arcastroe 5 days ago

When I was in middle school, I had dabbled in coding but only knew how to make simple CLI applications that ran on the terminal. Then one day I stumbled on Lode's Computer Graphics Tutorial and I finally had easy to understand examples of how to open a window and draw some graphics on the screen. That led me to recreating a bunch of retro games (Pacman, Snake, Space Invaders, etc) that would not have been possible on the terminal.

I credit this site for really kickstarting my career in software development from a somewhat early age. Big shout out and thank you to Lode. Back then, I practically memorized all the pages and examples in, even if some of the math went right over my head at the time

256_ 5 days ago

I once made a small x86 asm program that generated an image with a similar technique, except with 1-bit colour. Instead of x ^ y, it was parity(x ^ y), i.e. if there are an even number of 1 bits, colour it one way, else colour it another. It had an interesting visual effect; it looks like a tiling that almost repeats but not perfectly.

Edit: Just looked through some old files and found the program. It was written in fasm in 2019 and generates an XPM2 file (which I had to manually convert to XPM3 to view). Here's the resulting image:

(I can post the code if anyone wants, though I don't know why you'd care.)

nicknash 6 days ago

A fun fact: Each point in the XOR texture is the smallest integer not appearing above it, or to its left

(Ducking while posting my own blog:

  • lilyball 5 days ago

    The row starting with 5 in your example matrix is wrong, it should look like

      5 4 7 6 1 0 3 2
msarnoff 5 days ago

A similar effect, when animated with a function like `color = (y == (x ^ t))` for varying values of t, is called “munching squares.”

It was originally written for the PDP-1 in the early sixties. I’ve seen it demonstrated on the Computer History Museum’s PDP-1. I always wondered how the characteristic “XOR texture” could be produced if the PDP-1’s display can only plot points and does not use a bitmapped framebuffer.

Turns out it takes advantage of the long persistence of the screen’s phosphor, and the brightness of each point decreases over time.

The CHM has a video of it running online, but it does not capture the effect of the phosphor persistence:

Edit: here’s a video of it running in MAME that somewhat shows how phosphor persistence creates the XOR texture:

grumpymuppet 5 days ago

I made a quilt that uses this texture. I used the same rainbow scale that one of the last pictures on the site illustrates, So it looks a lot like this. 6 ft by 6 ft decoration I've got hanging on the wall.

Lerc 6 days ago

That's quite a neat site. I recommend going up a level and browsing some of the other pages.

Even though it is 20 years old, a lot of that stuff can still find a use somewhere, especially if you do shader work.

fabiensanglard 5 days ago

Lode's website is how I learned how raytracing worked back in the days.

Their website is pure gold. Also, I love the layout even more today.

mg 5 days ago

What is the state of JavaScript sandboxing these days?

I would like to build a site geared towards this kind of algorithmic art. Where one can paste the JS code snippets and see the resulting image. Similar to my html editor with instant preview:

But with the ability to link to the code.

Is it feasible these days to build something like this, but without the ability of the code to jump out of the result frame? Like no external http requests, no fiddling with the window etc?

  • AgentME 5 days ago

    If you were not worried about preventing external requests and were okay with it being able to make requests as an arbitrary webpage unrelated to your site could if opened, then loading the code in an iframe with the sandbox="allow-scripts" attribute is enough.

    If you needed tighter sandboxing than that, then I think WebAssembly is your best bet because you can control exactly what APIs are exposed to a WebAssembly module. You could then let users submit WebAssembly modules or let them submit JS that will be run in a JS interpreter running in WebAssembly. I think or (used by look good for that.

    • mg 5 days ago

      Wow, sandbox="allow-scripts" looks pretty good. Doing some additional research, it seems one can disallow all network requests via Content-Security-Policy directives:

          <iframe sandbox="allow-scripts"></iframe>
                  <meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="default-src 'none'; script-src 'unsafe-inline'">
                      document.querySelector('span').innerHTML+=" world"; 
                  <img src=''>
      The JS runs, but no network requests are made. I wonder if that solves all headaches regarding the execution of user provided JS code?
      • AgentME 5 days ago

        Oh I hadn't thought of using CSP for that. CSP alone used to not be enough but combined with the iframe's sandbox attribute (or the relatively newer sandbox CSP directives, which both block navigation and form submissions by default) then I think it's enough to block external network requests. This combo seems like a good solution for many use-cases.

