xenova a month ago

It took some time, but we finally got Kokoro TTS (v1.0) running in-browser w/ WebGPU acceleration! This enables real-time text-to-speech without the need for a server. Looking forward to your feedback!

  • amelius a month ago

    Now that's what I call "server-less" computing!

  • deivid a month ago

    Amazing! I'm interested in models running locally and Kokoro seems amazing. Are you aware of similar models but for Speech to text?

  • sebastiennight a month ago

    This is brilliant. All we need now is for someone to code a frontend for it so we can input an article's URL and have this voice read it out loud... built-in local voices on MacOS are not even close to this Kokoro model

    • satvikpendem a month ago

      There are a few already, I assume MacWhisper will add it. That being said, I am also working on a (crossplatform, in Flutter) UI for this.

      • sebastiennight a month ago

        My understanding is that MacWhisper is a front-end for Whisper.cpp so... it does Speech-to-text? (transcribing what you dictate)

        Here I'm talking about the model shared in this thread, which is text-to-speech (reading out loud content from the web)

        • satvikpendem a month ago

          Yes, I am saying they might include features for TTS in addition to their current STT feature set. Seems like many of these sorts of apps are looking to add both to be more full fledged.

waynenilsen a month ago

Incredible work! I have listened to several tts and to have this be free and in complete control of the customer is absolutely incredible. This will unlock new use cases

I made https://app.readaloudto.me/ as a hobby thing and now it could be enhanced with a local tts option!

moralestapia a month ago

This is great but far from real-time.

(I get the joke that for some definition of real-time this is real-time).

The reason why I use an API is because time to first byte is the most important metric in the apps I'm working on.

That aside, kudos for the great work and I'm sure one day the latency on this will be super low as well.

itishappy a month ago

Sounds terrible on Chrome with an AMD 5700XT.

Sounds great on Chrome with an Nvidia 1650Ti.

Sounds great on Chrome on a Pixel 6.

Sound like being bitcrushed. Maybe a 64 vs 32 bit error? Solid results when working.

  • ASalazarMX a month ago

    Ubuntu 24.04 LTS. Works great on Firefox, on Chromium audio files are silent, even when downloaded and opened with a media player.

    Edit: Sorry, it was a problem of my specific audio setup, it works equally well on Chromium.

SubiculumCode a month ago

Kokoro gives pretty good voices and is quite light...making it useful despite its lack of voice cloning capability. However, I haven't figured out how to run it in the context of a tts server without homebrewing the server...which maybe is easy? IDK.

C-Loftus a month ago

Fantastic work. My dream would be to use this for a browser audiobook generator for epubs. I made a cli audiobook generator with Piper [0] that got some traction and I wanted to port it to the browser, but there were too many issues. [1]

Is there source anywhere? Seems the assets/ folder is bundled js. In my opinion, there's a ton of opportunity for private, progressive web apps with this while WebGPU is still relatively newly implemented.

Would love to collaborate in some way if others are also interested in this

[0] https://github.com/C-Loftus/QuickPiperAudiobook/ [1] https://github.com/rhasspy/piper/issues/352

Asmod4n a month ago

Sounds horribly in chrome with an amd gpu, why is that?

  • mdaniel a month ago

    Are you somehow implying that everyone in the AI arms race believes that only CUDA exists?! /s

    But, in a more serious tone: the story that I hear about AMD GPUs is that they are, in fact, shittier because AMD themselves give fewer shits. GIGO

    • CyberDildonics a month ago

      What is this comment saying? You think the results are different just because of AMD hardware? If there is a difference it would be a software bug.

      • dragonwriter a month ago

        Everyone in the space only caring about (and therefore testing on) Nvidia/CUDA as suggested in GP is exactly why a software bug that seriously impacts results but only effects AMD GPUs would get through into released software very easily.

