Ask HN: Why do people love older game so much?

5 points by jickes a month ago

Games didn't have a lot of sustenance back in the day. I'm talking Atari-early NES era. People online will tell me they would play all day and night. However how would you even play a game like asteroids ALL day?

When I ask someone in person they always tell me they would play for like 30 minutes with friends then go outside. I feel the exact same way as someone who loves old games. I cannot pick up an atari game for more than like 20 minutes tops.

Is this just nostalgia? I know these games were all you had at the time but they really just kinda.. Boring? I completely understand that that is really all they could fit on a cartridge at the time but that doesn't change the facts that the games get boring very fast. This is from someone who grew up around n64 era and even then i find myself struggling to play a lot of n64 era games.

LinuxBender a month ago

For me it's less about older and more about simpler. Sometimes I just want to take the brain out of my head and set it somewhere to get some rest. Older and some indie games are just a fun way to pass some time without really thinking, for me personally. Sometimes I will fire up Mahjonng to pass some time. There's no commitment, no social aspect, nothing complicated. It just feels like it gives the simplest part of my brain a snack.

theandrewbailey a month ago

My philosophy on this:

Different people may have different preferences and tastes in things. Playing a specific old game may be nostalgic for someone, but for others, it might be comforting, or maybe some other reason. I might not understand it, but I don't have to, but you just have to respect it and let them enjoy what they like. I undoubtedly have my own idiosyncratic gaming selections that others may or may not align with.

taylodl a month ago

20 minutes before getting bored? That's about what I remember. I never understood those who could play those games for hours. Zork OTOH...

  • jickes a month ago

    Yea infocom games are the shit. I still play them from time to time.