nicce 10 months ago

It seems like the tutorial is not really thinking the end-result and reproducibility of the container (the main use-case).

It is manual workflow to create a service inside container, when you instead should automate the process with Dockerfile/Containerfile or just shellsricpt it with Buildah.

What is the point of creating non-root user here when he adds it to the wheel group anyway?

Something you are not doing, when making a proper container image.

_joel 10 months ago

Why do this rather than use a Dockerfile?

lioeters 10 months ago

I liked the tutorial, it showed how to get started with some interesting choice of technologies.

What I would have liked to see more:

- Why not Docker? Why Podman instead of other container tools?

- Why Elixir instead of other languages?

- Why not Phoenix?

- How to clean up after the tutorial: shut down Podman, etc.

  • spacedimp 10 months ago

    I expanded the guide a bit more with some helpful resources to learning more about why Podman over Docker.

    > Why not Phoenix?

    I wanted to keep the demonstration simple. Also it's helpful learning how a web framework works underneath instead of just using it blindly.

    > Why Elixir

    Mainly for the fault tolerance and distributed networking.