vintagedave a month ago

The headline buries the lede!

> Treescope is an interactive HTML pretty-printer and N-dimensional array ("tensor") visualizer designed for machine learning and neural networks research in IPython notebooks

Its major feature, from the readme, seems to be graphical visualisation. There's a screenshot a page or two down. It's a little more than an "Interactive HTML Pretty-Printer" which I interpreted as a HTML formatter / syntax highlighter you could interact with.

  • dang a month ago

    If anyone can suggest an accurate, neutral, non-abbreviated title that fits HN's 80 char limit, we can exhume the lede.

    • Jarwain a month ago

      How about

      > Treescope: HTML pretty-printer & tensor visualizer for ML/NN Research in iPython

    • mrwetsnow a month ago

      Treescope: Interactive HTML Visualization Library for Python Neural Networks.

      • dang a month ago

        Let's give that a go. Thanks!

hfjke a month ago