        However there are certain things that it still doesn't protect against: CPU and memory exhaustion. Someone's script can hog those resources and possibly cause the browser to crash the tab. If you only execute one user's code at a time when a user of the site specifically browses to it / activates it, then it might be acceptable because a user can learn to not re-activate code that just crashed their tab and won't be missing out on anything else, but if you had a setup where it didn't take user action to run other users' code (like you have a homepage that automatically shows a running preview of other people's code, or you have a multiplayer programming game where each player submits code and everyone in the game sees it run together and interact with other players' code) then it could be purposefully griefed by players submitting code that exhausts resources. If you need to protect against local denial of service attacks like this, or if you needed strict determinism for some reason, then I think a WASM-based solution is still the way to go.

stevefan1999 6 days ago

Also known as GF(2) texture :) That's why the texture looks cyclic

eternityforest 6 days ago

Never heard of it, and I haven't seen it in long enough that it's no longer overused!

Really cool!

0x69420 5 days ago

i frequently generate something resembling this and/or the hamming distance texture in a fairly dumb manual way, by just doing blend mode overlay on progressively smaller checkerboards.

it's my go-to for lining up pixel-perfect uv maps for more geometric/mechanical 3d assets -- the recursive nature means you can have an easy time hitting, say, the exact corners or centers of luxels if you feel the need.

cubefox 5 days ago

This looks a bit like a fractal, specifically it reminds me of the Sierpinski triangle, though the XOR texture doesn't seem to be a proper fractal with an associated dimension.

However, according to these replies here the XOR texture and the Sierpinski triangle/tetrahedron are indeed mathematically related: (Admittedly I don't understand the mathematics behind this connection)

vq 5 days ago

My python+numpy+matplotlib version from when I was playing around with it:

  import numpy as np
  import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
  n = 2048
  X, Y = np.mgrid[:n,:n]
fluoridation 5 days ago

Similar to this, if you fill the texture with (x & y ? white : black), where x and y are the 0-indexed coordinates of the pixel in question, you get a Sierpinsky triangle.

flohofwoe 5 days ago

A simplified use case is to generate a checkerboard texture, just compute (x ^ y) and look at bit zero:

    color = ((x ^ y) & 1) ? black : white;
  • pavlov 5 days ago

    I wonder if someone has written a GPU shader that can play a game of chess inside a 8x8 checkerboard texture.

neontomo 6 days ago

> It was shown how easy it is to create a XOR texture, which makes the XOR texture useful to test if a texture renderer is working.

> However, it's not suitable for applications such as art or games.

uhhh why not suitable for art? I'm digging into it right now and made some trippy stuff!

  • w_for_wumbo 6 days ago

    That's a really neat demonstration! Would you mind if I use this code to jump off with my own tangent? (I want to hook the microphone audio into it, to control the patterns based off voice/music)

    The way the patterns looked, felt natural enough that my brain was trying to make sense of the chaos.

    • neontomo 5 days ago

      go right ahead! i can make a repo for it if you have any trouble copying.

      PLEASE, for the love of god, send it to me later. I am extremely interested (not just saying that). or reply here

      or, let's collab!

  • GuB-42 5 days ago

    It is a sizecoding/demoscene classic, which is a form of art.

    Using it as-is tends to be discouraged though, because it is considered unoriginal and lazy for all but the tiniest of intros. Variations on it are fine.

  • aftbit 5 days ago

    >However, it's so overused that it's not a good choice to use in in a demo or intro release.

    I guess because it's been seen before? Don't let anyone else yuck your yum though - if you like it and find a way to make it look cool, use it!

  • detay 5 days ago

    asked the same question. i think this is art itself!

paulfharrison 5 days ago

If you plot x^y against x+y, you get a Sierpinski triangle.

MortyWaves 5 days ago

It mentions the other texture generation articles but I can’t find them anywhere. Anyone got the links?

thesnide 5 days ago

I'm wondering what it does if one convert x and y to gray code before the XOR

2shortplanks 5 days ago

A lot of this article seems to be conflating two things:

1. The ability for the code to process the error and recover from it 2. The ability to sensibly log, trace, and later for a human to understand the error after the fact

The later of these is best handled by using a tracing library systematically throughout your code to spit out open telemetr and “logging” the error within your local span. You can then debug the problem with a tool like honeycomb which’ll give you a much clearer idea of what’s going on. Having tracing in place will also help you debug in cases where you don’t have errors but your system is running slowly, doing something unexpected, etc.

This greatly reduces the problem domain you have to solve in actual error handling to just having the computer recover when something is recoverable. And in these situations it turns out that most recoverable errors are best expressed as “non-errors” once they migrate any distance from the origin of the error (e.g. the record not found turns into a standard “user not known” status return value - it’s no longer an error, but an expected behavior of the system!) So for these “short lived” errors that are either handled locally or bubbled up all the way to the top and never handled, I’ve found that Go’s native basic error framework is fine.