skwee357 a day ago

I found that most online communities around solopreneruship tend to split in two major groups: the wanna-be-preneurs who only ask a bunch of generic questions, and the people who promote their products/services.

Your best bet is to connect with individual people, such as myself, or find people in your geographical area. Feel free to drop me an email (contacts details in my profile) if you are interested to talk with a solopreneur who have no interest to sell you anything.

iainctduncan a day ago

Problem is they all get overrun with single-owner online businesses that just sell marketing advice and services to single-owner businesses. Every one I've ever checked out has a short half life before becoming a hustle-shuckter cess pool. Basically you need to make your own semi-private one.

quintes a day ago

I joined a couple of the founder/ build in public / startup communities on X but it’s just a load of questions - which of good- or chit chat about cursor AI built this last night or here is my app

So value from a social perspective but depending on purpose may not get what you want out of it.

yieldcrv 2 days ago

I think reddit maybe, r/llc and some small business ones

maybe FIRE (financial independence, retire early) ones, but those are mostly penny pincher communities with frugality that has no concept of end

bogleheads follow a philosophy but also just like to make money in any compliant way possible