Show HN: Voluntarily add warning labels to social media websites

27 points by mrwyz a month ago

A Chrome extension to voluntarily add informative warning labels to social media websites.

There is a significant association between social media use and depression. Recently the surgeon general of the United States called on congress to require warning labels. While warning labels are not a sure-fire way to curb use, they can be effective provided that:

- The warning must provide new information to users, and - The user must find the information credible

Flimm a month ago

The study shows an association, and does not demonstrate a causal link. I think people are likely to misinterpret the warning label.

  • Angostura a month ago

    Which is exactly what the smoking lobby said for 20 years

lukan a month ago

Those who would install the extension, know about the dangers anyway. Those who don't, won't.

And parents installing this for their kids, will be a sure way to create drama for the family, or laughs from the friends.

So not sure about the value.

msnkarthik a month ago

What kind of warning are you talking about? I didnt get it?

  • Am4TIfIsER0ppos a month ago

    He's suggesting people voluntarily put the equivalent to those "smoking kills" warning labels on their own "packs of cigarettes".