etempleton a year ago

What would they even separate out? 80% of their business by revenue is Google Search. So you break that out from Google and you have one giant company that quickly uses all of the revenue to do the same stuff it was doing. And another tiny company or companies that slowly go out of business. You could maybe separate YouTube from the rest of Google, but beyond that what are you doing?

Further why Google? If you break up Google wouldn’t you also want to break up Microsoft and Amazon? Is the issue just search?

aliqot a year ago

Google will never face antitrust trouble unless they agree to it as a symbolic public gesture. They're too valuable as an intelligence asset and more likely to play ball than Ma Bell.

  • bushbaba a year ago

    You assume they wouldn’t provide the same benefits as being separated entities. Id wager they’d be more valuable to the government as separated entities. That would open the company up to more military cooperation as certain alphabet subsidiaries wouldn’t have the high profit ad rev

oneoff786 a year ago

I think it would still pale in comparison to the splitting of AWS from Amazon though

  • throwaway5959 a year ago

    Or breaking up Microsoft.

    • oneoff786 a year ago

      What do you think needs to be urgent broken off there?

      • throwaway5959 a year ago

        Teams for one. They’re using bundling to murder Slack.

        • oneoff786 a year ago

          Hmm but I feel like teams does make sense to be part of something like enterprise windows, no?

          • throwaway5959 a year ago

            It’s priced significantly cheaper than Slack and has more integration, likely due to it being from the same company that makes Windows and Office.

            • oneoff786 a year ago

              While I agree the garden walls should fall for integration, it seems very reasonable that teams would be a part of office, much like outlook. Chat and Video calls are increasingly a feature rather than a product. It would be crazy if they were not allowed to include such a thing, no?