Ask HN: Anyone know any OpenAI API hosted alternatives?

10 points by thomasfromcdnjs a year ago

I am explicitly looking for API alternatives (not guis) to call GPT-3 models (don't necessarily need ChatGPT memory behavior)

Unfortunately, OpenAI's api offering has slowed down a lot and is extremely inconsistent in response times. (I'm assuming they are struggling to scale and/or sometimes you get session-ed up with a congested data centre)

This is a pretty common theme for the past few months in their community forums ->

If anyone knows a less congested alternative I would greatly appreciate it (don't mind if it's of lesser quality responses)

aiunboxed a year ago

Yes that is the truth the open AI API is indeed very slow and inconsistent. Have heard people say that Azure open AI integration is a little better ?

Claude is also under limited preview right now.

Also waiting for some reliable API which can be used in customer facing applications

  • krishadi a year ago

    Claude isn't super fast either. It's about a third or so.

kgbcia a year ago

What do people think about a self hosted gpt-j 6b model?