Ellipsis753 a month ago

Ehhh. Feel like CAP theorem is a bit overrated. It's correct from a theoretical purist point of view, but you can still solve many of these kinds of issues in practice. (Similarly, people overstate the halting problem - which can be solved for computers with finite memory.)

  • imtringued a month ago

    If you think the CAP theorem is overrated, you don't understand the CAP theorem.

    It is not just correct from a theoretical point of view. Any tradeoff you make in reality is in accordance to the CAP theorem, one way or another.

    The only thing that is overrated is the idea of consistency, availability or pratition tolerance to be discrete things, when in reality they are continuous.

    • janderland a month ago

      Availability is the one that’s overrated in my experience. A lot of system can handle some down time.