mercurialsolo a year ago

The linked courseware (required readings) is open and pretty good to get started.

akmittal a year ago

Is it available to be taken remotely at own pace?

  • pratap103 a year ago

    Doesn't look like it but the slides and recommended reading are posted and should be able to give you some color.

  • hislaziness a year ago

    From the course page - Classes are in person on Wednesdays from 2:00PM - 4:00PM Eastern Standard Time in E14-526

revskill a year ago

I want a course that can simulate LLM using Small language model instead. It could run fast on a CPU machine, for the sake of learning.

brokenbutton a year ago

Is it possible to view the lectures online?

  • gnicholas a year ago

    It doesn't appear to have an online component, nor is there any mention of OCW, so I'm guessing not. Perhaps they'll record it and post later, though. I was curious to see why this was posted if it's not something that is open to remote participation or viewing, but I guess it was posted for the syllabus/readings?