Show HN: VS Code Extension to skip the noisy web tools (JSON Prettify, and more)

24 points by itsharveenatwal 2 months ago

Hi HN,

Simple online tools on the web have become unnecessary greedy. For example,

* displays 7 ads on page load

* had 4 ads plus a Google Vignette.

And many more sites do the same thing.

It's just noisy, which is why I created this VS Code Extension where you don't need to even leave your editor for your small web operations. I also built a Desktop app and an online version, which can be reached or downloaded at Both of which will be ad-free forever.

So far has over 150 tools and I add more everyday! Give it a try and leave me a review is all I ask! Perhaps, share with your friends so we can rank better on Google!

eddythompson80 2 months ago

There is also IT-Tools and CyberChef. Selfhost-able projects to create your own instance of "online utilities tools"

  • itsharveenatwal 2 months ago

    Oh these are great! I guess my differentiator is that i want to be on every medium hence the vs code extension and the desktop app for offline usage.

    • gchq-7703 a month ago

      CyberChef supports offline usage, just save the page!

      If you want a "quick" way to add a bunch more operators, all of ours are available via the 'cyberchef' NPM package[0] and the license permits embedding into other applications.


graypegg 2 months ago

Neat! The website is pretty slick. If you would ever consider it, being able to chain up transforms would be useful! Just piping 2 or 3 together, pipes like

normalize-text-spacing => fix-distance-between-paragraphs-and-lines => remove-diacritics

could be useful for 1-off "I'm trying to read mangled text from a bad OCR pdf" cases. Bonus points if settings could be encoded in the URL, so you can book mark the whole pipe and it's settings.

Also one other minor thing, I always like when case transforms write their name in the case mode, like Train-Case or Pascal_Snake_Case. I just find the names really obtuse, it's just easier to skim if you can see a sample of it.

  • itsharveenatwal 2 months ago

    Great suggestions! I'll add chaining to my feature backlog and get back to you when that's done!

    Your case name suggestion makes a lot of sense. I'll make that update very soon.

    Thanks for your feedback!