adiabatichottub 4 hours ago

I'm very curious about the jump obfuscation. Maybe somebody who's done more reverse-engineering can answer this for me:

  a) Are unconditional jumps common enough that they couldn't be filtered out with some set of pre-conditions?

  b) It seems like finding the end of a function would be easy, because there's a return.  Is there some way to analyze the stack so that you know where a function is returning to, then look for a call immediately preceding the return address?
Apologies if I'm wrong about how this works, I haven't done much x86 assembly programming.
  • russdill 4 hours ago

    Unconditional jumps are very common and everything in x86 assembly is very very messy after optimizations. Many functions do not end in ret.

    • jychang 2 hours ago

      How do functions that not end in ret work?

      • ngneer 16 minutes ago

        If compilation uses jmp2ret mitigation, a trailing ret instruction will be replaced by a jmp to a return thunk. It is up to the return thunk to do as it pleases with program state.

      • DSMan195276 an hour ago

        In addition to what others said, I'd simply point out that all 'ret' does on x86 is pop an address off the top of the stack and jump to it. It's more of a "helper" than a special instruction and it's use is never required as long as you ensure the stack will be kept correct (such as with a tail-call situation).

      • duskwuff 2 hours ago

        The return is somewhere before the end of the function, e.g.

            do stuff
            if some condition: return
            do more stuff
            goto loop
        Alternatively, the function might end with a tail-call to another function, written as an unconditional branch.
      • to11mtm 2 hours ago

        My gut (been a while since I've been that low level) is various forms of inlining and/or flow continuation (which is kinda inlining, except when we talk about obfuscation/protection schemes where you might inline but then do fun stuff on the inlined version.)

      • jcranmer 2 hours ago

        There are things like compiling a tail call as JMP func_addr.

        • frogsRnice an hour ago

          Would you not have to use a jump instead of call for it to be a tail call at all- ie otherwise a new frame is created on each call

  • phire 3 hours ago

    Yeah, should be easy enough to filter these particular jumps out. It's an obfuscation designed to annoy people using common off-the-shelf tools (especially IDA pro)

    Most obfuscations are only trying to annoy people just enough that they move on to other projects.

    • ackbar03 an hour ago

      What are off the shelf tools/methods people use now? Ida was pretty standard goto when I was into RE

      • mahmoudimus an hour ago

        Not much has changed, except there are more entrants. Binary Ninja, Ghidra, radare (last two being open source). For debugging, there's x64dbg. Some use windbg and gdb (for non windows os), but it still is mostly IDA as king though the others are catching up.

        I evaluated entering the space by building something with AI native however, the business case just didn't make sense

monkburger 13 minutes ago

As long as you can read and write to memory, you will never stop online cheating in FPS games.

shj2105 4 hours ago

Where did you learn how to do this? I would love to learn more about understanding half of what this article said but I don’t know how to start.

  • josephg 29 minutes ago

    I learned a lot of this stuff ~15 years ago from reading a book called Reversing: Secrets of Reverse Engineering by Eldad Eilam. The book is old but amazing. It takes you through a whole bunch of techniques and practical exercises. State of the art tooling has changed a bit since then, but the x86 ISA & assembly more generally hasn't changed much at all.

    One of my biggest takeaways was learning about "crackmes" - which are small challenge binaries designed to be reverse engineered in order to learn the craft. They're kinda like practice locks in the lockpicking community. The book comes with a bunch on a CD-ROM from memory - but there's plenty more online if you go looking. Actually doing exercises like this is the way to learn.

    You don't start trying to reverse engineer COD. You build up to it.

  • andrewmcwatters 4 hours ago

    Dang, I'm old. I was going to say hang out in Gamedeception, but apparently it's been gone for years!

    greetz to readers of Unknowncheats,, etc.

    • jorvi 3 hours ago

      Yoo haha Unknowncheats, now there's a blast from the past.

      Milworm (milw0rm?) also got me started back in the day.

    • therein 3 hours ago

      I used to frequent for all things non-steam back when I operated non-steam CSS servers.

      UnknownCheats is also absolutely amazing for cheat development. Back when I was writing undetected kernel cheats for my own experimentation purposes, I learned so much there.

      • andrewmcwatters 3 hours ago

        I made my lifelong best friends hosting non-Steam servers, and writing the first cracks in Lua to generate fake Steam IDs from IP addresses.

  • b8 2 hours ago

    The is a good resource.

mahmoudimus 3 hours ago

I have been doing a bit of reverse engineering on a popular Horde/Alliance based MMO game and it follows almost the exact same steps (including the FNV32 export hashes). It almost seems very similar as I have seen it employ very similar tricks. I wonder if it's packed using the same protection?

  • roflmuffin 3 hours ago

    The source 2 engine also uses fnv to hash the schema (basically entity properties)

  • 2c2c2c 3 hours ago

    would make sense to reuse warden for Activision IP post merge

SheinhardtWigCo an hour ago

Phenomenal piece of research. Clearly this is not the author's first rodeo :)

andrewmcwatters 4 hours ago

Signature scanning is indeed the hot shit.

It's like the most addicting part of reverse engineering to me. Building signature lists, and then writing bindings to scripting languages to call those function pointers.

It's also the foundation of how many third-party mod platforms work, because you need to build a meaningful API to modders that isn't exposed by the first-party.

