snthpy 11 hours ago

I really like the Rye language but my biggest gripe has to be calling tables spreadsheets - so long to type and also implies dynamic, reactive content IMHO instead of static data.

  • middayc 7 hours ago

    Thanks for your feedback. It's still an open issue, as all naming is in Rye. Currently, when I write code with it, I like the word spreadsheet, it somehow gives symmetry to the two usually fat block arguments that follow. I have a lot of ideas I still want to try around spreadsheets, some might work, some not ... so I'm also not sure where the value type will "end up". That might also affect the final naming decision. Currently, spreadsheet and table are the candidates. Dataframe is too technical for what I want to do.

    So far I mostly used spreadsheets as immutable data. There are cases when you want / need to change values in-place so how this would work / make sense is being explored now. In immutable data there is no reactive content, because nothing changes.

    Immutable approach seems to me to be generally the default one, so maybe we won't delve too much in mutable side, but if we find it useful for specific cases (maybe more directly tied to UI) adding something like calculated columns and or rows wouldn't be hard or of of character for Rye where code and data intermingle often.

    Maybe I'll just rename it to table locally and try to use it for a while to see how it feels :)

pvg a day ago
  • middayc a day ago

    First one was a page full of Rye + Fyne (Go GUI framework) examples and screenshots

    Second was about a general page / language

    Current submission is of a longer page about the Spreadsheet data type.

    • pvg a day ago

      Related threads are just that, related threads. Although this particular one is what HN calls a 'quasidupe'

      • middayc a day ago

        Thanks for the quasidupe link. I didn't know about it.

        This cookbook page is focused specifically on the Spreadsheet datatype, which is similar to dataframes, but also has a lot of specific ideas and views I think. It's not something that other languages couldn't implement.

        Page could be a long blogpost, but since it's not temporary information, I made it in a form of a cookbook.

        I am the author, but I didn't submit it here. I did submit it on lobsters, and someone reposted it to hn it seems.