car.

    • OttPeterR 2 years ago

      I’ve got a new and somewhat-old Mazda. The new one does have an internet connection but it really only seems to be used for remote start and door lock status/control. Its using the Verizon network (in the US) and it also pings a location when you power off the car. (All these things are available through a python api so thats fun)

    • mixmastamyk 2 years ago

      Hmm, that smartphone integration implies there is something at the other side communicating. Don't think I want that either. Guessing many folks would be fine with bluetooth audio for music and directions.

  • orangepurple 2 years ago

    New Dacia cars fit the bill and they use modern Renault drivetrains under license. Funnily they get poor safety ratings because they don't include many electronic driving aids (lol)

    Their structural safety is great.

    • i80and 2 years ago

      Calling their structural safety great seems like an overstatement -- I can't find a Dacia model on EuroNCAP that doesn't have sketchy dummy kinematics, and one new model (Spring) performs startlingly poorly in crash tests

      The best appears to be the 2021 Dacia Logan[1] which has a crash test littered with "marginals":

      > [...] structures in the dashboard presented a risk of injury to occupants of different sizes and to those sitting in different positions, and protection for this part of the body was downgraded to marginal. Chest protection was also rated as marginal for both front seat occupants, based on dummy readings of chest compression.

      > In the side barrier test, representing an impact by another vehicle, chest compression indicated a marginal level of protection.

      > ...geometric analysis of the rear seats indicated marginal whiplash protection.

      I think Dacia makes great cars for what they are and their price, but there are much better options for crash mitigation.


      • petre 2 years ago

        Dacia Spring is actually a Chinese car. It's called Dongfeng Spring and is available on Alibaba.

        Dacia makes cheap cars. They're okay but they drive like a cart, the chairs are crappy and the clutch pedal is quite annoying in how it feels.

        • orangepurple 2 years ago

          I drove a brand new SEAT this year as a rental which had a clutch that was almost impossible to actuate smoothly due to a very bizzare non linear bite profile. I wonder if it's similar for Dacia cars.

          The only Dacia stuff I'm personally interested in is the stuff with the new Renault hybrid drivetrains

          • petre 2 years ago

            No, the Dacia clutch has a very short bite profile, like most Renault cars. I find it annoying after driving mainly Suzukis and VAG group cars. The Seat Leon is quite a nice drive and we also had a rental Skoda Fabia which was ok as well, apart from a too soft suspension that makes you think it's going to flip over. My other car is a previous model Audi A1 1.4 TFSI, which is very stable and much fun to drive on good roads, but it's unreliable, the trunk is useless and Eastern European roads are full of potholes and inequalities, so I'm selling it.

            The Captur hybrid is the only Renault PHEV I'm aware of and it has automatic transmission.

            • orangepurple 2 years ago

              The hybrid version of the Jogger will – like Renault’s full-hybrid versions of the Clio and Captur – be based on a 1.6 liter four-cylinder gasoline engine. The E-Tech system uses two electric motors, a starter motor and a drive unit, that are controlled by a clutchless “dog box” transmission.

              Dacia did not release horsepower figures or a sales price for the hybrid version, but the drivetrain produces 140 hp in the Clio. Dacia said it will be “the most affordable seven-seater hybrid on the market.”

              Renault says the E-Tech system allows for 80 percent of urban driving in electric-only mode, and for a total fuel savings of 40 percent compared with a comparable gasoline drivetrain.

  • dontknowwhyihn 2 years ago

    This is exactly what I want. I think there’s a huge, untapped market for an electric car with minimal software. A car that doesn’t need software updates and doesn’t track you.

    • cycrutchfield 2 years ago

      Just like that huge, untapped market for a cell phone with minimal software. Yup, people will be lining up around the block for the modern equivalent of a Motorola razr or Nokia brickphone.

      There’s dozens of us! Dozens!

      • panick21_ 2 years ago

        Its always funny when Hackers think their obscure tastes are universal.

        • mixmastamyk 2 years ago

          When these choices don't meaningfully exist there's not enough information to know whether it is viable or not.

          The present situation exists due to increased monetization, not because people are clamoring for blue-sceens, dangerous distractions, broken bluetooth, and pervasive surveillance in cars.

          "Hey wouldn't it be great if my disgruntled ex could find out where I am every minute!?"

          • cycrutchfield 2 years ago

            You neo-luddites sure are strange people. You always have the most convoluted hypothetical scenarios you use to justify your weird beliefs.

  • seanmcdirmid 2 years ago

    It’s like trying to find a cathode ray tube TV anymore: technically possible to produce, but economically infeasible in terms of costs. Chips are just cheaper than going analogue, even with the current shortages.

    • mixmastamyk 2 years ago

      These things were in $10k econo boxes, they’re plenty cheap.

  • thriftwy 2 years ago

    1st gen Huyndai Cretas on anything but the highest trim levels are just that.

  • polishdude20 2 years ago

    I mean, buying a used 2015 model of any major car manufacturer does basically that. Sure it's "used" but it still works and you can get it cheaper.

  • CobaltFire 2 years ago

    I drive a Mercedes-Benz Metris and it’s exactly that.

