Show HN: Analyze Politicians' Tweets

2 points by thepablohansen 13 days ago

Source code here:

Functionality demonstrated here:

Hey HN! I've been wondering for a while how we might be able to make the process of evaluating the politicians we vote for more transparent. In the most recent SF election- for example- I only really had a few promotional websites and some loose policy statements to go off of. This seems quite inefficient, especially considering how much signal- social media posts, policy decisions, interviews- exists on the internet for each politician.

So, I put together Candidly ( as an experiment (for now, it only has information on the candidates for SF's upcoming state senate election.)

*The Core Idea*: Candidly indexes each politician's most recent tweets, interviews, and policy decisions- and lets you interface in a conversational manner with each politician's stated and demonstrated opinions.

Repost of my previous "Show HN" because I accidentally posted the wrong repo which curtailed engagement. Believe this is in line with the HN rules.

Let me know what you think!