stefanos82 15 days ago

Upvoting because you are a ΛΕΒΕΝΤΗΣ! I love, L O V E seeing such beautiful solutions.

Well done my friend, all the best!

  • vagdrak 14 days ago

    Haha thank you so much! Your comment was awesome! If you have any feedback let me know

timensional 12 days ago

The UI looks fantastic! How does this differ from LinkedIn?

  • vagdrak 12 days ago

    Thanks a lot! Our whole idea was to create an HR platform for the hospitality sector (Hotels,Restaurants, Cafe, etc) that works without job ads. Candidates create their profiles and upload them to our system ,then recruiters can filter and choose a specific person for the job they want.

    If you wanna give it a try, sign in as a recruiter with and pass: 1234