Ask HN: How to crack a market without network?

4 points by ammaramehdghani a month ago

Hi, I want to ask the community that how did you crack a market for your product without having network? Going to the events and meeting face to face to create your network is a slow, time consuming and energy draining process. What hacks did you use to grab attention of your target market to sell your product?

GianFabien a month ago

I recommend reading "The Startup Owner's Manual" by Steve Blank.

I presume your product solves a problem or serves a need that you have seen observed in a specific market segment. Those persons / organizations would be the first people you could get in touch with. Keywords that identify the need you solve might also be useful to drive SEO campaigns.

  • ammaramehdghani a month ago

    Thank you for sharing your insights. Very helpful. Yes you got it right. I would change the landing page then to make it more visible.