Show HN: Job Board for Referral Bonuses (Peer to Peer only, no hiring managers)

6 points by travisweber 13 days ago

Hello, my friend was offered a referral bonus at his company. Essentially, they had an open position, and if he referred someone and that person got hired, my friend would receive a $500 bonus. But he did not know anyone to refer.

Many of us know it is hard to get hired right now, and asking for a referral from a current employee can help.

Thus, I built this little job board. The front end is Vue inside Astro, then just supabase in the backend. Vue Islands wrapped in Astro is a really fast way to build for several reasons, but I'll save that for another post.

The site does not even have a search bar yet because I figured it is unneccessary until we have enough posts that scrolling the page is difficult, so why build it before that? I might limit it to only Software Engineers alone so that we never really need to add a search bar, just a filter for preferred/best language and tech stack.

It is fundamentally a network and thus only valuable in proportion to the number of users.

Do you think this is useful to you? Who might it be useful to? Let me know what you think.

gregjor 13 days ago

This defeats the reason for offering referral bonuses. Companies offer those bonuses so employees will refer people they know and can vouch for. If the company just wants to pay to get more candidates they can use recruiters.

Referrals have value when an employer brings in a candidate they know and have previously worked with. They have much less value when they give employees an incentive to spend time working as recruiters. I never refer anyone I haven’t worked with before and I think that’s the usual expectation.

developer1000 11 days ago

Anything that helps people get hired is good! Oftentimes these referral bonuses are tiny peanuts in comparison to what they would pay a recruiter. I assume you could ask your company's hr department for permission to refer in this way.

travisweber 13 days ago

My name is Travis btw. I will be reading all comments. Anything is helpful!

unstatusthequo 13 days ago

Maybe add the other 40+ states? I have like ten jobs to add but some are in states not listed.

  • travisweber 13 days ago

    Alright, good point. I need to find a good places API. The current ones are hardcoded.