alexgolive 3 hours ago

My favorite is Fahad Karim, his generative art has a very cool style:

  • ericyd an hour ago

    Whoa, he did the album art for Shubh Saran's album Hmayra, I love that album!

WillAdams 4 hours ago

May I piggyback here?

What software tools are used for this sort of work?

I'm aware of/have tried:

- Processing (as well as

- Nodebox

- OpenSCAD (and its derivative PythonSCAD which allows using Python in it)

EDIT: and METAPOST/Asymptote/TikZ which I forgot to mention

What other tools would folks recommend?

Bjorkbat 2 hours ago

I'm going to add a bit of a left-field contribution since his work is less generative coding more mathematics and geometry in general, but it has inspired me when it comes to generative coding. I'm assuming the works he's done which are printed rather than painted were created in such a way not too dissimilar from creating coding.

Anyway, Clark Richert (, see also MCA's page on him as well

smugglerFlynn 2 hours ago

Great resource to explore new fine art photography projects and artists is LENSCRATCH

But have you explored all of the old ones yet? Magnum has excellent courses, each is a rabbit hole of references and inspiration: (personally working through the Alec Soth one atm)

Regarding photobooks, the best way by far is to visit your local brick and mortar book store for a photography section, or find local community place / coffee shop that has these available. Just pick whatever catches your eye! I know some libraries also provide access to photobooks, should be a good resource if you have one nearby.

vaidhy 2 hours ago

Shameless self plug.. but my favorite artist is myself. My photography journey is documented here -

Most of the photographs are around Seattle and focused on wildlife and landscapes.

  • jgehrcke 10 minutes ago

    You have some really nice shots there, even with the rare wild dog!

    Jumping on the shameless plug train here -- just a few days ago I decided to finally show some of my photography on Instagram (for those of you that still use it):

    I have a deep passion for photography but had so far not put effort into an online presence. Here I intend to publish only the besties from many years of putting myself out there with mostly a fixed focal lens at 135 mm (f/1.8).

spike021 3 hours ago

for photography, I really enjoy Benjamin Beech from Japan. he does a lot of work for tourism associations there, for instance:

There’s also Adrien Sanguinetti. He’s also based in Japan but honestly I really just enjoy his street photography videos. He does an excellent job narrating while wearing an action cam how he composes his photos. What types of compositional elements he uses. etc. His youtube:

I don’t think my street photography would’ve really taken as much form as it has if not for watching his videos.

afpx 4 hours ago has a lot of great curated collections, and it's a rabbit hole.

Similar with Highlight:

Here's a guy I found recently that I like:

NFTs are interesting. When they were originally hyped up, I didn't see the point when you could just save the work. But, I've learned to understand them more as 'signed' copies. Also, there's pride in knowing that you sponsored someone before they became known.

Finally, I love generative art. I'm a huge fan. But, too few works appeal to the human condition, and they're often just algorithmic designs.

  • kiririn7 4 hours ago

    i really like the idea of nfts (despite not owning any) but i feel like there is a problem with the current implementation, i imagine they will be big in the future but not in their current form. humans want to show off their things to get status from them(expensive cars, expensive game items(csgo)) with nfts there is no real way to show them off, the closest thing was profile pictures. im not sure of a good way to solve this, i think zuck said something about putting nfts in your metahouse

akharris 4 hours ago

On photography, in no real order, and probably overweight on street photography.

- Henri Cartier Bresson - Joseph Koudelka - Gordon Parks - Phil Penman - Alan Schiller - Annie Leibovitz - Micha bar Am - Bruce Gilden - Steve McCurry - Constantine Manos - Dorothea Lange

bag_boy 4 hours ago

Generative art - I produced a collaboration with Gee’s Bend, Anna Lucia, and the Artist Rights Society.

It’s called “generations.”

It was a pretty crazy project that took 2+ years to produce.

Anna is really talented. The Gee’s Bend quilters are some of the finest artists in America.

tristor 15 minutes ago

By far my favorite photographer to study and learn from is Ansel Adams. Part of why is not just that I like his photographic works, but that he approached photography in a technical way that was unusual at the time and invested significant effort in documenting and writing about his approaches.

The entire Photography Series is worth reading (but the edited books re-released in the 80s, not the originals), but book 2, "The Negative" that focuses on the Zone System Ansel codified based on prior work by Fred Archer is really crucial reading for a strong technical understanding of how camera exposure works in a scene with a wide dynamic range. This is critical when working with film, especially medium format and large format films, but is also helpful to produce much better images even with modern digital cameras. While things have consistently gotten more forgiving and thus easier for photographers, having a really strong technical understanding of the principles of light and how cameras expose film/sensor is still one of the most useful things you can learn as a photographer, even as an amateur.

Going in a completely different direction, I also think Simon d'Entremont is a photographer worth paying attention to. He's a professional wildlife photographer and Youtuber who has invested a lot of effort into simplifying the techniques and technicalities that come with using digital cameras. He has an understandable approach, a high level of technical competence (e.g. what he says is correct and opinions are clearly stated as opinions). By learning the core technical principles of photography and then adding onto it the specifics of digital photography, it can make any photographer better, both from the perspective of the images they capture and from the perspective of how they get there (e.g. learning a "feel" for exposure settings for a given scene).

Completely separate from the technical aspect, I think Annie Leibovitz might be one of the most important photographers to pay attention to in the last 50 years. She has a deep understanding around the art of storytelling through photography, and ultimately a strong photo is not just one that is exposed perfectly for the scene and captures the full dynamic range and makes the best use of light. It's one that captures something interesting and tells a story about it. Nobody does this better than Annie. Both in her portraiture and her photojournalistic work, she captures subjects in a way that truly emphasizes the meaning behind "a picture is worth a thousand words."

I have no opinions around generative coding, but I consider myself a "good" amateur photographer, and these are three photographers I've studied in depth to try to understand and build my own style and increase my technical competence and the quality of my outcomes. Also, not for nothing, both Ansel Adams and Annie Leibovitz preferred a Contax rangefinder for much of their work (although Ansel is most famous for his large format work done with a view camera). It's sad Contax doesn't exist anymore, I'd loved to have seen how they would have come into the digital/mirrorless age.

mft_ 3 hours ago

The artist that springs to mind right now is Amy Goodchild.

  • zellyn 5 minutes ago

    +1 to Amy Goodchild. Also Murilo Polese.

opto 4 hours ago

I love the early generative artists:

- Frieder Nake

- Vera Molnar

- Manfred Mohr

More recently people like Casey Reas, who developed the language Processing, Jared Tarbell (, and Anders Hoff ( are the people I'd look at. Hoff works in Lisp if that's your thing.

For a place to look at the history of generative art, the best resource is still

seaports 3 days ago

Check out The Poet Engineer – Amazing work in Touchdesigner

Adrig 2 hours ago
iamacyborg 4 hours ago

Gregory Crewdson

Benoit Paille

Anders Hoff

Davide Quayola

Robbie Barrat