Show HN: Privacy Manifest CLI tool for iOS apps

13 points by stelabouras 13 days ago

I have created a simple CLI tool to help me go through the codebase of my iOS apps and detect those 'required reason' APIs and SDKs that Apple now requires developers to disclose on a separate manifest file.

I have also added the option to generate a simple Privacy Manifest file based on the findings and on the responses that the developer will give.

Even though it's a bit too niche for HN, there maybe iOS devs here that might find this tool useful!

mrbombastic 13 days ago

Very nice! love that it is all in swift, will give a closer look later but looks beautiful.

Recently went through this with a react native app with a ton of old dependencies and it was fairly painful. Wrote a couple not quite as beautiful scripts to help so I wish I had this before.

Tangential rant: I am all for privacy but find it really obnoxious that the most profitable company in the world is giving open source contributors to their ecosystem work on a deadline. Case in point: