beders 12 days ago

Sweet poem. I remember being blown away when I studied computer science. The whole idea that there are inherit limits to computing on Turing machines seemed crazy.

Gödel's incompleteness theorems has a similar proof that will mess with your brain :)

g___ 12 days ago

Suppose O is the oracle for the halting problem.

We create a machine: given a program P, ask O whether P halts given input P and negate the answer.

λP. ~O (P P)

Now we ask whether this machine will halt given its own source code as input. In symbols:

(λP. ~O (P P)) (λP. ~O (P P))

which is the Y-combinator in lambda calculus.

  • thedudeabides5 12 days ago

    aren't oracles, just attempts to escape the halting problem?

    assume you have an O which doesn't halt

    now feed P which DOES halt into O

    oh look it catches it!

    misses the boat

    • bongodongobob 12 days ago

      No, in fact you can use oracles to prove the halting problem.

QuinnyPig 12 days ago

The halting problem--a tough endeavor

"Will the loop complete or run forever?"

Many fixes were attempted

(Lambda's 15 minute limit doesn't get exempted)

You'll quickly find there is no winning

As the LOADING ball keeps spinning

To date there remains a single hack:

Rip the cable out the back

You'll have an answer clarified:

"The loop is done; the power died."

  • QuinnyPig 12 days ago

    ...this comment made a lot more sense when the title was "a poem about the halting problem." Now I just look more deranged than I usually do.

    • stainforth 12 days ago

      Is your name an anagram for PunnyQuip

flanfly 12 days ago

I quoted this, in full, in my MSc thesis. It's both a light hearted introduction to the Halting Problem and something you need to reference quite often when writing about static program analysis. Good times.

VikingCoder 12 days ago

I've been working on a proof for a long time, but I'm just not sure if I'll finish it...

vincent-manis 11 days ago

But he rhymed “data” (in British pronunciation, “dattah”) with “later”!

fragmede 12 days ago

so, for classes of problem where it's been talked about enough in the training data, gpt 4 manages to solve the halting problem.

srcreigh 12 days ago

Obligatory mention that although Halt doesn’t exist for arbitrary P, there are Halt_N for every natural N where Halt_N works on empty-input TMs with at most N states.

Undecidability is more about compression than it is about whether we can determine if TMs halt.

  • snarkconjecture 12 days ago

    For sufficiently large N, it's impossible to prove Halt_N correct.

    (The N required depends on your axioms.)