Ask HN: Lesser-known/underrated cool new web-oriented tech?

10 points by lambdaba 3 months ago

I've been surveying the space lately and I re/discovered some really powerful new-ish tech which woke up my tech taste buds and am now looking for more such "tasty" tech (sorry I guess I'm due for a meal soon :P)

Example as starters:

- Qwik and resumable web apps (

- SurrealDB, maximally flexible multi-model DB w/ realtime capabilities (

There are others, but I'm trying to keep to the starkest examples and not to influence the discussion too much.

I do think this is the best place to ask such questions - I'm explicitly interested in cutting-edge tech, but the edge doesn't have to be excessively sharp ;).

adamcrow64 3 months ago

A classic that seem to be lesser known... --> darthsim/imgproxy. (docker) , this is an image proxy. easily run under docker then you can fetch any web image through it and be able to resize on the fly and cache! Fantastic for auto creating user thumbnails etc and not needing to generate different size images. Thanks to the author (Sergey "DarthSim " Alexandrovich)

admissionsguy 3 months ago

PHP, MySQL, Apache - basically allows one person to the work of multiple teams using more “modern” tech.

karencarits 3 months ago

I think Atomic Data is a pretty cool project in the linked data/knowledge graph space

> Atomic Data is a modular specification for sharing, modifying and modeling graph data. It combines the ease of use of JSON, the connectivity of RDF (linked data) and the reliability of type-safety.

> AtomicServer is an open source, powerful graph database + headless CMS. It's the reference implementation for the Atomic Data specification, written in Rust



rtcoms 3 months ago
  • nbbaier 3 months ago

    I've been thinking about exploring convex, what are you doing with it?

    • rtcoms 3 months ago

      rakkasjs - allow server and client code in the react component itself and it can be deployed on cloudfard

      Convex - Provide backend db, background jobs, serverless functions

      Trying to setup the simplest MVP framework for my sideprojects

      • nbbaier 3 months ago

        Sounds like a solid stack

roshankhan28 3 months ago

now i dont know how cutting edge this product will be for you but i find it really helpful for my website as i can see how my visitors were performing.

here is the product :

qresf 3 months ago