        • CyberDildonics a month ago

          That would be a webgpu bug or an AMD bug, not a bug in this software.

realsid a month ago

Amazing ! This is my first time witnessing a model of such prowess run in browser. Curious about quantization and webml

yawnxyz a month ago

holy cow, how did they get the OpenAI voices like Alloy and Echo, generated in-browser and sounding 99% the same?

this is astounding

djeastm a month ago

Fyi I tried this on my Galaxy S21 with both Brave and Chrome browsers and just got screeching noises in the audio

  • mewse-hn a month ago

    the mere idea of voice software's error mode being uncontrollable screeching is the most hilarious thing to me

scarface_74 a month ago
  • C-Loftus a month ago

    WebGPU actually generates the speech entirely in the browser. Web Speech is great too, but less practical if the model is complicated to set up and integrate with the speech API on the host.

    • scarface_74 a month ago

      I don’t understand. From what I can tell, it’s natively supported on all modern browsers and on Windows, Macs, iOS and Android

      • moron4hire a month ago

        The implementation of the Web Speech API usually involves the specific browser vendor calling out to their own, proprietary, cloud-based TTS APIs. I say "usually" because, for a time, Microsoft used their local Windows Speech API in Edge, but I believe they've stopped that and have largely deprecated Windows Speech for Azure Speech even at the OS level.

        • scarface_74 a month ago

          Just to be clear, are you really saying that speech with text to speech is server hosted and not on device for Windows?

          You could do text to speech on a 1Mhz Apple //e using the 1 bit speaker back in the 80s (software automated mouth) and MacinTalk was built into the Mac in 1984. I know it’s built into both the Mac and iOS devices and run off line.

          But I do see how cross platform browsers like Firefox would want a built in solution that doesn’t depend on the vendor.

          • moron4hire a month ago

            If the application is still using the deprecated Microsoft Speech API (SAPI), it's being done locally, but that API hasn't received updates in like a decade and the output is considerably lower quality than what people expect to hear today.

            Firefox on Windows is one such application that still uses SAPI. I don't know what uses does on other operating systems. Like, on Android, I imagine it uses whatever is the built-in OS TTS API, which likely goes through Google Cloud.

            But anything that sounds at all natural, from any of the OS or browser vendors, is going through some cloud TTS API now.

            • asqueella a month ago

              I’m pretty sure that built-in TTS on Mac and iPhone is local (and has been for ages).

scarface_74 a month ago

Any luck with getting this running on iOS 18.2.1 running Safari? I have tfe WebGPU feature flag turned on (Settings -> Safari -> Advanced) and I’ve tried a few other WebGPU demos successfully

  • jasonjmcghee a month ago

    Loads for a while then crashes for me. Guessing too much RAM usage

butz a month ago

Generating audio takes a bit, but wow, 92MB model for really decent sounding speech. Is there a way to plug this thing into speech dispatcher on Linux and use for accessibility?

BlueUmarell a month ago

Does anybody know if the results can be saved to file, or the results somehow retrieved?

fallinditch a month ago

Brave browser and Samsung Galaxy S22 ultra - gives horrible screeching noises

  • magicalhippo a month ago

    Firefox on Samsung S21, worked fine albeit slow, around 20-25s for the demo text.

    Quality sounded good compared to a lot of other small TTS models I've tried.

    • nnadams a month ago

      Yeah this only worked with Firefox on my phone. All other browsers generated a screechy noise instead.

rado a month ago

Crashes the iPad Safari tab

  • oliwary a month ago

    Worked on my Pixel 6a, albeit quite slowly (~30s for 4s audio). Still really impressed.

    • darkwater a month ago

      Yep, same here. Pixel 6a and Firefox, it takes a while but it sounds pretty good

  • zamadatix a month ago

    Mobile Safari (includes iPad) does not like to dish out large amounts of memory.

    • dindresto a month ago

      Same on macOS Safari (Sequoia, Safari 18.3, M3 Pro, 18gb RAM)

bentt a month ago

Sounded perfect for me. Brave/Win11/3090

koinedad a month ago

Crashes on iPhone safari