anotherpaulg a year ago

It’s interesting that you've added an HTTP UI to a command line tool. I've been building an open source CLI tool myself, and have been thinking about doing that. Do you find yourself using the HTTP interface much? Do your users like it?

  • eikenberry a year ago

    I plan on adding HTTP UI's using htmx to most of my long running applications in the future. I also mainly use Go and Go + htmx makes simple UIs super easy. It makes a great, fairly easy way to add a small GUI for cases where that is desirable.

    • sureglymop a year ago

      I just made a go tool and i liked his easy it was to embed a html frontend into the bibary! Kind of a cool feature.

    • boyter a year ago

      Add in HTMX is something I am seriously considering to add in to get an instant search over the webui.

  • boyter a year ago

    I find it useful from time to time. As for users... I am the main user of this tool. Its mostly built around what I want.

wnolens a year ago

Pretty cool, thanks.

Using the interactive mode, how can I open the selected file in vim instead of just outputting the filename to stdout?

  • arcanemachiner a year ago

    Haven't used this tool but here's how I do this with `ag` (silver searcher):

    `vim -p $(ag -l some_word)`

    The `-p` flag opens each item in a new tab. To open each item in the same tab but different windows*, you can the use `-O` or `-o` flags instead for vertical or horizontal splits, respectively.

    *I am not certain if I am using the term 'window' correctly as Vim uses it.

  • boyter a year ago

    I tend to do it with backticks, so

        vi `cs` 
    would do the trick.