Show HN: Tailwind Nested VSCode Extension

6 points by rpeshkov 12 days ago

After playing around with Tailwind CSS - I can definitely say that the idea behind is really cool. However, I was really annoyed by editing big amount of hover:, focus: and other styles because of the duplication. Due to this, I decided to build an extension for VSCode that allows editing classes like there's a nesting applied.

Pretty much it works in way that you can expand classes into multiple lines with simple hierarchy, do changes and then return it back to a single line.

The extension is in really early stage and definitely there will be a ton of issues at the moment.

ska-dev 11 days ago

> I was really annoyed by editing big amount of hover:, focus: and other styles because of the duplication

I share that sentiment. I even "invented" something called "selectors" [1] which is a UI to handle all the Tailwind variants.

I popped this monstrosity of a Tailwind class in and your extension worked wonderfully in creating a tree of it: [2]

How ever when I collapsed it back to a single line something went wrong and it increased the length of the classes by ~15x creating this: [3]



[3] (Edit: pastebin removed it for some reason)

  • rpeshkov 11 days ago

    Wow, this is huge! :)

    I tried it to see what's going on. There are 2 issues that I need to fix:

    - Variables. It splits incorrectly

    - Arbitrary variants are split incorrectly as well

gnomodromo 10 days ago

This looks really useful. The single line of class properties is a struggle. Additionally I'm using a plugin that hides the class property all together, until I'm clicking on it or toggle it.

khalidx 12 days ago

This a great idea.

You could also add a collapse toggle ">" to the classname line that will open the focus view (instead of the keyboard toggle). I think the VSCode API supports it.

  • rpeshkov 12 days ago

    Thank you for this idea! VSCode API definitely allows to do this, however here I will need more sophisticated algorithm to understand where to show it and where not. Current implementation can expand/collapse literally any string, so kind of implicitly it supports even the cases when you use classnames or similar libraries.