guerrilla a month ago

Clearly there needs to be a video game set in a word consistng of only that stuff. Perhaps a detective noir mystery or exploration of an abandoned alien civilization puzzle game.

  • aa-jv a month ago

    Oh, yes please, won't someone do this!

    And don't forget to include a Stanislaw Szukalski component, or even, dare I say it .. a level exclusively for him.

    In spite of his utter nuttiness (his racist views are easily discarded as nonsense) .. I find his artwork extremely compelling.

    I would love to play a video game derived from his works - a massive Rooster of Gaul to explore? Hell yeah. Gimme!

trgn a month ago

architecture parlante was a terrible influence on architecture. buildings became to conceived as sculptures. fine for mausoleums perhaps, which are useless anyway, but horribly contrived for anything else.