  • Cyph0n 3 hours ago

    No idea what signature scanning is, but found this resource for those curious:

    • landr0id 40 minutes ago

      Signature scanning is just scanning for unique bytes from a compiled function that will remain consistent across builds. You search memory for those bytes and when you find them, you find the function you're interested in.

      Here's an example from some shellcode loader I wrote:

    • c0balt an hour ago

      From my limited experience, it refers to the act of reverse engendering the function (signatures) contained the code of a binary.

      A binary, like the underlying code, has commonly used code split into functions that may get called in multiple places. These calls can be analyzed either through static analyzers or by a human, who may analyze context of the callsite to guess what each Arg is supposed to do/be.

      For modding, e. G. in a single player game, one might want to find out where the engine adjusts the health points of a player or updates progress.

sas41 2 hours ago

Cheating in multiplayer games has become such a huge problem, it has destroyed trust across every major FPS.

I am a long time CS player, but I did briefly play one of the new CoD games, before they went crazy with Nicki Minaj skins and bong-guns.

A person was so convinced I was cheating, they started doing OSINT on me while still in a match, and they found my old UnKnOwNcHeAtS account as some kind of proof that I am cheating (that account was 12 years old by that point).

I abhor cheating, and I have a lot of interest in computer science, so of course I wanted to see how all of it works and did my research during my youth, taking care to never compromise the competitive integrity of the games I played, but if you look around, there is not a single game that I can recommend to people anymore.

Games like Escape From Tarkov are so busted, cheaters are stealing the barrels off people's guns and crashing their game/PC on command.

My beloved counter-strike's premier competitive game mode has a global leaderboard that acts as a cheat advertisement section within the game.

Games like Valorant are a cut above the rest on account of their massively invasive anti-cheat, but are nowhere near as clean as most fans claim, I mean, you could write a cheat for the game using nothing but AHK and reading the color of a pixel.

There is a whole industry of private matchmaking for counter-strike, built solely on the back of their anti-cheat and promises of pro-level play to the top players.

EDIT: I found the screenshot, it was MPGH not UnknownCheats, but yeah, they also had a game ban on their account.

  • NekkoDroid 29 minutes ago

    The game I probably have the most hours in is Overwatch. In that time I've encountered not enough cheaters (at least those that are noticable enough) to say that they are even remotely a problem. I don't know what they are doing, but they don't use a kernel-mode anti-cheat (to my knowledge).

    • kachapopopow 13 minutes ago

      You simply don't notice since overwatch cheats tend to be very advanced. They also have a really strict system around reports and players actually use it.

  • aalimov_ 29 minutes ago

    EFT also uses kernel level anti-cheat “Easy Anti-Cheat” (as invasive as what valorant uses (vanguard)). Don’t know why ETF implementation sucks.

    I’ve been on CS since 1.3, and i think their system is pretty good. Sure you get cheaters sometimes, but it’s not that bad, maybe I’ve been pretty lucky.

  • bloudermilk 15 minutes ago

    Cheating is such a bummer in CS, even in casual matches. Luckily it’s usually pretty obvious and you can either kick the cheater or find a better lobby. Having friends on there has made finding good lobbies in general much easier

  • enjoylife an hour ago

    We’re seeing a clear divide where both competitive gamers and hackers are retreating into their own ecosystems, away from public matchmaking. Public matchmaking has simply become too optimized/lucrative to sustain trust or meaningful competition. Private matchmaking and closed communities are thriving, raising the average skill ceiling in competitive. Similarly, hacking communities are evolving with easier forms of payment and distribution. The monetary aspects are huge. But most importantly, both cultures push each away. Your persona of someone who plays with integrity and crosses the competitive and hacker mentality is pretty much gone.

  • sodality2 15 minutes ago

    If you are serious about CS and reach 10-15k elo, you could give Faceit/ESEA a chance - invasive, but essentially 100% cheat-free.

  • kurisufag 12 minutes ago

    fwiw, cheating in CS(GO) taught me x86 RE and low-level programming way younger than is usual. sophomore year of high school.

    I still recommend writing an HvH cheat to anyone that wants to get into proggin' -- you get a taste of both static and dynamic RE, memory-level programming, UI development, bare dxsdk (usually), a skid-saturated environment, sysadmin (if you try to set yourself up an uber1337 cheat page), and a bunch of other little things, all in an environment where you're quite directly competing with others in the same situation.

  • Dalewyn an hour ago

    I disagree that cheating "has become" a huge problem, it was always a huge problem.

    I can't remember a single multiplayer game that didn't have cheaters of some form or another. None. Zilch. Zero. It's kind of why I never grew beyond playing MMORPGs, and even that passion ultimately died out.

    • Salgat 7 minutes ago

      Back in the old days, before even xbox, online play was almost exclusively on computers on privately hosted servers, so you had mods actively banning anyone who gave any hint of cheating.

      • Dalewyn 4 minutes ago

        That doesn't refute my point, though; probably supports it, even. Private server owners went scorched earth in ye olde days because cheating was (and still is) a huge problem.

monkburger 12 minutes ago

As long as you can read and write to memory, you'll never stop cheating in multiplayer games.

  • CobrastanJorji 6 minutes ago

    Sure, and that's why there's more and more "trusted" hardware to try and get computers to a place where their users cannot read and write to or from their own memory.