Dittofeed v0.13.1: Webhooks and Admin API

2 points by maxthegeek1 14 days ago

Hey HN, we just released Dittofeed v0.13.1! Dittofeed is an open-source, MIT-licensed alternative to customer engagement platforms like Customer.io and Braze. This release introduces several features that really expand how you can use Dittofeed:

- *New Webhook Channel*: This channel lets you make API requests directly from user journeys. It's useful for:

1. Use cases include sending Slack messages, triggering native mobile push notifications.

2. Sending messages with your internal APIs.

3. Integrating messaging channels that Dittofeed doesn't yet support natively.

- *Admin API*: The Admin API allows you to programmatically manage your Dittofeed workspace. This release includes endpoints for managing users, searching user events, and more.

- *Improved Template Publishing UX*: Our template editor now allows you to visually compare your drafts against published templates, simplifying the publication process and ensuring you don’t lose track of your changes.

For a more detailed breakdown of what’s included in v0.13.1, check out our blog post:


And for those self-hosting Dittofeed, make sure to consult our latest upgrade guide:


We'd really appreciate it if you visited and starred our repo to help support the project:


Thanks all!