Show HN: Msgdrop – Test emails, webhooks and 2FA using a simple API

5 points by dustedcodes a month ago

Hey HN crowd,

I'll spare the marketing speak and talk straight and honest here which I think most of you will appreciate.

I was on a team not too long ago where we needed to test emails from an automated test run. Think of the stuff like magic login links, verification links, etc.

Normally when we had such cases then these user journeys were tested manually by our QA engineers and this always bugged me a lot. None of the tools which we found on the internet really convinced us. They were either completely open and wholly insecure or only accessible through a UI and very cumbersome to use. Also their features were very limited.

I am not with this company any more, but I've seen the same issue time and again, not only emails but also things like two-factor authentication being turned off in testing environments because QA couldn't automate their way around it.

Long story short, I thought it would be a really cool side project to build a service which specifically addresses these issues and makes testing emails, webhooks and 2fa an ease. So far my career has been mostly centred around .NET (C# and F#) but I always wanted to switch to Go after having done some fun little projects in my spare time. I decided to build Msgdrop entirely in Go (and Svelte for the frontend app) so that even if this might go down as a failed SaaS at least I have some work to show when I apply for new roles in Go.

However, a lot of work has gone into making Msgdrop really neat and I'm actually very proud of what I've done so far and wanted to get some feedback from the one site which I value the most :)

P.S.: I know there are a few tools which do something very similar or parts of it. I only discovered them much later, but either way, I don't think that having competing products is a reason to stop. If anything I believe that means the idea has already been validated and I think I can beat them in execution, or at least I hope so :)