anyfoo a year ago

> Developers spend less time staring at hex dumps of data, preferring more structured output, tracepoints, and interactive debuggers as ways of tracking down problems. Debugging features in the kernel's memory allocators mean that many sorts of memory-corruption issues will be caught directly. Magic numbers are just not as helpful as they once were.

In most, maybe almost all of the places in the kernel, probably. If you get down to the very low-level nitty gritty: Bootstrapping code, low level memory management, exception handling, maybe context switching... expect to look at hex dumps a lot, possibly even directly through a hardware debugging interface that does not even know what debugging symbols are, let alone what "C code" looks like, and experience the joy the recognition of a magic number brings. Did Santa bring you saved state from an exception handler early this year?

But the article, or the patch, are not wrong, far from it. You are most likely not in that situation while debugging terminal code, as the original magic number file states as example.

  • WastingMyTime89 a year ago

    For the uninitiated who might find the idea particularly daunting, looking at hex dumps is not really looking at hex (I mean it kind of is after a while but that’s not the main idea).

    You have this raw binary dump of the content of something - generally memory or network flow - and tools which can help you turn the binary dump into a structured view. The issue is mapping the structures onto the dump.

    That’s where magic values and known values are useful. You can find them in the middle of the apparent garbage and use them to align your decoder (or to start reading the dump - if you do it often enough it becomes very Matrix like, “blonde, brunette” but with ip packets and C structs).

    • urthor a year ago

      It's funny how what you say is correct.

      ...But it's also familiar even to little ole me the neophyte, essentially the opposite of a class of 1978 greybeard, from good old Cheat Engine save file manipulation.

      Just funny how times change.

      Even some of the zoomers will know exactly what you're talking about because of Cheat Engine.

      • ModernMech a year ago

        Ha yeah. I used to edit Baldur’s Gate save files with a hex editor, and my magic numbers I guess would have been the characters’ various stats. Once I found those, I could infer inventory, skills, spells, etc.

        I remember changing my character to a wyvern model and I gave myself a fireball spell, and pretended there was a dragon in my party.

        Good times…

    • JoeAltmaier a year ago

      It isn't just looking at hex ... until it is.

      I used to work on a medium-model kernel back in the 8086 days. When somebody brought me a crash-dump to look at, one process I'd use is to just page through the kernel data segment, watching the hex go by and relaxing my mind.

      As often as not I'd see the corrupt data go by. A string copied where no strings should be. A zero in a dense table that should not have any zeroes. A block duplicated.

      Whatever it was, your brain can pattern match way more than we imagine it can.

    • genocidicbunny a year ago

      > if you do it often enough it becomes very Matrix like, “blonde, brunette” but with ip packets and C structs

      At one job I used to spend a lot of time looking at crash dumps from a game, and at some point I was able to pretty reliably identify various objects in the engine (models, textures, physics volumes..etc) just from how they looked in a hex view of the crash dumps.

      If its a system you're familiar with enough, it really is Matrix-like as you say.

    • anyfoo a year ago

      No, I did actually mean looking at the hex values themselves, with not much more than eyes, mind, and an internal concept of how things work.

      In things like exception handling and bootstrapping code, there's often not much a tool that decodes structures would give you that you don't see with your own eyes and thoughts anyway. That is very different from debugging, say, networking code.

GnarfGnarf a year ago

Windows uses a field that contains the size of the structure being passed to the API, presumably to differentiate between different versions. Ex:

    DOCINFO doc;
    memset(&doc, 0, sizeof(doc));
    doc.cbSize = sizeof(DOCINFO);
  • sedatk a year ago

    Also, NT kernel's pool allocation code receives a 4-char string called "tag" to identify an allocated block. Almost all kernel allocated memory use that feature.

  • cbsks a year ago

    I’m not familiar with Windows programming, but that could also be due to variable length structs.

jstimpfle a year ago

> There is no clear point where the development community made a collective decision to move away from the magic-number practice; it just sort of faded away. The are probably a few reasons behind this change. The kernel community has, for many years now, tried to use type-safe interfaces rather than passing void pointers around, making it less likely that the wrong structure type will be passed into a function. Developers spend less time staring at hex dumps of data, preferring more structured output, tracepoints, and interactive debuggers as ways of tracking down problems. Debugging features in the kernel's memory allocators mean that many sorts of memory-corruption issues will be caught directly. Magic numbers are just not as helpful as they once were.

I'd be interested in specific examples of some ways that type safety has been improved. Or does the author say that there is less of a need for the kind of "type safety" that magic numbers provide because problems will be caught in other ways - by more generic kernel code? If so I'd still be interested in some examples.

binkHN a year ago

The title is a bit click baity. The loss and magic relates to the use of magic numbers in the Linux kernel and nothing more.

