Financial Data API provides stock market data, company fundamentals, alternative data, and much more. You can get end-of-day or intraday market data, examine company financial statements and ratios, access insider trading, institutional trading, or earnings release data. Additionally, you can explore alternative data to uncover unique investment opportunities. Over 20 years of historical data available, including information on 15.000+ stocks, 20.000+ funds, 2000+ ETFs, 13.000+ OTC securities. The data is regularly updated.
Your API only provides the ticker as the identifier, which makes me think either you have survivorship bias or aren’t tracking things appropriately. Tickers are delisted and recycled all the time. Do you provide a more industry-standard or custom reference ID as an option?
No, not only. If you had studied the documentation more closely, you should have seen that you can also query using a CUSIP number, an ISIN number, or a central index key.
This question is, which exchanges? The answer is only US-listed companies it seems. US-listed companies' data is already widely available so this isn't useful to me. Would be interested if other exchanges might be on the roadmap.
The exchanges would be mainly CBOE, NYSE, NASDAQ, OTC. Yes, mostly it is US-listed companies. Thank you for your proposal, we will add this to our to-do list.
Financial Data API provides stock market data, company fundamentals, alternative data, and much more. You can get end-of-day or intraday market data, examine company financial statements and ratios, access insider trading, institutional trading, or earnings release data. Additionally, you can explore alternative data to uncover unique investment opportunities. Over 20 years of historical data available, including information on 15.000+ stocks, 20.000+ funds, 2000+ ETFs, 13.000+ OTC securities. The data is regularly updated.
Your API only provides the ticker as the identifier, which makes me think either you have survivorship bias or aren’t tracking things appropriately. Tickers are delisted and recycled all the time. Do you provide a more industry-standard or custom reference ID as an option?
No, not only. If you had studied the documentation more closely, you should have seen that you can also query using a CUSIP number, an ISIN number, or a central index key.
Are there any other services to compare this to in terms of quality, features and pricing?
It seems eerily similar to Are the two sites affiliated ?
no, they aren't
Which countries? All?
publicly traded US and international companies
This question is, which exchanges? The answer is only US-listed companies it seems. US-listed companies' data is already widely available so this isn't useful to me. Would be interested if other exchanges might be on the roadmap.
The exchanges would be mainly CBOE, NYSE, NASDAQ, OTC. Yes, mostly it is US-listed companies. Thank you for your proposal, we will add this to our to-do list.
We don't have it at the moment, we will add it in the near future.