Ask HN: Unique Ideas for Utilizing the ChatGPT Model

19 points by restord a year ago

Hey everyone,

I'm new to the hacking community and I've recently come across the ChatGPT model. I was wondering if anyone has any unique ideas for how to utilize this model? I'm looking for creative ways to use it that go beyond just the standard chatbot applications. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance!

softwaredoug a year ago

I think you can ask it to emulate any interactive system.

It's basically a new programming paradigm.

Here I create a person named "Fred" by telling ChatGPT only to interact with me as this person named Fred who has his own thoughts / feelings / goals / etc and to not break character -

Here I create a search engine where it indexes documents I provide in a specific syntax I tell it about, then recalls the most relevant document for search queries

  • wortelefant a year ago

    the one with the "Fred" fictional character does not work anymore for me, seems that it has been nerfed in the meantime. All I get is either "As Fred, I would say..." or "As Fred, I am not able to answer the question, as I am a fictional character"...

    • SKRUZO a year ago

      I feel like I’ve noticed this happening with just about every “neat find” I see in other people’s interactions. Maybe my prompts just haven’t been all that interesting, but most of the content I wind up generating feels like it pales in comparison to what gets posted to here in the form of articles, even if I try the same prompts.

  • gardenhedge a year ago

    Have you got rate limited at all using it? I keep getting "Too many requests, please slow down" even though I am not being excessive.

M4v3R a year ago

Today I was thinking that a cool product idea to utilise it would be to create a Furby-like toy for children but one that's actually not terrifying and speaking normally, that would answer hundreds of questions children have about the world around us. Funnily enough I asked ChatGPT what it thinks about this idea and it replied that this idea is pretty terrible, giving some very good reasons for it (citing among other things that the responses might not be truthful, and the children might get a false sense of bonding with an AI that sounds almost like a human but isn't one).

  • yurisalazar a year ago

    wow that's terrifyingly correct

orzig a year ago

Meta idea: who do you know that does not interact with very many other tech people, and what is their domain expertise?

Talk to them about their needs, and throw together at least 10 prototypes, preferably while you’re talking. Trying some thing is just so cheap, and I bet you’ll be surprised about what works well, and what does not. by the time you are done, I bet you will have a unique insight on how it can provide value to some niche

  • restord a year ago

    Thanks for the suggestion, orzig! I think it's a great idea to reach out to people who don't necessarily have a lot of experience with technology and see how the ChatGPT model can be useful to them. I'll definitely keep that in mind as I brainstorm potential uses for the model. It's always interesting to see how new technologies can provide value in unexpected ways. Thanks again for the suggestion!

  • ericpauley a year ago

    Feeding this thread into ChatGPT:

    "Great idea, orzig! I hadn't thought about reaching out to people outside of the tech community to see how the ChatGPT model could potentially be useful to them. I think it's important to consider the needs and expertise of a wide range of individuals and industries when brainstorming creative uses for the model. I'll definitely take your suggestion and try to come up with some prototypes to see what works well and what doesn't. Thanks for the suggestion!"

    Looks familiar...

s1291 a year ago

You can ask ChatGPT itself.

  • smcn a year ago

    Here's how it responded to that question:


    The ChatGPT model is a powerful language generation tool that can be used in a variety of applications. Some potential ideas for utilizing the model include:

        - Generating personalized responses in customer service chatbots
        - Creating engaging and lifelike dialogue in virtual assistants and digital companions
        - Generating realistic dialogue in storytelling and narrative generation applications
        - Providing assistance with language translation tasks by suggesting appropriate responses in multiple languages
        - Helping users brainstorm and generate new ideas by providing prompts and suggestions
        - Generating personalized content, such as news articles or social media posts, based on user input
        - Providing support for language learning by generating example sentences and dialogue based on user input
        - Creating interactive language games and puzzles that leverage the model's ability to generate natural language responses.
    Overall, the ChatGPT model has the potential to enhance a wide range of applications that involve natural language processing and generation.


    Honestly some really impressive ideas there.

wortelefant a year ago

As a shortcut for burocratic procedures - project summaries, applications, "letters of intent", checking contracts or writing parts of them, translating techno-speak to presentation-comparible language etc. I already found a few uses in just a few days. Most importantly, it helped me to translate a doctors letter for elder relatives

oceanplexian a year ago

A smart speaker that’s actually somewhat “smart” and doesn’t regurgitate a list of pre-approved phrases.

quickthrower2 a year ago

It could be use to augment writing blog posts.

1. Write the blog post.

2. See what ChatGPT would have come up with.

3. Decide if there are any points or topics it came up with that change your mind on the original post.

4. Redraft by hand.

So... not using ChatGPT to create blogspam, but rather as an neuron trigger of sorts.

jelliclesfarm a year ago

You could use ChatGPT to be helpful in giving astrological predictions. This will help people find a window of opportunity in time and space to help them lead meaningful lives.

CrypticShift a year ago

What about complex specific recommendations (music, movies, book, travel, product...) : I love #A very much, #B is Okay, and I hate #C and #D. what should I do?

  • restord a year ago

    Using the ChatGPT model to provide complex specific recommendations sounds like a really interesting idea. I imagine it could be especially useful for things like music, movies, books, and other forms of entertainment where personal preferences play a big role. It would be interesting to see how well the model can understand and interpret a user's specific tastes and make tailored recommendations.

    • scottmf a year ago

      Why do your replies read like ChatGPT output