  • troad a year ago

    I think they’re just having fun with the title - I don’t think lwn tries to be “click baity” in the news media sense. You pretty much know what you’re going to get on lwn.

    • dspillett a year ago

      “click bait” is very slowly taking on a more general meaning as any title or link that doesn't precisely and concisely describe the article, including where humour is being applied (like here).

      It is literally like the word literally often being used to mean figuratively these days, as in this example…

      • coldtea a year ago

        Haven't seen that use of the term in the general internet, but I see it on HN and a few literal-minded forums. Perhaps people in these places are just not big on humor and elaborate titles and just want some dry description of the contents...

      • Joker_vD a year ago

        The word "literally" literally means "literally" but figuratively it means "figuratively".

        • Dylan16807 a year ago

          No it doesn't. Please never say that.

          Literally it means literally. Figuratively it means very.

          It never means figuratively.

        • dspillett a year ago

          I hadn't thought of it that way.

          I shall steal that pithy quote for future use!

      • Bjartr a year ago

        Interesting trivia:

        "Literally" has been routinely used to mean "figuratively" for over a century. It's definitely not a recent change in usage.

    • cpach a year ago

      Kinda like The Economist in that regard :)

  • coldtea a year ago

    We should not conflate "Title doesn't give a literal dry explanation of the subject discussed" with "clickbait" (which is another thing alltogether)

  • eterm a year ago

    It's not clickbait just because you made an assumption from a title and that assumption was incorrect.

    • greenbit a year ago

      Click bait tries to induce a reflexive response, typically by trying to induce fear.

      E.g. something like "Safety Feature Quietly Being Removed from Linux Kernel"

      • eterm a year ago

        I think you're confusing necessary and sufficient conditions.

        • greenbit a year ago

          Ok, it can be other things than fear. Like the you-may-have-won, or incredible-breakthrough, probably many more. Fear is sufficient, but not necessary.

    • gibspaulding a year ago

      I don't know that it was intentional, but I clicked the link thinking it translated to something like "Someone highly involved in Linux kernel development is about to step down". Maybe not click bait in the typical sense, but I was baited into clicking it. You get a pass for cheeky titles though when the article is actually interesting and well written like this one.

  • dEnigma a year ago

    It was exactly what I expected, but I can see how it would be surprising if you don't know about LWN and/or magic numbers.

  • contingencies a year ago

    Nothing more? Clearly the LWN authors are also MDMA fiends :)

    There are two major products that come out of Berkeley: LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence. - Jeremy S. Anderson.

    ... quote via

  • petesergeant a year ago

    That was exactly what I was expecting given the source and the title

fuball63 a year ago

This reminds me of a technique I learned from this StackOverflow answer [1] that is about creating structs/records with TCL lists and dicts. It apparently comes from LISP philosophy:

  proc mkFooBarRecord {foo bar} {
     # Keep index #0 for a "type" for easier debugging
     return [list "fooBarRecord" $foo $bar]
  proc getFoo {fooBarRecord} {
     if {[lindex $fooBarRecord 0] ne "fooBarRecord"} {error "not fooBarRecord"}
     return [lindex $fooBarRecord 1]

The magic number is sort of like the "0" index of the "Type" field with dicts. field.


jradd a year ago

magic numbers are vital for filesystem reference in kernel code to distinguish load order of partitions in a disk, and probably used for memory allocation, and permissions. The reason why the magic code exists among code itself seems a little redundant with type checking and garbage collection or proper inheritance.

dickiedyce a year ago

Missed opportunity dept.: the title should have been "The Magic Goes Away", in reference to the Larry Niven novel.

  • greenbit a year ago

    But wouldn't that leave the door open for the idea that "The Magic May Return"?

    • dickiedyce a year ago

      Yes. Who doesn't secretly love a magic number ;-)

mpweiher a year ago

Oh, dynamic "typing" in the kernel. As a safety measure. Cool. Didn't know that.

phkahler a year ago

Seems weird to put them in a .txt file and not as named #define in a header. Oh young Linus...

isaacfrond a year ago


The use of magic numbers in Linux kernel code is declining. Magic numbers are specific constant values placed within a structure to identify the type of that structure. In-kernel debugging code can check the magic number and raise an alarm if the expected value is not found, thus detecting problems related to type confusion or data corruption. Magic numbers were originally used in the filesystem code to identify the superblock in the disk image, but later grew in use in other areas of the kernel. However, in recent years their use has declined and this patch set from Ahelenia Ziemiańska may be an indication that the reign of magic numbers may be coming to an end.