Ask HN: How can I get my 7-year-old started with web development?

12 points by johnz 6 days ago

I started my career as a front-end developer, almost twenty years ago, and have been doing the EM thing for the last 10 or so years.

My 7 year-old really enjoys understanding how things work and building physical things. Today I asked her if she wanted to try writing code and she lit up.

What resources, tools, services, etc do other parents recommend to help me and my daughter started?

For those who have introduced kids to programming, what resources, tools, or services would you recommend to help me and my daughter get started?

thorin 6 hours ago

I think I did something like that creating a couple of pokemon card type layouts in html where you could change the pics. In my day we often typed programs in from books/mags and then changed stuff. Maybe you could create a simple web layout and let them change names, colours and all that stuff.

My kids both did scratch from an early age at school maybe 6-7.

I think my son would be kind of interested in minecraft modding or creating fortnite games, better to make/do something like that that relates to their interests. If they like birds make a wildlife detector etc!

To be honest I've not got massive amount of enthusiasm for this kind of stuff but would support them if they were interested!

enhdless a day ago

I don't understand why all these comments are against web dev. Creating an html file is quick, easy, and most importantly for kids, you instantly get visual results! You don't even need to open ugly terminal consoles, you could just use something like JS Bin ( or JSFiddle or CodePen.

I used to volunteer with CoderDojo, a non-profit that hosted intro to coding workshops for kids of all ages (including 7-year-olds). Maybe you can find something like that local to you? I don't know if the organization still exists, but this is one of the lesson plans we used, which I think still holds up today (except the last part, you don't need jQuery anymore lol):

I also came up with my own workshop as a follow-up, specifically about creating fun shapes with css:

I remember the kids also enjoyed trying out Inspect Element on existing webpages – I joked that you could pretend to change your grades to A+'s (temporarily of course), though hopefully grades are not of concern to a 7-year-old yet :)

31337Logic 6 days ago

Oh. Not gonna lie, but my first reaction reading this was one of sadness and heartbreak. :-(

  • DLA 6 days ago


codingdave 6 days ago

For a 7 year old, I would not start with coding. Start by showing her the dev tools in the browser. She'll have a blast changing the text, colors, and layouts of web sites. If she is like my kids were at that age, she will laugh at everything she can change, while also gaining the knowledge you said she enjoys - understanding how things work.

If she is still interested once she understands what a web site really is made of, then teach some basic coding. There are plenty of resources for that, being a decent one that has already broken it down into age-specific lessons.

giantg2 a day ago

Don't start with web dev. I would start with something more organized and interactive. Maybe python since there are lots of kits.

fdlaks 2 days ago

Don't start with web development if your kid is just interested in learning more about how computers work or writing some code. As others have said there are a lot of beginner friendly tools that teach fundamentals better.

Different story if your kid explicitly wants to make something on a website

pull_my_finger 3 days ago

I came across this one[1] from a group that had more professional tools available (PineGrow and VueDesigner). Never used it, but seems to be aimed at your use case. Never used it, but worth a try if you're interested in something to help your kid get started.


rahimnathwani 2 days ago

You asked about web development, so feel free to ignore this comment.

I wouldn't start with web development. Octostudio is going to be more fun to start with, and it's going to expose more fundamental stuff (e.g. conditionals and loops).

brudgers 5 days ago

Your child wants to spend time with you.

So sit them on your lap and spend time together.

It is not about the programming.

Good luck.

__d 6 days ago

My son and I tried a couple of things.

Scratch and its "block coding" ilk are one path. The good bit is that writing simple game-like things is easy: the UI stuff is very accessible.

The bad bits are that the ceiling is very low: you can only do so much before you grow past the platform; that it doesn't do anything other than simple UI games (and some turtle-ish robotics) very well; that it's very hacky -- you don't learn any good habits in Scratch; and that ultimately, you're going to have to leave "block coding" behind, and make the switch to "line coding" (as they seem to call it).

We moved from there to PyGame, which expanded the possibilities a little, but not a lot. It enables some better habits, but doesn't really encourage them.

We tried GameMaker and its myriad variants. That opened up better game creation abilities, but it's still a long way from doing anything that's "wow" compared to what they see other people doing.

We tried Roblox Studio, which was possibly the best route in terms of results for effort invested. But it's a lot of work for a kid to deal with.

Minecraft Education Edition wasn't worthwhile. We actually had more success with a mod-making tool for Java Edition that did all the code generation for the game interface based on filling out some forms in its UI. We could add Java code to extend that, but the learning curve was pretty steep. Still, adding new blocks and simple mobs was fun for a while, and easier than Roblox or full-blown Unity or whatever.

My son basically lost interest in trying to make games when he realised how much work went into making anything that he was proud to show his friends. 3D modelling, physics, music, sound effects, level design, etc, etc, all on top of the basic coding. Making something that he felt looked ok and moved ok and did something ok took a lot of work, and was nowhere near a playable game. A 2D NES-style game was about the peak of what he could do: sprites, collisions, scoring, levels .. which, tbh, he could also do in Scratch, so it wasn't really worth the effort to achieve something that was cute, but wasn't going sustain his or his friends' interest.

These days he does a bunch of HTML and CSS, and little bits of JavaScript. His interest is mostly in making web sites and publishing mostly text and some basic 2D images, and he finds that easy enough to do.

He uses GitHub to keep history (and sometimes to revert to early versions), and I set up a script that pushes the site to the server so he doesn't have to remember the command-line magic.

He found Code Camps were worthwhile: not as useful as 1-on-1 time would be, but still, a few days hacking on something with a bunch of like-minded other kids and an instructor who can answer questions -- they gave him a lot of confidence to try stuff, and to master the material, even if he wasn't really stoked with the outcomes.

AutistiCoder 6 days ago

Are you looking for self (child) directed or nah?