Show HN: A Chrome Extension to Manipulate Twitter Feature Flags

4 points by 512x512 2 years ago

Hi all, I've found a way to enable Twitter features hidden behind feature flags and built a chrome extension around it.

If you decide to try it, here are some interesting feature flags: "longform_notetweets_composition_without_claims_enabled" and "longform_notetweets_consumption_enabled" - allows to write/read long tweets (over 280 characters) "web_video_playback_rate_enabled" - adds setting for a playback speed in video player "tweet_awards_web_coin_purchase_enabled" - adds new menu for twitter coins (but you can't buy them yet)

There are much more feature flags and I haven't tested them all yet. Please let me know what you think!

cedel2k1 2 years ago

Oh wow, that's a lot of interesting feature flags. I just tried the long tweets one and can confirm it's working. Of course, only people that have the corresponding feature flag to read those will see the full content of the tweet. Exciting nonetheless to see already all the stuff that's in the pipes, especially given that people are doubting the speed of engineering at Twitter!

cloudking 2 years ago

Wow surprised this works and their flags aren't controlled server side. Nice hack!