Show HN: Symbols > We are building Figma for developers

5 points by joshsymbols a month ago

What is Symbols?

“The ultimate platform for developers & teams to build, test and document fully functional & reusable UI libraries on a canvas. Publish as a website or export to your existing tech stack with open-source development”

Lifetime offers: We are currently running $100 one off offers for the first 100 users, which includes unlimited projects or users for 1 project. Eventually charging $49 per month per user/project, as design system platforms charge a similar amount. So grab a deal!

Landing: Here is a quick landing put together, with a better one in the works :)

Any questions let me know!

meiraleal a month ago

Your landing page is full of lies like fake customers, this screams amateurism

  • joshsymbols a month ago

    Thanks for the feedback. These are minor adjustments to make to the final landing, as some stuff was due to be replaced. Not a big deal. I will highlight those testimonial reactions to seeing the platform in action are real.

    Do you have any further feedback? I’m thinking of a more clean/white space landing with much less text and more graphics to enforce key points. Kinda like Figma/creative tools.

  • HeyTomesei a month ago

    How'd you determine this? I've always been curious.

    • meiraleal a month ago

      well this one is quite easy, he doesn't even have a domain (using framer). I'm sure Asana or Hotjar aren't his customers.

      Also in the post "Lifetime offers: We are currently running $100 one off offers for the first 100 users"

      And in the website: "300+ customers! We are amazing!"

      • HeyTomesei a month ago

        Ah, interesting - thanks for explaining!

samier-trellis a month ago

I am interesting in trying this, but I find your entire sign up process/schtick incredibly obnoxious. I would literally rather pay to try this than refer this to anyone (esp since I haven't tried it); I hate the assumption that anyone looking at your landing page has a Twitter account; and I find it opaque.

  • joshsymbols a month ago

    Noted :) Thanks for the feedback