dixie_land a year ago

I use an extension to do the opposite: redirect me to the web version without having to navigate the dark UI designed to trick me to download the app.


  • kibwen a year ago

    Indeed. Nobody should be using the desktop versions of these apps.

    • michaelmior a year ago

      That's a pretty strong statement. I prefer the desktop app for Zoom. It works better for me and has more features. Why shouldn't I use it?

      • williamvds a year ago

        Zoom is an Electron app, meaning it effectively bundles Google Chrome, meaning it should work in any modern browser.

        My commom thought when I have to use such apps is: why can't I just use this in the browser?

        In some cases it's somewhat reasonable, perhaps you need global hotkeys for some reason.

        In other cases the rationale it not clear. Worse, some inexplicably remove features from the web app that are available in the bundled Electron app.

        I'd much rather leave these apps in my browser sandbox, than give them greater access to my system than they truly need.

        • lytedev a year ago

          I thought Zoom's desktop app was Qt?

        • michaelmior a year ago

          I still don't get the same features I get from the app. And that's fine that others prefer not to use it. I'm just a little confused why the parent comment suggests no one should use it.

          • williamvds a year ago

            If I had to guess the parent commenter's rationale, they probably want people to boycott usage of such Electron apps. In the hopes that these companies would stop making them and pushing them onto their users.

      • imranq a year ago

        I'm guessing privacy issues. After it was revealed how much data TikTok collects even after an Apple review, all apps should be treated with some level of personal scrutiny

        • michaelmior a year ago

          That's fair. Although I think it's reasonable for some users to decide that the risk vs reward tradeoff is acceptable.

asdff a year ago

I deal with them in bash. Zoom meetings are added to my calendar on my mac. I have a function that will use icalbuddy (1) to parse my calendar events and pull up the next upcoming zoom meeting id. Then I have another function that just runs 'open "zoommtg://myorg.zoom.us/join?confno=$1"'. A third "quality of life" function just pipes the output of my upcoming meeting function that contains the upcoming meeting id to my open function so I don't have to type much. Using open with the url reformatted as such will just open zoom to the meeting and not a browser.

1. https://hasseg.org/icalBuddy/

  • chatmasta a year ago

    Thanks for this idea. Apparently we have similar pet peeves. [0]

    Do you know how to stop the Zoom app from stealing focus when it opens? Often I open it, and while it's loading, I move to a new window (on another monitor), and then when Zoom finally loads, it steals focus from my current window.

    It's quite disconcerting and a good reminder it's an app running with elevated privileges. And I swear I found a way to disable it once, but then it started happening again...

    [0] ever tried copying a Zoom meeting link from the Outlook web interface? IYKYK

sleepyhead a year ago

> Do folks tend to use the browser versions of these apps?

Given that Zoom requires admin rights to install and has had numerous security issues I definitively use the browser version even though they really push their native client.

Nifty extension though.

shultays a year ago

  Read all data on all websites
Is this really needed?
  • a13o a year ago

    No, the extension could define host_permissions specifically for the supported sites.

    If these apps have on prem, or some other technique for customizing the domain, the extension could request optional permissions programmatically in response to engaging with the extension icon.

    I think they'd be good additions. <all_urls> permission leads to extra review scrutiny when submitting a build to the Chrome Web Store. And if you get popular enough there will be gentleman callers that want to buy your extension (and your users (to run custom js of unknown motive on all their websites)).

    • zeschnell a year ago

      Thanks for this—this is instructive! Definitely going to change this on the next version submission. You’re right; if I want to support additional websites, then I should explicitly add them to host_permissions.

  • e40 a year ago

    Why I won’t install so many extensions that seem useful.

neilv a year ago

More useful to me would be something that reveals the Zoom option to open in Web browser (without me having to know that option is hidden, and clicking around on the buttons to pretend to try to launch the Zoom desktop program, which there is NFW I'm ever going to install).

thiht a year ago

Very good idea! I look forward to giving it a try.

Would you consider supporting Firefox, additionally to Chrome? I assume webextensions would make it not too much of a pain?

Also, could you add support for Linear[1], Miro[2] and Around[3] in your extension?

[1]: https://linear.app/

[2]: https://miro.com/

[3]: https://www.around.co/

mmh0000 a year ago

The feature I would really love to see would be having the actual plug-in be available through the Github releases page.

Not all of us have access to the play store/extension store nor want to jump through Google’s hoops to get it.

  • zeschnell a year ago

    Good point--added a GH issue for it [0] & hope to get to this this weekend!

    In the meantime (at least for Chrome), you can clone / download the repo, zip it, and then load into Chrome yourself.

    [0] https://github.com/zchr/zoomies/issues/7

abhinavk a year ago

Zoom is OK because of extra functionality but I tend to avoid Electron apps which are just launchers for the webapp. At that point, you are just running a separate Chromium instance for every app. Just create a PWA or shortcut if you want an app window-like look.

  • tadfisher a year ago

    Zoom is a Qt app, believe it or not. It's all QML and QtWebEngine (Blink).

    • mnd999 a year ago

      This ought to be a significant improvement but their UX is such a mess it’s still awful.

      • johnebgd a year ago

        Zoom is one app that gets significantly worse with each iteration. The last year has shuffled icons around in the mobile app and now introduced some horrible application launcher into the desktop app for meetings. I know they want to avoid being discarded as people emerge from Covid but this is not the way to do it...

        • martopix a year ago

          The desktop app shuffles things around while you're using it. Move to full screen? Everything is now in a different place. Someone starts sharing their screen? Your carefully placed chat and participant windows are now everywhere but. Sharing your own screen? Nope, you can't see the other participants full size, even if you have two screens, you have to have the tiny icons. A disaster.

FabioBertone a year ago

That's a nifty extension. I had though of developing it myself, so THANKS.

Apart from the number of people that will tell you of other ways to better handle zoom zombie tabs... yes, a lot of people open zoom links from their Google calendar and collect them through the day.

3np a year ago

To skip many of these tabs opening in the first place when they're not originating from inside the browser but other apps (say a link in Slack or Notion): make a small script handle http[s] links for xdg-open; rewrite recognized domains to corresponding protocols (e.g. s#^https://zoom.us/#zoommtg://zoom.us/#) and recurse; otherwise forward to preferred browser as usual.

There's certainly corresponding ways to do that on Windows and MacOS.

  • mnw21cam a year ago

    I would definitely appreciate an idiots guide to doing this.

jkbr a year ago

> are there other sites that this extension should support?

Figma comes to mind. Perhaps the best approach would be to allow the user to define additional auto-close rules manually.

  • OJFord a year ago

    And AWS VPN Client. It leaves a tiny plaintext page open saying 'you can now close this tab' or similar, there's absolutely no reason you wouldn't, I don't understand why they don't just include the tiny amount of JS to do it itself.

  • zeschnell a year ago

    Thanks, all! Will work on adding these :)

konfusinomicon a year ago

as a mostly dark interface user I tend to use the browser tab that zoom opens as a light source so I don't look like I'm in a dungeon on camera

godmode2019 a year ago

Why would you Install any of this spyware when you can just use the web version and know everything is sandboxed as good as a browser can offer.

  • forgotusername6 a year ago

    I suppose because there is a theory that a native application can provide a better video experience than webrtc. I've no idea whether that is true for zoom.

  • KyeRussell a year ago

    Because they don’t always do the same things? I’m assuming that as someone with this vocal a view, you seldom actually use the app if you can help it.

fatfox a year ago

That’s actually super useful. Thanks for sharing!

hellweaver666 a year ago

Please add support for Figma and Miro too!