ivanjermakov a year ago

This way every search request goes through third party proxy. I wonder if it can be done client-side (as a browser extension or a custom js bookmark).

  • silentprog a year ago

    This functionality is (sort of) already possible in firefox (and possibly other browsers) and I use them quite often, the only problem is that managing them is not as straight forward.

    An example bookmark which allows you to search on npm:

    Set url to: https://www.npmjs.com/search?q=%s add keyword: npm

    Now when typing 'npm <some_random_package>' in the url bar, it will execute the bookmark and link to https://www.npmjs.com/search?q=<some_random_package>

aajn88 a year ago

Give quick access to resources across your company by having shared commands. Directly in Chrome!