  • gumby 2 years ago

    The rot is deeper than just the UI, unfortunately.

mihaaly 2 years ago

Not only car manufacturers but any other appliences and products relying on software struggle. It is 'only' more prominent with safety critical products like cars and airplanes. The absolute and relative (fit to purpose) quality of software are awful in more and more products, incerasingly so. I myself experience it in phones, computers (operating systems and applications), dedicated media players daily, while avoiding app heavy things like robotic vacuum cleaner not working without connecting to the network and a mobile phone (crazy!!), dishwashers with firmware update, etc. All this despite that I make my living on software.

Very badly made unfinished and not thought throw implementations are shipped while the content is artificially inflated pumping too much and too complex into, and sometimes - when the ideology of the organization sets it on flags as strategy - simplified on the surface (UI) to the level destroying essential functionality. Squeezing unnecessarily amount of functionality into "clean and streamline" interface not adequate to handle that complexity while accepting the culture of unfinished/incomplete products: advertising the product update - which many times ruin not improves - as good thing and not in its place: the praising of an unfinished product.

Software that is supposed to make life easier making life harder and ruining previously good concepts (e.g. substandard touch screen instead of buttons). Instead of just doing something easy smoothly the user increasingly have to tinker and tune the product (configure, setup) long to bring it to the minimum level of functionality making it a very high maintenance thing (also bringing in risks and security concerns unheard of before).

It is a daily struggle that badly designed and executed software ruins the experience. The internet is full with workarounds for products, there are sites making living on that.

Looking for household appliances like vacuum, dishwasher, fridge now is more difficult because of novelty but unnecessary software supported features sweep into the picture making the search and usage more difficult than necessary (but basically just avoiding those having faulty software) and the product unreliable. Forcing software everywhere is making things worse. Not to mention the rushed and poor quality, intentionally incomplete release of software that escalates the troubles even more.

Software is not the holy grail, far from it! It is just a tool to be used in the proper setting, in the proper level or amount, and should be made properly for that.

erdos4d 2 years ago

> Herbert Diess’s master plan for beating Tesla Inc. hinged on replacing calloused factory hands with the nimble fingertips of 10,000 software workers who would transform Volkswagen AG into a tech player.

How can any product with 10K developers on it NOT collapse under its own weight?

  • avtolik 2 years ago

    Well, for a start it is not a single product. VW is a huge group consisting of a lot of brands, and hundreds of products(vehicles). I guess he wanted to bring the software development of all of these under a single company.

yalogin 2 years ago

I wonder if the exact same story as the iPhone vs Nokia/Motorola/Microsoft/et al is happening in electric cars. At least the article hints at the exact same thing happening. May be folks more knowledgeable with the auto industry might be able to comment

  • kmac_ 2 years ago

    It's the same story: no matter if it's phone, TV, car, home, washing machine - it comes to product vs product. The core functionality is the most important, but all things around also matter. TVs are quite similar, so competition moved to the smart functions, phones become smartphones, etc.

nbzso 2 years ago

I guess that the energy problem in EU will solve all the questions. When you charge your electric skateboard with black plastic and touchscreen fingerprints, and you pay more than people at the pump, all will be good.

Germany with closed nuclear power plants, lack of cheap gas, lack of fertilizers for agriculture, and stopped chemical industry, will never be considered as a strong economy. The future will be dominated by Chinese manufacturers.

And transition to "green energy" will result in coal burning, cold winters and service economy. You will own nothing. You will rent everything. Owning a new vehicle will be for privileged ones.

flyinglizard 2 years ago

It’s not just the ID and electric stuff that VW messed up software on. I’ve heard the same complaints regarding Mk 8 GTI, a very petrol car. It’s just a systematic failure and I’m not the tiniest bit surprised. I can’t see how they come out of this easily being that their SW/HW platforms are probably rotten to the core, and in automotive it takes a product cycle to fix (5-7 years).

halotrope 2 years ago

Most car infotainment is so bad that Apple just asking to surrender all screens does not seem like a bad proposition at all.

nikanj 2 years ago

Tesla vs VW is basically iPhone vs Nokia.

  • momos 2 years ago

    Spotted the Tesla fanboy.

jbverschoor 2 years ago

No need for 10x / 100x developers, right?

up2isomorphism 2 years ago

Tesla does not make money without subsidy, and their car is barely usable: none of people I know just own one Tesla, they all need some ice car to back up.

  • leobg 2 years ago

    This thread isn’t even about that. Tesla has a 20% plus margin on their cars. Zero emission credits put Tesla actually at a competitive disadvantage. And I own a Model X, arguably the most complex model of their lineup, and it hasn’t “broken down“ on me even once. I’ve done roadtrips with it, thousands of kilometers, through heat and cold and mountains. And when you do that, you meet other owners all the time at the superchargers. Up to this day, I have not met a single one who didn’t love his Tesla, much less anyone who had experienced any of those service center horror stories that you read on the internet in posts like yours.

  • panick21_ 2 years ago

    Nonsense. Tesla has industry leading margin and they actually get less subsidies then many other car companies. Tesla while selling 1/10 the cars of Ford/GM has has profits higher then those companies combined, or will very soon.

    That everybody has an ICE backup is just not true whatever your personal opinion is.

  • wumpus 2 years ago

    Tesla did make money for a couple of quarters only because of incentives, now they're solidly profitable.

    It's fun to watch how many years people will post this former "fact" for!